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Feed, Nutrition, Feeding

Nutritional Biology in Farmed Fish

Nutritional Aspects Marine Fish Larvae

Feed Resources Feed Technology

Metabolism and Uptake of Carotenoids in Farmed Fish

Olai Einen1), Henriette Alne1), Barbara Grisdale-Helland1),2), Stle J. Helland1),2), Gro-Ingunn Hemre3),
Bente Ruyter1), Stle Refstie1),2) and Rune Waagb3)

1) Akvaforsk The Institute for Aquaculture Research AS, 2) Aquaculture Protein Centre,
3) NIFES (Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research)

Nutritional Biology in Farmed Fish

Correct nutrition of farmed fish is vital to cost-effective production of healthy,

high-quality food. Feed is the greatest single cost in fish farming, and as efficiency
increases, feed costs become even more important. With the quantities produced
by the aquaculture industry today, relatively small changes in feed composition
and feeding regimens can generate substantial benefits. Many aspects of the
appetite of fish and their ability to utilise feed for growth are still unknown. The
demand for development of more cost-efficient feed means that we have to gain
a fundamental understanding of the nutritional needs and tolerance limits of
farmed fish. There are increasingly new requirements for feed and raw materials
for feed, creating a great need for research in nutritional biology. As more species
are becoming relevant for aquaculture, it is important to build specialised exper-
tise, as the needs and preferences of each species can vary greatly. For this reason
comparative nutritional studies have been done in recent years. The Norwegian
Research Councils Aquaculture programme, which has now been concluded, has
placed particular focus on salmon and cod;, this is reflected in this chapter.

200 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

This chapter presents new knowledge in nutri- over the significance of the variation parameters
tional biology relating to feed composition, in experiments and their effects on feed utilisa-
feeding regimens, absorption, metabolism and tion.
fish health. Atlantic salmon and cod are dis-
cussed in particular, as these species have been Differences between species?
the focus of projects on nutrition carried out Are there differences in the feed intake between
under the Aquaculture programme during the species under the same conditions? This ques-
programme period. Results from these projects tion was studied in an experiment that com-
have been included, as have results from strate- pared feed intake and growth in salmon,
gic institute programmes and projects funded rainbow trout and cod; the groups had the same
by the Fishery and Aquaculture Industry Re- starting weight (450 g) and the same environ-
search Fund (FHF) for which the Aquaculture mental conditions. The feed intake was highest
programme has been responsible, or in which it in the salmon and somewhat lower in the trout,
has taken part. Subjects such as gene-modified while the cod only consumed half of the aver-
raw materials, contaminants, pigmentation and age intake for salmon and trout. When compar-
larval nutrition are discussed in separate chap- ing the three species, we observed that the cod
ters in this book. partly compensated for its lower feed intake
with greater nutrient utilisation. However, the
level of nutrient utilisation was not high enough
Feeding and feed intake to account for the differences in growth related
The growth potential of fish differs from spe- to the appetite of the fish. It was expected that
cies to species, but is highly dependent on tem- nutrient digestibility would be somewhat re-
perature, size and genetic origin. The degree to duced in the cod when the feed intake was in-
which this growth potential is realised is highly creased. This was demonstrated in salmon, but
dependent on feed intake and on how well the the effect on cod was marginal. A comparison
feed has been adjusted to the nutritional needs of feed utilisation results from several experi-
of the fish. Maximum growth is usually ob- ments with Atlantic halibut, cod, salmon and
tained when the fish are fed until the point of trout indicates that this parameter is relatively
satiation. In earlier years, it was difficult to similar in small fish (Figure 1). It appears, how-
accurately measure feed intake in nutritional ever, that there are differences between the spe-
experiments in tanks and net pens, and it was cies when fish of different species, but the same
even more difficult in practical fish farming. In weight, are compared in the same experiment.
recent years, feed intake measurement has be- In the comparison of trout, salmon and cod
come a standard routine in many nutritional ex- mentioned above, the feed utilisation was 30
periments, and has proven to be a useful tool. 40 per cent high in the cod than in the salmon
Feed intake is quantified by measuring the and trout (Figure1; centre ellipse). There were
amount of feed given, minus the accumulated no differences in feed utilisation between the
feed waste after the fish have been fed in surplus salmon and the trout in this experiment, but
(1020 per cent overfeeding). In practical fish other experiments indicate that salmon utilise
farming, feeding surveillance systems based on feed 2030 per cent better per kg growth than
video, sensors or collection of feed waste have trout (Figure 1; left and right ellipse).
been implemented. This has given better control

Theme: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 201

Feed conversion ratio





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Mean weight in experiment, g


Figure 1. Feed conversion ratio in farmed fish of different sizes; ellipses represent values from the same experiment.

How does energy content in the feed Vegetable protein ingredients contain a high
affect the feed intake? percentage of indigestible carbohydrates (30
To compare the effect on feed intake caused by 50 per cent) in the form of oligosaccharides and
the energy concentration in the feed, rainbow different fibre fractions, giving a lower concen-
trout, salmon and cod were given two different tration of digestible energy in the feed. In experi-
feeds one feed with a medium energy level ments with rainbow trout and cod it has been
and high protein level (22.6 MJ and 60 per cent shown that the fish can compensate for the
protein) and one feed with a high energy level lower energy level in the feed by increasing the
and medium protein level (24.9 MJ and 53 per feed intake. In some experiments with cod, the
cent protein). The feed intake in the salmon and proportion of gastrointestinal tract to body
trout was higher with high-energy feed than weight has increased as a consequence of long-
with medium-energy feed, but the cod con- term use of soybean meal in the feed, whereas
sumed about the same amount of each of the other experiments have not revealed the same
two feeds. It seems the salmon and the trout tendency. It has also been shown that cod digest
regulated the feed intake so that the protein in- vegetable protein better than salmon. The
take per kg fish for the two feeds was the same. growth rate in both cod and salmon is sustained
The cod, however, did not show any obvious re- because the fish compensate for poorer diges-
sponse to the energy or protein levels in the tion with higher feed intake. This leads to re-
feeds, consuming about the same amount of duced feed utilisation when the percentage of
both feeds. vegetable protein in raw materials increases, i.e.
a higher feed conversion ratio and lower reten-

202 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

tion of protein and energy. Cod seem to be more Do high energy feeds give the same
flexible than salmon and trout in adjusting feed results in salmon and cod?
intake and sustaining good digestion of low- As mentioned above, differences in feed intake
cost vegetable raw materials in the feed. were found in salmon, rainbow trout and cod
that were given feeds with a medium or high
How often should the cod be fed? energy content. In this comparison of the three
Feeding regimens are important in fish farming species, no difference was found in the salmon
in order to optimise the feed intake of the fish in and the trouts retention of amino acids (per-
relation to feed utilisation and fish growth. centage of the intake of amino acids) when
There has been much discussion on how often given a medium energy and a high energy feed.
cod should be fed, and whether feeding fre- However, the cod, the fish fed a high energy/
quency affects feed intake and fish growth. In medium protein diet retained 45 per cent more
an experiment where young cod were held at a essential amino acids than the fish fed a me-
water temperature of 8C, no significant differ- dium energy/high protein diet with. In this ex-
ences in growth were found between groups periment, the salmon retained 17 per cent more
that were fed to satiation every day and groups of the digested energy than the trout, while the
that were fed until satiation every other day. retention of digestible energy in the cod was no
Moreover, the feed conversion ratio and liver different than in the other two species. The
index were not affected by the various feeding comparison between the three species showed
regimens used in this study. that the cod retained on average 14 per cent
more of the digested protein than the salmon,
and 34 per cent more than the trout.
Feed composition
In recent years, there has been increased aware- What is the optimal feed composition for
ness of the scarcity of marine raw materials cod?
such as fish meal and fish oil. There is no longer An experiment with Atlantic cod (from 200 to
a feed quota regime in Norway for salmon approx. 850 g) showed that growth was nega-
farming, which gives greater opportunities for tively affected by low protein and high starch
using new raw materials in feed. This, in turn, concentrations in the feed. The fat content,
gives rise to a new demands for knowledge however, had no significant effect on growth.
about the nutritional needs of fish and their util- Feed utilisation was improved by increasing the
isation and conversion of each nutrient. Good amount of fat and protein in the feed, while it
feed utilisation is a prerequisite for good was reduced by increasing the concentration of
growth, and is also related to a high retention of starch in the feed. One challenge with farmed
protein and fat in salmon. It is important to note cod is unwanted deposits of fat in the liver,
that feed manufacturing companies have carried which raises the liver index (liver weight to
out a considerable amount of unpublished re- body weight ratio). The liver index rose with a
search on feed composition in order to develop higher content of fat in the feed, and fell with a
new feeds and feed concepts; this is not dis- higher content of protein. The level of starch in
cussed here. the feed, however, had an insignificant effect on
the liver index. The conclusion is that in order
to obtain good growth and protein retention,

