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Rontee Latu

Comm 1010
Mr. Reiher

Short Paper #3
Speakers Name: Junior Vaivaka
Event/Occasion: Sunday School/ LDS Church
Location: LDS Church
Date: 10/22/17
Topic or Title: Pride

1. Class size of about 25

2. Junior is the assigned Sunday school teacher and we have it every Sunday
3. That Pride is a misunderstood sin
4. It honestly got a lot of our attention because pride seem like a good thing, and hes always
enthusiastic when he speaks so his introduction is always good and we understand what he is
about to speak about.
5. It was mainly topical because he related it to other events or topics to explain it but I was able to
follow. He related it to when him and I worked to together as an example and how his pride got
him in trouble in a situation and then talked about another event with a football game.
6. Stories such as the story with him and I working and he felt that he was better than what he was
doing and chose not to do it.
7. There were not any visual examples.
8. Yes, he asked how we felt about pride and then directed us to a scripture.
9. Due to time it was cut short so he kind of finished it early and his conclusion was rushed.
10. His delivery was great cause he is always energized and I honestly feel like he does not need to
improve really.
11. His speech was good if he had more time to be able to present it all and not try to get some of the
main points out it would be a great speech.

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