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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Thomas Girolamo Date: 10/13/17

Period(s): 1 & 8 School: Roger L Putnam Vocational-Technical High School
Lesson #: 5 of 6 Facilities: Outdoor Grass Area
Class Size: 20-24 Grade: 12
Unit/Theme: Golf Generic Level: Utilization/Proficient
Equipment: 8-10 Seven Irons (lefty and righty), 15-20 large wiffle balls, 10-16 cones,
First Aid Bag with Walkie Talkie, 5 hula hoops
Focus of Lesson: Golf Course with Larger Wiffle Balls with Score Card

Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National # ; MA CF # ;

Task/Activity # )
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P) Demonstrate the full swing, half swing, and chipping stroke when hitting the wiffle
ball on the golf course by choosing the correct swing path to use before each shot.
(National #: S1.H1.L1; MA CF#: 2.17; Task/Activity#:Golf Course Practice)
(C) Identify what a stroke in golf is by writing the correct amount of strokes and total
score on the scorecard and hand it into Mr.G at the end of the lesson. (National #:
S2.H1.L1; MA CF#: 2.17; Task/Activity #: Closure)
(A) Follows safety protocols by treating the equipment with respect as well as listening
to the commands and instruction of the teacher throughout the entire lesson. (National
#: S4.H3.L1; MA CF #: 2.26; Task/Activity #: Entire Lesson)
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teachers Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Make sure to explain the layout of the course so no students are confused which
direction they are hitting the ball.
2. Make sure to give detailed demonstration of how to play a hole in golf in front of each
student so no miscommunication will occur and every student will understand the
lessons objective.

Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
1. Ensure that all the students know that when a person is hitting, they should not be
near him or her so they do not get hit by the golf club.
2. Also make sure that students do not all go to their wiffle balls at once, but instead
allow the person who is furthest from the hole to hit then advance to their ball if they
are next up.
References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)
Courtier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S., National Standards and Grade Level Outcomes
for K-12 Physical Education. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Il. 2014 (p.21)

Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks, Oct 1999


0-3 min Locker Rooms: Students will go SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

get changed then come out to the
gym ready for the teachers T
instructions and line up in ABC
order for attendance.

3-7 min Transition: After attendance, the

students will follow Mr. G out to
the coned off area of the grass
and wait for further instructions.

7-10 min Warm Up: X X

Quick static stretches for
10 seconds each (Stress
that the stretch should go
until the person is T
comfortable, not until he or
she feels pain):
- Right Arm Across
- Right Above the Head Pull
- Left Above the Head Pull
- Right Leg Pull Back
- Left Leg Pull Back
- Arm Circles small and big

10-15 min Introduction:

- Focus of the day: Golf
Course with Larger Wiffle
- Start and Stop Signals:
Start signal will be ready
go and the Stop signal will
be 2 whistles.
- Safety: Stay inside the
boundaries during the
class period and listen to
the teachers instructions.
- A Stroke is how many X X
hits it takes the person to SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
get the wiffle/golf ball from
the tee box and finish with
the ball in the hole.
- The Tee Box is where the
hole starts and will be
represented by two cones
of the same color as the
hula hoop.
- Each person will start the
hole by teeing off or
hitting their first shot in
between the two cones.
- Only one person should be
standing in or on the tee
box at once, the others
should give the student
space so they are out of
- Once everyone tees off,
the next person to hit the
ball should be the person
who is furthest away from
the hole. That person will
address their ball while the
other students make sure
to be in line with the
student but not next to him
or her.
- To finish the hole, that
person must have their ball
land in the hula hoop area
and stay in it. (If it rolls out
slowly, we will ask for
honesty but that will count)
- No one should go to the
next hole until everyone in
their group is done.
- (Linked at the bottom)
- Every person in the group
will write their name on the
scorecard in order to know
where to write their scores.
- After every hole, one
person from each group
will ask each person how
many strokes they had on
that hole and will write it
down. (Course organization attached
- The scorecards will be at the bottom)
passed into Mr.G at the
end of the period as
15-16 min evidence that the students
understood how the
purpose of the scorecard
16-32 min as well as understood the
concept of the stroke.

Transition: Mr.G will have the

students get into groups of 3
(there will be a one group of 2).
These groups will be the groups
the students travel hole to hole
with. Mr.G will then lead into a
demonstration with Ms.Garvey on
how to play a hole before getting
the students to start.

Golf Course Practice:

- Mr.G and Ms.Garvey will
demonstrate the first hole
of play in front of the
students so they
understand the rules with a
hands on approach.
- After that, Mr.G will hand
out irons and a large wiffle
ball to each student. (make
sure each person in the
group has a different
colored ball) Once
everyone has their
equipment, each group will
go to a different hole and
wait for Mr.G to say start.
- During this practice, there
will be three Par 4s and
two Par 3s. With the
difference in distance, the
students will have to
practice all three shots
they have learned in the
previous lessons.
- Each student will keep
their own strokes, and
Mr.G will check in with
each group to see how
they are doing.

Extension Up: Have students who

are excelling switch out the larger
ball for the small wiffle ball make
the shots more difficult.
Extension Down: If a student is
struggling, have them not worry
about their strokes but instead
have them just focus on the
process of how to get to the hole
and make sure they understand
the rules.

32-33 min Transition:

Have the students bring in the
irons and wiffle balls to the
equipment bag and have them
stay for a quick closure.
33-35 min Closure/Wrap-Up: S S S S S S S S S S S
- Students will hand in their S S
scorecard to Mr.G for S S
cognitive evidence T

35-43 min Transition: Mr.G will lead the

students back into the school and
have them go into their locker and
change for class.
Putnam Country Club

Par 3 4 4 4 3
Hole # 1 2 3 4 5 Total



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