Theme: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 203

avoid a high liver index and achieve low feed the feed can, without problem, contain >200 g
conversion ratios in young cod, the feed should fat/kg feed and <120 g starch/ kg feed. There
contain according to the results in this experi- were no advantages gained by increasing the
ment 500600 g raw protein/kg feed, 130200 protein level to over 510 g/kg feed.
g fat/kg feed and <150 g starch/kg feed.
Should the feed be adjusted to the
In another experiment in which cod were al- season?
lowed to grow from 125 to 250 g, growth was Large seawater salmon have a seasonally deter-
not greatly affected by feed composition. Four- mined rhythm of energy use from feed in rela-
teen different feeds, containing 4560 per cent tion to their own energy depots. These natural
protein, 1027 per cent fat and 521 per cent seasonal rhythms are also found in farmed
starch, were compared. Feed utilisation was, as salmon which are fed year-round according to
in the experiment above, reduced when the con- appetite with a well-balanced feed, even when
centration of starch in the feed was increased. continuously exposed to simulated daylight.
Feed utilisation was improved when the amount The salmon become leaner in spring and grow
of protein in the feed was increased; however, extensively in the summer and autumn, accu-
the results indicated that this improvement only mulating large lipid deposits. Due to the annual
continued until a certain level of protein in the variation in salmon body energy stores, we
feed was reached. The liver index rose from 7 to aimed to discover if, by manipulating the
13 per cent when protein was replaced by fat in energy density of the feed contrary to the
the feed. The liver index fell when there was a salmons natural annual rhythm (i.e. by feeding
higher content of ash in the feed. The conclu- the fish a lipid-rich spring feed and a lean
sion in this experiment was somewhat different autumn feed), we could achieve more uni-
from the experiment above; in order to obtain form fillet quality year-round.. If such feed
good growth and feed utilisation in young cod, could guarantee invariable fillet quality, it

9000 Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)
Control 0
1000 Sesong
Season Spring
Vr Sommer
Summer Hst
Autumn Vinter
start spring
vr sommer
summer hst
autumn vinter


Figure 2. The Direct group was given feed that varies with the marine raw materials protein-energy composition (P/E).
(The raw material was filleting waste from herring.) The control group was given feed with a constant P/E ratio. The
Season group was given an energy-dense spring feed and a lean autumn feed. The figure to the left shows growth
development with samples taken in March (start), May (spring), August (summer), November (autumn) and February
(winter). The Season group was almost half a kilo heavier than the Direct group after one year in the sea. The figure to the
right shows FCR values (g dry feed eaten/g growth) for the three feeding groups: Direct, Control and Season, measured in
the period March-May (spring) June-August (summer), September-November (autumn) and December-February (winter).
Red=Direct, yellow=Control, blue=Season.

204 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

would have a competitive advantage on the retention was achieved in summer by feeding a
market. This group was given the acronym Sea- lipid-rich (44 per cent) feed with a medium
son A second group of triplicate sea cages were amount of protein (44 per cent). There were
fed a diet that was the opposite of the Season also differences in growth rate between dietary
diet. This diet was designed to be lean in spring treatments during the various seasons. Total
and lipid rich in autumn, following the natural growth throughout one year of feeding was
variation in energy deposits in herring catches. from 1.7 to 7.6 kg for the fish in group Season.
This group was given the acronym Direct. Her-
ring trimmings were used as a major source of
lipids and protein in the diets. The control diet Digestion and absorption
did not vary in composition throughout the four Knowledge about how the digestive system
seasons, corresponding to a high-energy salmon works and how different nutrients behave in the
feed with a composition similar to that of a gastrointestinal tract is critical to optimising the
commercial feed. The control diet was included utilisation of new raw materials in feed. There
in order to compare data from the experimental are also significant differences between species;
situations against data from a normal situation. for example, Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout
The fish were fed according to appetite, two have short gastrointestinal tracts, whereas cod
meals a day until satiation. There were slight have a considerably longer one. In recent years,
differences in growth in the course of a year; several studies have generated new knowledge
however, the fish fed the Season diet were 0.5 in this area, and are a result of, among other
kg larger on average compared to the fish fed things, newly developed methods which makes
the Direct diet. Feed utilisation also varied such studies possible.
throughout the year (Figure 2). The results illus-
trate that when salmon are fed according to ap- Digestion of proteins
petite, they adjust their intake of energy and In fish the majority of amino acids are absorbed
protein themselves. For fish farmers, the mea- from digested protein as di- and tri-peptides ac-
surable differences related to production data tively transported through the membranes of in-
first and foremost concern the amount of feed testinal cells. Oligo-peptides are furthermore
necessary to achieve the same growth. It is pos- substrates for enzymes aminopeptidases in
sible to use less feed by giving fish energy- the intestinal mucosa. It appears that young fish
dense feeds in the spring and summer, when the can grow almost normally when amino acids
diet richest in energy gives the best feed utilisa- are provided in the form of dipeptides, contrary
tion compared to the two other diets. In spring to when they are provided as free amino acids.
the feed conversion ratio (FCR) varied from Hence, the need for amino acids in young fish
0.58 to 1.18, and in summer it varied from 0.83 can be determined by using feeds in which lim-
to 1.12. The control diet was utilised better than ited amino acids are provided in the form of di-
the Season diet during spring, but worse during and tripeptides as substrate for specific peptide
summer. The salmon showed the highest transporters. This also has consequences for op-
growth rate in the fall; this was also the season timisation of the amino acid profile in feed for
during which dietary energy levels did not af- fish larvae with incompletely developed diges-
fect feed utilisation, within a variation in fat tion channels (see separate chapter).
levels of 2744 per cent. The highest protein

Theme: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 205

Figure 3. Methodology for studies of uptake of fat in the intestine and liver. In recent years, a method for quantifying fat
in the intestine and liver has been established. Thin cuts of intestine and liver tissue are stained with toluidine blue and
alcaline fuchsine. Afterwards the drops of fat appear with a green colour against cytosol, which appears violet or pink
under light microscopy. The fat can thus be quantified by digital image analysis. The method has proven to be useful for
studying how water temperature and fat content in feed affect deposition of fat in the intestine and liver. (Photo: A.

