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Jake Weist

UWRT 1103-004
11 October 2017
Weekly Writing 8 Hello from the Other Side: Reflection as a Life Process
After reading, Hello from the Other Side: Reflection as a Life Process, by Julie Cook, I
am more acquainted with how to properly do a reflection. A reflection is something that we do
all the time in life, whether we realize it or not. In Cooks essay she emphasizes that, and she
gives an example from her childhood having to do with her mean brother scolding her for not
learning grammar and spelling quick enough. She also gives a comical example from the TV
series Friends. When Cook says, We have to be willing to examine and work with the writer as
much as, or even more so, than we work with the writing, I think that is something that
resonated with me. I think that in order to really reflect on a work, we need to reflect on who
the writer is and understand why they wrote the things that they did. As I prepare to do my
reflection on our Holocaust Research Project, I need to remember who I am as a writer and why
I wrote things the way that I did.

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