Anti-nutrients from vegetable protein raw mate- tion in the mucous membrane of the hindgut of
rials present challenges with regard to distur- Atlantic salmon. At the same time, the activity
bances in the digestive processes. In plants of enzymes in the intestinal mucous membranes
these substances are a heterogeneous group of of the brush border is reduced, depending on the
structural components and/or chemical de- amount of soybean meal in the feed. Active
fences against herbivores. Anti-nutrients are transport of amino acids into the enterocytes de-
therefore often found in low-refined vegetable creases, and the activity of cytosolic enzymes in
ingredients, for example soybean meal, an inex- the intestinal mucous membrane is reduced,
pensive and easily accessible protein source. which indicates reduced super nuclear forma-
Soybeans and other legumes contain proteins tion of vacuoles and therefore reduced absorp-
which bind themselves covalently to the active tion of intact macro molecules (proteins) by
sites in pancreas proteases such as trypsine and endocytosis. All in all, this will reduce the fishs
chymotrypsine. In vitro experiments have ability to digest and absorb proteins. This seems
shown that phytic acid (myo-inositol-6-phos- to be due to an increased exchange of cells in
phate) also inhibits the activity of both cationic the intestinal mucous membranes surface as a
and anionic salmon trypsine. Moreover, these response to the intestinal inflammation. The in-
anti-nutrients inhibit the proteolytic activity in testinal mucous membrane of the fish is strong-
the intestinal contents, which in turn leads to in- ly folded, but has no villi.
creased loss of proteases through the faeces.
This shows that high levels of soybean meal in With soya in the feed, the number of proliferat-
the feed leads to depletion of enzymes contain- ing cells on the surface of the folds increases.
ing granules in exocrine pancreas cells in rain- These immature cells have reduced function be-
bow trout. Soybean meal also contains cause of a lower number of functional proteins
unidentified anti-nutrients that cause inflamma- (enzymes, transporters etc.) in the apical cell

206 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

membrane and/or other glucosylation profile in tine and transport to different tissues. The pyloric
membrane-bound receptors. caeca area appeared to be the most important
area for absorption of both short and long
Corresponding intestinal changes were not chained fatty acids, but longer fatty acids were
found in cod in an experiment in which the fish absorbed in more parts of the intestine, including
were given feed with up to 44 per cent soya and large parts of the middle intestine. Both short and
maize gluten. Plant protein mixtures up to 44 long chained fatty acids were principally drained
per cent did not affect the capacity for enzym- from the intestine via portal blood, and trans-
atic hydrolysis of protein and absorption of ported directly to the liver. In the liver, the fatty
amino acids in any part of the cod intestine, but acids were incorporated into lipoproteins before
did reduce the digestibility of fat and led to in- further transport. Significant amounts of the long
creased microbial activity and changes in chained fatty acids from the feed were directly
microflora in the intestine. Reduced digestibili- deposited in visceral fat depots.
ty of fat with vegetable proteins in the feed was
also observed in salmon. When partly digested fat is incorporated into
the enterocytes, it has to be reassembled into
Digestion, intake and transport of fat triglycerides before it can be transported to the
Despite the fact that todays commercial high- organs. A concrete question studied during the
energy feeds can contain up to 40 percent fat, programme period was whether fish have a high
little is known about how the various fatty acids activity of monoacylglycerol acyltrasferase
from different sources affect the absorption pro- (MGAT), the pathway of re-synthesis of triglyc-
cess along the digestive tract. Furthermore, erides after the fat has been digested in the in-
little is known about how different fatty acids testine and absorbed. Initially, it was assumed
are converted in intestinal cells (enterocytes) that the fish could have two mechanisms for
and thereafter transported in lipoproteins to dif- synthesis: the MGAT pathway and the glycerol
ferent tissues, to be used for combustion, meta- 3-phosphate (GPAT) pathway. The MGAT
bolic conversion and/or storage. Increased pathway is very fast, demands little energy and
knowledge in this area is especially important is dominant among mammals. The alternative
because new dietary fat sources will be used to GPAT pathway is energy-intensive and rela-
a greater extent in commercial feeds. tively slow. The problem with the MGAT path-
way is that it requires a partly digested
There is little knowledge about how lipids are triglyceride, 2-monoacylglycerol (2-MAG), as
transported from the fishs intestine to the tissues the first building block. Earlier studies have
where they are to be utilised. Therefore, one ob- shown that fish possibly do not have the diges-
jective has been to obtain a fundamental under- tive enzyme that creates 2-MAG, but probably
standing of absorption of fat in different parts of have a less specific enzyme which creates all
the intestine and further transport of fatty acids kinds of products. Thus, it was also considered
with different chain lengths to different tissues in a possibility that the MGAT pathway was not
salmon. By feeding salmon with isotope-marked active in fish. A partial characterisation of the
fatty acids of short (C10) and long (18:1) chain enzyme MGAT (+DGAT) from salmon micro-
lengths, it has been possible to follow the fatty somes did, however, show that the enzyme was
acids absorption into various parts of the intes- very active in the intestine. A further compari-

Theme: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 207

son of the two alternative pathways of synthe- tinal lumen and fixed bacteria associated with
sis, using entire intestinal segments, also the intestinal epithelium in a number of farmed
indicated that the MGAT pathway is far more species, among them salmon and cod. The fixed
active than the alternative GPAT pathway. It is bacteria are associated with the viscous car-
also possible that these two pathways of synthe- pet of hydrated mucines which are excreted
sis have different functions in the cells. Further- from the intestinal epithelium to protect the sur-
more, it was shown that the fat from the diet can face of the enterocytes against the intestinal
be used directly for creating phospholipids in lumen. For the time being, it is unknown to
the enterocytes (CPT), probably for direct use what degree intestinal flora contribute to micro-
in the lipoprotein synthesis, but also for direct bial digestion in fish.
incorporation into membranes. Therefore, this
makes the enterocytes very vulnerable to The intestinal flora in fish are sensitive to stress,
changes in the composition of the diet, and antibiotics and changes in feed composition. It
symptoms of badly balanced fat mixtures will has been shown that different types of oils and
often first manifest themselves here. There was, protein meals affect and change the intestinal
however, little that indicated that the composi- flora in fish. Low stability in the microflora
tion of the diet had any effect on the activity of might have consequences for the fishs resis-
these enzymes (MGAT, DGAT, CPT). tance to disease, as it can result in the growth of
pathogen bacteria which damage the intestinal
It is known that the fat from the liver is princi- epithelium at the expense of neutral and/or
pally transported in lipoproteins in the blood of favourable bacteria (for example, lactic acid
the fish, but there is not much knowledge about bacteria). Pathogens may also be absorbed
synthesis, secretion, transport, reception and re- through the intestinal mucosal membrane by
moval of the different lipoproteins. To provide endocytosis, as shown in salmon with electron
improved analytical tools for identification and microscopy. This indicates that the intestine is
quantification of lipoproteins at the apo-lipo- one of the main routes of infection in fish.
protein and lipoprotein levels, NIFES has de-
veloped polyclonal antibodies against HDL and The use of molecular methods for characterisa-
VLDL from salmon. A method for quantifica- tion of the micro biota in fish and how it is af-
tion of vitellogenine in salmon plasma has also fected by feed and water environment will
been developed. therefore be important. This will pave the way
for a more correct use of raw materials in feed,
Intestinal flora as well as for promoting the growth of favour-
Like other animals, fish have bacterial flora in able microflora through feed or water (probiot-
the intestinal channel. This micro biota consists ics) as a prophylactic measure.
of aerobe, facultative anaerobe and obligate
anaerobe bacteria, but the composition varies
with age, nutrition and water environment. The From intestine to muscle and fat
amount of bacteria increases along the intestine tissue: conversion of nutrients
and most is found in the distal part of the intes- When the feed is digested and absorbed, the nu-
tine. Using electron microscopy this has been trients are distributed via the blood to the liver,
shown with both transient bacteria in the intes- muscles and other tissues. Here the nutrients are

208 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

deposited, combusted or metabolised into other high-quality protein source grow more rapidly
substances, which in turn can be excreted and show both increased synthesis and in-
through the gills or urine, or transported back to creased degradation. In other words, they have
the intestine. The way in which and the efficacy a higher total metabolism of protein than slower
with which the different nutrients are converted growing individuals. Synthesis of protein costs
are important to feed utilisation, growth, health the same for the two types of fish, but the fish
and the quality of the final product. The access to that retain more of the synthesised protein have
nutrients often controls the expression of genes a net gain which is higher than the fish that has
which are essential to the metabolism of nutri- a higher decomposition rate.
ents, such as enzymes, growth factors and factors
that are important for the fish immune system. Previously, there has been little research done on
how the amino acid balance affects the growth
Protein metabolism process in fish. Protein metabolism, and with it
In the body of fish, synthesis and degradation of growth, is modulated by a series of nutrients
protein is ongoing. Most studies show that pro- which behave as individuals or through interac-
tein synthesis increases together with increases tions with other nutrients or hormones. Interac-
in protein intake, up to a maximum level (de- tions occur when one nutrient directly affects the
pendent on genetic, environmental and nutri- utilisation of another nutrient, either on an ab-
tional conditions). The linear proportion which sorptive level or on a cellular level. This can have
is found between protein intake and synthesis is a positive or negative influence on fish growth.
explained by the fact that the feeds amino acids
stimulate protein synthesis to different degrees. Results from experiments have shown a correla-
By measuring feed intake and protein synthesis, tion between the concentration of polyamines in
it has been found that approximately 7080 per muscle and growth. The polyamines spermidine
cent of a measured growth variation can be ex- and spermine are growth-regulating compounds
plained by variation in feed intake. The degra- that are related to cell division. These are syn-
dation rate of protein will also strongly affect thesised from the amino acid arginine, but the
the growth rate; it is uncertain whether this is process is also dependent on a form of the
dependent on feed intake. Some individuals amino acid methionine. The amino acid lysine
grow rapidly, while others grow slowly with the can give reduced availability of arginine. An
same amount and type of feed. Thus, in the imbalance in content and availability of argin-
aquaculture industry there is the potential for ine, lysine and methionine in the feed can there-
selective breeding of individuals with both a by affect the growth process in fish. Inclusion of
high growth rate and good feed utilisation. Rap- more than 16 g lysine per kg feed in an experi-
idly growing individuals seem to store a larger mental feed based on wheat gluten gave re-
share of the synthesised protein than individuals duced growth, most likely because of the
with a lower growth rate. When protein meta- lysines effect on arginine metabolism. Taurine
bolism is measured in order to investigate the in salmon feed has to some extent resulted in
quality of a protein source, it is necessary to improved growth and feed utilisation as long as
give standardised amounts of feed and energy the methionine level in the feed is low. The
because both these factors affect the synthesis branched amino acids leucine, iso-leucine and
and degradation rates. Fish that are given a valine have appeared to have a modulating

Theme: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 209

effect on protein metabolism in fish. An imbal- need for arginine for maintenance and growth.
anced intake may possibly affect the meta- This finding also strengthens the hypothesis
bolism of branched amino acids as well as the that the urea cycle is expressed in fish larvae
protein synthesis capacity in muscle tissue, and fry, and is significant in order to remove
which in turn can affect the growth process. In ammonia, which is a toxic end-product created
an experiment with salmon, it was shown that through the degradation of amino acids. The ex-
these three branched amino acids had an inhib- periment shows the importance of developing
itive effect on each others reception in the in- experimental dry feeds for larvae in order to de-
testine, measured in vitro. termine the quantitative need for arginine and
other amino acids in the feed. Such experiments
There is little known about the need for arginine can contribute to reduced mortality and in-
and other amino acids in the feed in the early creased growth in larvae and fry in culture.
life stages of fish larvae and fry. Contrary to
adult fish, the enzymes in the urea cycle of lar- Degradation of nucleic acids is also associated
vae and fry are often measurable. This cycle with urea production in fish. In humans, overly
can, in theory, take part in producing the essen- high levels of nucleic acids in the diet can lead
tial amino acid arginine. It is therefore possible to gout. BioProtein (based on bacteria cultiv-
that the need for arginine in fry can be covered ated on natural gas) is a product with a high
by endogene synthesis. In an experiment with content of nucleic acids (approx. 10 per cent),
trout under initial feeding, feed in which the and it was therefore of interest to investigate
protein had been replaced with di-peptides (two how salmon handles such relatively large
amino acids chained together) was used. One amounts. A central enzyme in the metabolism
feed contained di-peptide arginine, while an- of these substances is urate oxidase; mRNA for
other contained no arginine. The results were this enzyme was first isolated and sequenced in
clear: trout do need arginine in the feed during several fish species. The sequence was then
initial feeding, and any synthesis of arginine in used to make a probe in order to measure the
the fry themselves is not sufficient to cover the regulation of this enzyme. These results, to-

Figure 4. A method for cultivating fat cells from fish in culture has been established to improve the understanding of
development of fat tissue and deposition of fat in fish. The method makes it possible to follow the development of fat
tissue step by step, from pre-adipocytes, which are the precursors of the fat cells, to mature fat cells (adipocytes). The
method is used in studies to see how high-energy feeds affect the deposition of fat in Atlantic salmon. Using this method,
the presence of PPAR (left), C/EBP (centre), leptin and cPLA2 is shown. The accumulated amount of intracellular lipids is a
good indicator of the degree of cell differentiation: oil red-O colours drops of lipid red (right). Results achieved using the
method indicate that the development of fat tissue in salmon is regulated in the same way as it is in mammals.
(Photo: A. Vegusdal/Akvaforsk)

210 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

gether with traditional enzyme measurements decyl-thio-acetic acid (TTA) in the salmon feed
and measurement of several metabolites, gave resulted in increased mitochondrial oxidation of
no indication that the high content of nucleic fatty acids in both the liver and red muscle as
acids was problematic for Atlantic salmon. The well as a moderate reduction of fat in the mus-
salmon responded well to the BioProtein feed, cle. By replacing up to 70 per cent of the fish
growing better than on fish- meal-based control (capelin) oil with rapeseed oil in a salmon feed,
feeds. It is possible that the nucleic acids had a the -oxidation capacity in white muscle was
positive effect on the salmons growth. increased compared to fish whose only oil
source was fish oil.
Metabolism of fat
In recent years, substantial research has been It has been proven that water temperature can af-
carried out on the consequences of and possibil- fect both the fat deposition level and the fatty
ities for using an increased amount of vegetable acid -oxidation capacity in fish. In an experi-
fat and protein sources in fish feed. The fishs ment in which the oil source was either fish oil or
ability to metabolise and, in turn, deposit fat de- soybean oil, it was found, among other things,
pends on the complex interaction of many fac- that low water temperature resulted in increased
tors, among them life span, water temperature, deposition of fat in both the intestine and the liv-
and the types of fat and protein sources used in er. Low water temperature also seems to induce
the feed. In most cases, fat is a less expensive the peroxysomal metabolism of fat in fish.
energy source than protein, and the goal is to
optimise fat metabolism in fish, so that protein Composition of fatty acids in the fish,
can be saved for muscle growth. An unwanted and product quality
effect of a high fat level in the feed is increased The composition of fatty acids in the fish large-
deposition of fat. Until now, little has been ly mirrors the composition of fatty acids in the
known about the function of fat tissue in fish, feed, which is significant for the evaluation of
even though it was proven relatively recently product quality. When fish oil is replaced with
that fat tissue has great significance for the reg- vegetable oil in salmon, the level of long-chain,
ulation of energy metabolism in mammals. Fat healthy, favourable n-3 fatty acids is reduced in
tissue produces several important regulatory the fish muscle. To avoid too high a loss of these
factors such as leptine, PPARy, adiponection, healthy fatty acids, much research has been
etc. To increase the understanding of the devel- done on stimulating the capacity of Atlantic
opment of fat tissue in fish and how it is affected salmon to produce the healthy n-3fatty acids,
by different fatty acids in the feed, Akvaforsk EPA and DHA from 18:3n-3 from plant oils.
has established a method for cultivating fat cells Among other things, it has been shown that the
from fish in culture (Figure 4). addition of both soybean oil and rapeseed oil to
salmon feed gives increased 5-desaturase activ-
Several experiments on the addition of both nat- ity, which in turn leads to increased formation
ural and synthesised bioactive fatty acids to of DHA. Even though it is possible to stimulate
salmon feed have been done to see whether the capacity of Atlantic salmon to produce EPA
these additives will lead to increased oxidation and DHA by adding plant oils to the feed, the
of fatty acids, thus the desired effect of salmon increase is not sufficient to maintain the level of
with a lower fat content. The addition of tetra- healthy n-3 fatty acids in the fish muscle. Partial

Theme: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 211

reestablishment of EPA and DHA levels in the questions regarding the health and welfare of
fish muscle can be achieved by implementing a the fish. Several diseases and production-
washout period before slaughter, during which related disorders have been proven to be pre-
plant oil in the feed is replaced by an EPA/ ventable by correct nutrition.
DHA-rich fish oil. Like the addition of fatty
acids to the feed, water temperature may also Alternative feed ingredients How do
affect the capacity of Atlantic salmon to meta- they affect health?
bolise fatty acids. A large number of experiments have shown that
a relatively high intake of vegetable oil under
It has been tested whether the flesh of Atlantic normal production conditions does not affect
salmon that had been fed a diet rich in vegetable the growth and feed utilisation of salmon to any
fatty acids had less liquid-binding properties notable degree. However, much research re-
than the flesh of Atlantic salmon fed a diet rich mains to be done on the amounts and length of
in fish oil. In studies with both small (approx. 1 time fish can be fed various types of vegetable
kg) and large (approx. 3 kg) Atlantic salmon, no oil without negative consequences on fish
substantial loss of liquid from the muscle after health, especially under suboptimal conditions
ice storage or smoking was found. However, such as fluctuating farming conditions, stress
feeding fish with vegetable oil did seem to af- and poor health. Experiments with Atlantic
fect fillet colour and lipid oxidation. Fish fed salmon have shown that substantial changes in
with fish oil have shown somewhat better the composition of fatty acids can affect the im-
colouration than fish fed with vegetable oil. On mune system by affecting phagocytotic capa-
the other hand, feeds containing vegetable oil city of macrophages and production of signal
did seem to have a positive effect on lipid substances (eicosanoids). These effects were
oxidation, which can occur during frozen stor- especially clear at low water temperatures
age, because the fish fed with vegetable oil have (5 C). It has also been proven that rapidly
a reduced content of n-3 fatty acids that easily growing salmon that were only given vegetable
oxidise during storage. Quality parameters such oil in the feed (with fish meal as the protein
as fillet gaping, texture and consumer prefer- source) had a higher frequency of cataract.
ence were not affected.
A high fat level in the blood has been proven to
be a serious risk factor for the development of
Nutrition and health in fish lifestyle-related diseases in humans, for exam-
In the growing aquaculture industry there are al- ple cardiovascular diseases and Type 2 diabetes.
ways new challenges concerning fish health and It is uncertain whether this is a risk factor in fish
fish diseases. In Norway, effective vaccines as well. Experiments have shown that the lipo-
have been developed for many diseases affect- protein secretion from liver cells is significantly
ing Atlantic salmon, thus limiting the spread of higher in salmon fed with vegetable oil than in
these diseases. Nevertheless, disease and health salmon fed with fish oil. Little is known about
problems lead to substantial losses every year. whether the composition of fatty acids in the
Aquaculture has been undergoing rapid devel- feed can affect the development of cardiovascu-
opment, and fish growth has increased signifi- lar diseases in salmon. One experiment investi-
cantly in the past decade. This gives rise to new gated the short-term effects of replacing marine

212 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

oils with vegetable oils on atherosclerosis in At- Cataract
lantic salmon. Looking at the results of this ex- Cataract is an eye disorder which appears peri-
periment, the possibility that changes in the odically in and has a high impact on Atlantic
composition of fatty acids in fish feed can affect salmon. Several nutritional factors seem to af-
the development of such disorders cannot be fect the development of cataract. Both high fat
ruled out, but more research is needed before levels in the feed and high concentrations of
any conclusions can be drawn. It is still impor- pro-oxidants such as iron, zinc and manganese
tant to keep this danger in mind when replacing have been proven to increase the frequency of
increasing amounts of the fat in salmon feed irreversible cataract in salmon. Meanwhile,
with vegetable oil, which have a lower content antioxidants (astaxanthin and vitamin C) have
of the healthy n-3 fatty acids. been proven to reduce the frequency. This indi-
cates that a balanced diet with pro- and anti-
Bone deformities oxidants will have a preventive effect against
Deformities are a problem in aquaculture, fin- cataract. The content of fat in the feed also af-
ancially and ethically. Nutrition, especially vi- fects the growth rate, and it is possible that the
tamins and minerals, seems to have significance effect of fat content on frequency of cataract
for the development of deformities. Results may be related to fast growth. There is also an
from experiments indicate that a deficiency of increased potential for oxidation in high-fat
phosphorus and zinc in periods of rapid growth feeds because of a higher content of polyunsat-
can affect bone mineralisation in Atlantic salm- urated fatty acids.
on, and thus give a higher frequency of deformi-
ties. If this deficiency is present already at start- A deficiency of the amino acids methionine and
feeding, and becomes chronic, deformities will tryptophan as a factor in the development of cata-
occur even if there is only a moderate defi- ract has long been a topic of discussion in aquac-
ciency of these minerals. Once needs for phos- ulture research. However, in recent years,
phorus and zinc are met, the deformities will be particular focus has been placed on histidine.
mineralised and become permanent. Vitamin A Several studies have shown that the optimal level
is probably a contributing factor to the develop- of histidine in the feed is often far higher than the
ment of spinal deformities in several species. assumed requirement in order to prevent cataract.
However, in an experiment with salmon eggs no
relationship was found between vitamin A sta- In an experiment, Atlantic salmon fed a com-
tus in eggs and the development of deformities mercial feed to which histidine, iron and zinc
in the growing embryo. Too much vitamin A in had been added showed a lower frequency of
the feed has, in other experiments, proven to cataract than Atlantic salmon fed a commercial
lead to abnormal development of the vertebrae control feed. It has since been proven that histi-
in several species, among them salmon. Vita- dine alone can reduce the development of cata-
min C deficiency in salmon fry gives classic ract, and very high histidine concentrations in
vertebrae deformities in the form of scoliosis the lens of the fish have been identified, which
and lordosis. Vitamin C deficiency over a short- might explain the relationship between dietary
er period of time in larger fish may also lead to histidine and the development of cataract. The
deformities; this has been suggested as the experiments that have concluded that iron can
cause of deformities in the jaw area. increase the frequency of cataract were most

Theme: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 213

likely done with feed that contained a signi- gene technology offer the potential for enhanc-
ficantly higher amount of added iron. Blood ing the fundamental understanding of fish nutri-
meal in the feed has been proven to reduce the tion, the interaction between nutrients, and the
frequency of cataract for pre-smolt, smolt and interaction between nutrients and various con-
adult fish in the sea. This is related to the natu- ditions in aquaculture. These new methodolo-
rally high content of histidine in the blood meal. gies also offer significant possibilities for
developing practical, easy-to-use tests for both
IPN raw materials and fish. To ensure that the
Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a conta- knowledge developed in nutritional biology is
gious viral disease that attacks farmed fish and utilised on a broad basis, it is necessary to
can result in serious economic losses for fish strengthen the ties between the Research Coun-
farmers. Experiments have been done to identi- cils research initiatives and research being car-
fy additives in the feed that can strengthen the ried out in the aquaculture industry, both
immune system. Among other things, it has nationally and internationally.
been found that feed with added nucleotide re-
duced IPN mortality in rainbow trout; however, Acknowledgements
there were only a small number of fish used in The authors would like to thank Sjur E. Svik
the experiment. Several experiments indicate for translating this chapter from Norwegian to
that increased access to energy for smolt in the English.
weeks after transfer to seawater, when the need
for energy is high, results in increased survival
in the case of natural IPN outbreaks after sea-
water transfer. References
Azevedo, P.A., Leeson, S., Cho, C.Y. and Bureau, D.P.,
2004. Growth and feed utilization of large size rain-
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Future challenges salmon (Salmo salar) reared in freshwater: diet and
To maintain the growth of the aquaculture in- species effects, and responses over time. Aquacul-
dustry in Norway, it is important to continually ture Nutrition 10, 401411.
Bakke-McKellep, A-.M. and Refstie, S., 2005. Alterna-
generate new knowledge that can be utilised to
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formulate optimal, cost-effective fish feeds that ations in teleost fishes. In: Cyrino, J.E.P., Roubach,
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trout, cod and Atlantic halibut. As the aquacul- tional and environmental factors on osmoregulation
ture industry develops, feeds will have to be for- and cataract in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).
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214 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

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Theme: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 215

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Aquaculture, in press.

216 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Kristin Hamre1), Ivar Rnnestad2), Jos Rainuzzo3), Yoav Barr4) and Torstein Harboe5)

1) NIFES (National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research), 2) University of Bergen,

3) The SINTEF Group, 4) Akvaforsk The Institute of Aquaculture Research, 5) Institute of Marine Research

Nutritional Aspects Marine Fish Larvae

In the course of the most recent programme period we have determined the nu-
trient content of the live feed organisms, rotifers and Artemia, which are used in
the intensive aquaculture of marine fish larvae. These were subsequently com-
pared with the nutrient content of copepods, which are the natural prey of these
larvae. Rotifers and Artemia may be particularly low in omega-3 fatty acids and
have low levels of specific vitamins and minerals. This may partly explain why
fish larvae in intensive farming grow more slowly and suffer a higher proportion
of developmental anomalies than larvae that are kept under natural conditions
and feed on copepods. We can enrich the prey species with a number of the nu-
trients that they possess in insufficient amounts, but it is still difficult to obtain a
satisfactory combination of fatty acids in Artemia. One of the goals of nutritional
research on marine fish larvae is to generate knowledge that will enable us to re-
place live feed organisms with formulated feed as early as possible in the larval
stage. However, such a development is held back by a number of factors, such as
the fact that the tiny feed particles have an extremely high rate of leaching of
water-soluble nutrients. Fat and protein, in the form in which they are normally
given to larger fish, are difficult for the larvae to digest, and thus have poor avail-
ability to their absorption processes, since their digestive tract is not fully deve-
loped. The mapping of larval development, for example the capacity for
digestion and absorption of nutrients, should take place in parallel with the
development of feeds and feedstuff raw materials with good technical character-
istics and high nutrient availability.

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 217

Cod and halibut are the main marine fish spe- duced in semi-enclosed bays. The percentage of
cies with altricial larvae (i.e. larvae that lack a deformities is currently declining, but there is
stomach) that are currently being farmed in still room for improvement. There are no reli-
Norway. Halibut have been farmed continu- able figures regarding different rates of growth
ously since the mid-1980s, while the most re- in halibut, but intensively produced juveniles
cent efforts using cod began around 2000. Work often display faulty pigmentation and incom-
on larval nutrition has been divided between plete eye migration, conditions that are obvi-
studies of live feed aimed at characterising ously related to nutrition. One important goal of
optimal nutritional content, the development of research on larval nutrition should be to gener-
formulated feeds, and research on larval biolo- ate the knowledge that will enable us to raise
gy, nutritional physiology and nutritional re- growth and survival rates and lower deformity
quirements. Developments in raising larvae rates in intensive aquaculture to levels equal to
have led to techniques of stocking in semi- those found in semi-enclosed bay conditions.
enclosed bays being abandoned and being
replaced by the adoption of more intensive
methods that employ indoor tanks and feeding Results and status
with rotifers and Artemia. This has brought a Nutritional content of live feed
number of challenges with respect to lower In the course of this and the previous pro-
growth rates and higher incidences of develop- gramme period we have gained a fairly com-
mental anomalies and deformities in juveniles, plete understanding of the basic nutritional
conditions that appear to be partly due to subop- content of several live feed organisms. We still
timal nutrition. do not know the nutritional requirements of ma-
rine fish larvae, but the nutritional content of
Cod larvae raised in intensive aquaculture grow copepods and the requirements of larger fish
much more slowly than cod produced in semi- can be used as indicators of whether rotifers and
enclosed bays. (Ten per cent per day compared Artemia contain adequate levels of particular
with up to 30 per cent per day.) There have also nutrients.
been problems of deformities in cod juveniles
produced under intensive farming conditions; Data from the literature concerning the protein
such problems are extremely rare in cod pro- content of live feeds are highly variable (e.g.
2461 per cent of dry weight in rotifers), and
seem to primarily depend on the analytical
methods employed in individual studies. Differ-
ent colorimetric methods (e.g. Lowry) have a
tendency to underestimate protein because they
are intended only for analyses of water-soluble
proteins, while live feed organisms also contain
proteins that are insoluble in water. Protein can
also be measured by first measuring the nitro-
gen content of the sample and then multiplying
it by a particular factor to indicate nitrogen con-

Rotifers. Photo: The Institute of Marine Research tent. A factor of 6.25 is usually employed, but in

218 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

fact, each individual organism has its own fac- obtain the same fatty acid composition as that of
tor, which needs to be determined by measuring copepods. This is often explained by reference
total amino acid content. This has recently been to Artemias self-metabolism.
done for rotifers, which proved to have a factor
of 4.46 and a protein content of about 40 per Artemia have low levels of thiamine, vitamin A,
cent of dry weight, irrespective of the protein iodine and zinc. However, halibut are capable of
content of their diet. The proportion of water- converting canthaxanthin, of which there are
soluble protein was about 50 per cent, and the high levels in Artemia, to vitamin A, and we es-
amount of free amino acids was between 5 and timate that feeds need to contain about 500 mg/
14 per cent of total protein. Changes in diet pro- kg astaxanthin or canthaxanthin if they are to
duced only minor changes in the amino acid meet the vitamin A requirements of halibut lar-
composition of the rotifers. As was to be ex- vae. Cod larvae, which also feed on copepods
pected, there were stable levels of protein and that lack vitamin A, probably have a similar
amino acids in rotifers because such factors are mechanism for converting carotenoids. In roti-
largely genetically determined. Such work has fers, levels of vitamin A, manganese and sele-
not been done on Artemia or copepods, so the nium are lower than in copepods and are also
precise levels of protein in these feed organisms lower than the requirements of larger fish. Roti-
are still not known. By and large, the amino acid fers contain insufficient carotenoids to enable
composition of total protein in Artemia and roti- these to meet larval vitamin A requirements. The
fers is satisfactory when we compare it with that following nutrients may be present in lower
in copepods, the amino acid requirements of amounts than in copepods, but equal to or higher
larger fish and the composition of the halibut than the requirements of larger fish: vitamin C,
larva body. thiamine, vitamin E, iodine, copper and phos-
The lipid content of the stages of copepods that
are eaten by marine fish larvae is 616 per cent Nutritional requirements of marine fish
of dry weight. In enriched Artemia it can vary larvae
from 22 to more than 30 per cent. Rotifers that We know little about the real nutritional require-
have not been fat-enriched have a lipid content ments of cod and halibut larvae. These needs may
similar to that of copepods, but after enrichment differ from those of larger fish, since fish larvae
it often lies between 20 and 30 per cent. The fat- are undergoing metamorphosis at the same time
ty acid composition of rotifers reflects that of as they are growing extremely rapidly. Neverthe-
their feed, whether it is ingested during cultiva- less, their requirements may not be as high as the
tion or in short-term enrichment, and is there- level of nutrients in copepods might suggest. The
fore easy to manipulate. Unenriched Artemia do task of determining nutritional requirements will
not contain DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, be simplified when we can design classical nutri-
22:6n-3), have a low content of EPA (eicosap- tional studies for marine larvae in order to im-
entaenoic acid, 20:5n-3) and a high content of prove our knowledge in this field.
ARA (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6), while cope-
pods contain 2040 per cent DHA, 1520 per However, some studies of the fatty acid compo-
cent EPA and <1 per cent ARA. Even if we en- sition of larvae have been carried out. It was
rich Artemia with marine fats, it is difficult to originally thought that feeds for fish larvae

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 219

should contain a high level of DHA and have a Enrichment of rotifers and Artemia with
high DHA/EPA ratio, on the basis of the fatty n-3 PUFA, free amino acids, lipid classes
acid composition of cod roe. Studies of pigmen- and micronutrients
tation in flatfish have since shown that the ratio There are two traditional methods of enriching
of DHA to EPA is not so important, but that a rotifers. In the first method, which is known as
high level of ARA and thus a low EPA/ARA long-term enrichment, we combine growth feed-
ratio has a dramatic negative effect. However, it ing with an enrichment of nutrients in which the
is important to maintain a high level of DHA in enrichment process takes place throughout the
order to ensure that this essential fatty acid is production phase. The other method, known as
available for the development of the vision and short-term enrichment, consists of modifying
the nervous system. Just what the minimum the nutrient content via a brief final feeding
level of content of n-3 fatty acids might be for phase. In this case we usually employ a fat emul-
cod and halibut larvae is still unknown, but sion to which other nutrients may be added.
>20 per cent DHA, > 10 per cent EPA and
< 2 per cent ARA should provide a good feed as There are several commercial sources of feed and
far as fatty acids are concerned. This can easily enrichment additives that yield rotifers with an im-
be achieved with rotifers, although enriching proved fatty acid profile; e.g. yeast and marine oil
Artemia is rather more difficult. or emulsions, algal concentrates and products that
consist of dehydrated cells of heterotrophic single-
Protein requirements are relatively unknown, celled organisms (Figure 1, Schizochytrium sp.,
but it has been shown that only a small propor- e.g. Algamac, Rotimac, or Crypthecodinium
tion of the protein in rotifers is utilised for cohnii, Aquagrow Advantage).
growth in rapidly growing turbot larvae. The
larvae presumably compensate for their low To enrich Artemia with polyunsaturated n-3
protein utilisation by eating more. This must fatty acids (PUFA), we usually utilise a 24-hour
also be considered in the context of the need of enrichment period, employing more or less the
fish larvae for an energy substrate, since fish same products as those used for rotifers. SIN-
larvae obtain between 60 and 90 per cent of TEFs experience is that MAROL E is an ef-
their energy from amino acid metabolism. Free ficient means of raising the DHA content of
amino acids are easily available to fish larvae
because they do not need to be digested before DHA EPA
they are absorbed. We also assume that water-
soluble protein is more available than insoluble 50

protein, because it is more available for diges- 40

mg/g DW

tion than insoluble protein. 30

It has been shown that 400500 mg/kg vitamin 10
C, which is found in enriched Artemia, and also 0
often in rotifers, will be sufficient to meet the START 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2

needs of marine fish larvae. 145x100//Kap13-fig01.eps

Figure 1. DHA and EPA in rotifers enriched with different

doses (g/ind.) of Thraustochytride cells after 24 h
enrichment at 20 C.

220 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption


Cod larva fed on rotifers. Photo: The Institute of Marine

Newly hatched Artemia. Photo: NIFES

Artemia (i.e. 42 mg/g, 25 per cent of total fatty The composition of lipid classes in live feeds is
acids; total lipids 25.5 per cent and DHA/EPA not directly related to the composition of lipid
ratio 2.3). The experience of NIFES and the In- classes in the emulsions used for enrichment.
stitute of Marine Research, however, is that tar- Rotifers enriched with an emulsion rich in wax
get-oriented Artemia enrichment is extremely esters increased their proportion of triglycer-
difficult to reproduce. The Pronova oil TG ides. Artemia also has a tendency to retain its
5010, which has a fatty acid composition simi- original lipid class composition even after 12
lar to that of MAROL E, can give Artemia a hours of enrichment with emulsions of different
DHA content that ranges between 10 and 25 per lipid classes. This is probably because phospho-
cent, even when identical emulsification and lipids and wax esters are rapidly broken down in
enrichment methods are employed. Commer- the organisms gut, and the fatty acids that are
cial fry producers also experience wide varia- liberated are incorporated into triglycerides.
tions in the fatty acid composition of their However, phospholipid enrichment may have
Artemia, even when they use the same enrich- other positive effects on the nutritional content
ment media. In the literature, values of DHA in of feed organisms, for example by increasing
Artemia enriched using emulsions tend to be their content of phosphorus and nitrogen bases
between 6 and 10 per cent of total fatty acids. such as choline, ethanolamine and inositol.
However, the adoption of heterotrophic algae in
recent years has improved both the general fatty A recently developed method of enrichment is
acid profile and the reproducibility of Artemia based on intensive short-term boosting. The
quality in both commercial aquaculture and re- method enriches rotifers or Artemia with 15 g
search. This has made faulty pigmentation less enrichment feed l-1 for 30120 minutes. When
of a problem in halibut fry production than it the feed organisms are enriched at a high feed
used to be. concentration, the gut is rapidly filled, while the
short enrichment time reduces the amount of
nutrient metabolism. The short enrichment time

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 221

also prevents the tank environment from be- the increase in individual FAA matched the
coming unduly contaminated and thus allows concentrations of the same AA in the liposomes
for higher live feed density. This method offers very well. The effect in Artemia was less pro-
new possibilities for modifying the nutrient nounced but still significant, with an increase of
content of live feed organisms. 50 per cent (Figure 3).

This new enrichment method was used in a study A combination of boosting and the use of lipo-
aimed at increasing the phospholipids and free somes for enrichment might provide a good tool
amino acids content of live feed, using liposome for further studies of nutrition and physiology
loaded with free amino acids. A new method has in fish larvae. In this regard, we can envisage a
been developed for the mass production of large further development whereby marine phospho-
liposomes with diameters of 28 m. These lipo- lipids replace soya lecithin. Another aspect that
somes are based on soy lecithin (Epikuron), ought to be investigated concerns how long
which forms a phospholipid membrane around a phospholipid and FAA levels are maintained in
solution of free amino acids (FAA). The loss of the live feed organism in the fish larvae feeding
FAA from the liposomes in seawater was 9.2 per situation, since both of these nutrients undergo
cent in the course of two hours. rapid metabolism in the feed organisms.

A large rise in the phospholipid content of roti- A number of studies have also been carried out
fers and Artemia that had been enriched with on enrichment of Artemia and rotifers with
liposomes by the boosting method has been micronutrients. Both Artemia and rotifers can
demonstrated (Figure 2). The rotifers displayed be sufficiently enriched with thiamine by add-
an increase of 298 per cent in FAA content and ing 200 mg thiamine HCl per kg emulsion.


mg PL/gr dry weight



40 74.8 73.2

20 37.2 30.4
Standard Boosting with Standard Boosting with
enriched liposome 2gr/liter enriched liposome 1gr/liter
30 min 60 min

Artemia Rotifer


Figure 2. Effects of boosting enrichment with liposomes on the content of polar lipids in rotifers previously enriched with
Algamac 2000 , and on Artemia nauplii previously enriched with DHA-Selco

222 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Rotifers enriched with Algamac 2000
Rotifers enriched with Algamac 2000
+ boosting 1 g 60 min epikuren
Individual FAA (nmol mg DM)









arg *

lys *
his *

phe *
met *


gly *

tau *





Figure 3. Effects of Epikuron-based liposome boosting on FAA content of rotifers. The liposomes were filled with a solution
of amino acids.

Iodine has been used both in its available form obtained with vitamin C and E enrichment. It is
I- (as sodium iodide) and in an oil containing possible to produce rotifers with graded levels
bound iodine, Lipiodol. Both methods offer of certain of these nutrients, opening up the pos-
good iodine enrichment of Artemia. We found a sibility of studies of nutrition in cod larvae.
linear increase in iodine concentration in roti-
fers with increasing amounts of Lipiodol added Formulated feeds for larvae
to the feed of the rotifers. Using Lipiodol for One important goal of research on nutrition in
enrichment is simpler than using water-soluble marine larvae is to generate knowledge on
compounds, but there is some uncertainty as to which to base the development of formulated
whether Lipiodol is converted to I- in the feed feeds that can be used as early as possible in the
organisms and/or larvae, thus becoming avail- larval phase. This will reduce the need for live
able for the synthesis of thyroid hormone. feed organisms, which are both labour-intensive
Enrichment of Artemia and rotifers with vita- and complicated to culture.
min A is difficult to reproduce, probably be-
cause vitamin A is unstable when it is exposed In cod farming, current practice is usually to
to light, oxygen and high temperature in the move to formulated feed at about 25 to 30 days
enrichment tank, while good results have been after hatching, i.e. at the end of the phase of

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 223

feeding with rotifers. Artemia are thus little liposomes and lipid spray beads can be used for
used at present in cod farming. Halibut are this purpose.
transferred to formulated feed somewhat later.
With financial support from the Research Coun-
Most currently available feeds are microbound, cil of Norway, Ewos Innovation and Maripro
which is to say that the components of the feed have developed two different formulated feeds
are bound together by a polymer that forms a for fish larvae; both production processes have
network within the particles. Various types of been patented. Promal, from Ewos, is based on
capsules based on alginate, chitosan or cross- marine phospholipids that encapsulate water-
linked protein are also available. Experiments soluble nutrients in order to prevent leaching
have also been carried out on fat encapsulation. and supply the larvae with what is believed to be
an optimal combination of fats. This feed is al-
The most serious bottleneck holding back the de- ready available on the market. Minipro, from
velopment of formulated feed for larvae is the Maripro, is a feed whose nutrients are encapsu-
high rate of leaching during administration, lated with the aid of a polymerising agent.
which is due to the tiny particle size, which gives
the particles an extremely high surface/volume Digestibility of protein sources used in
ratio. A test of four commercial feeds and test formulated feeds for larvae
feeds showed that 1840 per cent of the protein The digestibility of the source of protein is a de-
leached out in the course of two minutes in sea- cisive factor in determining how efficiently the
water. The leaching rate of small water-soluble dietary protein can be utilised by the fish larvae.
molecules such as FAA, water-soluble vitamins Very little is known about protein digestibility
and minerals may be as high as 90 per cent in the in fish larvae, and data based on studies of adult
course of two minutes. Leaching occurs most fish are not directly relevant because of differ-
rapidly in microbound feeds, but encapsulated ences in the digestive systems of larvae and
feeds, whose particles are often treated with wa- adult fish. Among other factors, the lack of a
ter, may suffer high rates of leaching during feed stomach at the larval stage means that ingested
processing, and micronutrients in the end prod- protein is neither exposed to the denaturing
uct may be completely leached out. Although conditions imposed by the gastric acids nor pre-
commercial feeds also leach, the production of digested by pepsin before entering the mid-gut.
cod fry with an early transition to formulated
feeds has been successful. Nevertheless, feeds Live feed, which usually contains large
with lower leaching rates would offer a better amounts of soluble nitrogen, produces the best
guarantee that the nutritional requirements of the growth and survival rates under farming condi-
larvae are met, and probably also result in im- tions. Earlier experiments on carp larvae
proved growth and survival rates. showed that higher levels of soluble protein in
the feed improved growth and survival rates. It
The latest development in formulated feeds is is possible that the soluble protein is more
the production of complex particles, in which readily available to proteases and also that it
water-soluble nutrients are encapsulated in or- may be more easily absorbed through pinocyto-
der to prevent leaching, after which the capsules sis. The soluble protein content of the source of
are incorporated into larger feed particles. Both

224 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

protein may therefore have an important influ- the form of phospholipids if they are to utilise it
ence on the digestibility of the protein. optimally, although the optimal levels of
phospholipids for cod and halibut larvae are not
The results of an in vitro study of digestion known. Phospholipids must therefore be added
showed that live feed and hydrolysed cod fillet to formulated feeds, and it is an open question
contained most soluble protein. The study was whether live feeds, which contain phospho-
based on fractionating soluble and insoluble lipids in the form of cell membranes, possess
components, which were subsequently exposed them in sufficient amount. As mentioned above,
to a mixture of alkaline proteases. The protein it is difficult to enrich live feed with phospho-
under digestion was later sampled for analysis lipids.
at various points in time. There was no anterior
gastric component (pepsin under acidic condi- Phospholipids in microdiets have been shown to
tions) in the experimental design. These exper- improve growth and survival rates in cod larvae
iments showed that the soluble fraction was when the feed is used in a dietary regime to-
consistently more readily digested than the in- gether with rotifers until around 26 days after
soluble fraction. Overall digestibility was best hatching. Larvae fed microdiets containing 40
for casein, while live feeds were also high (84 per cent phospholipids had better survival rates
86 per cent) and roe meal was lowest at 48 per than those on microdiets that contained either
cent. Meal was generally relatively indigestible, 30 or 50 per cent phospholipids. Phospholipids
even though its soluble fraction was itself high- from marine sources resulted in better growth
ly digestible. and survival rates than soya lecithin.

A preliminary stage of pepsin hydrolysis of cod Marine fish larvae have an incompletely devel-
fillet produced an increase in the soluble frac- oped gut. As in the case of protein, it may be
tion, but did not result in higher overall digest- supposed that the enzymes that digest fat have a
ibility in vitro. If increased solubility also limited capacity, and that partially digested fat
increases leaching from particles of feed, this in the form of diacylglycerol (DAG) and
could reduce the availability of protein in fish monoacylglycerol (MAG) will be more avail-
larvae feeds. able to fish larvae than triacylglycerol (TAG),
which is the form of fat usually added to feed.
The production process may affect protein di- A tube feeding experiment, in which individual
gestibility. One study showed that the protein halibut larvae were fed radioisotope- labelled
digestibility of the raw materials was higher TAG, DAG, MAG or phospholipids, showed a
than in the final feed, which had been produced rate of uptake of around 90 per cent for MAG
using a protein encapsulation technique. and 20 per cent for TAG. DAG and phospho-
lipid uptake rates were around 4060 per cent.
Effects of fat quality of feeds on growth These results show that the utilisation of fat
and survival rates of larvae and quality of added to formulated feeds is capable of being
juveniles considerably improved. We also attempted to
Lipid quality is characterised by its fatty acid enrich Artemia with MAG, DAG and phospho-
and lipid class composition. It appears that ma- lipids, but this produced only insignificant
rine fish larvae need to ingest part of their fat in changes in lipid class composition in Artemia, a

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 225

finding that has been confirmed by the results of larvae lack a food reservoir, and that the amount
other studies. of food entering into the gut is regulated only by
ingestion rates. Nor do fish larvae have the abil-
Digestive tract development in marine ity to release pepsinogen and HCl.
fish larvae
In marine fish, the digestive tract gradually de- Digestive enzymes
velops from a short, straight, simple and histo- Most of the proteolytic enzymes are produced
logically undifferentiated tube, often closed at in the pancreas and are released into the diges-
both the mouth and anal ends in yolk-sac larvae, tive tract. Trypsin levels rise throughout the
to a segmented tract in juvenile fish. The first yolk-sac stage, but after the yolk has been ab-
rapid change takes place just ahead of onset of sorbed, they fall rapidly before rising again in
exogenous feeding, when the digestive tract dif- older larvae. The fall in trypsin after the yolk-
ferentiates into three sections: the foregut, mid- sac has been used up can be explained by inad-
gut and hindgut, which are histologically and equate rates of new synthesis or possibly hun-
functionally different from each other. At this ger-induced intracellular breakdown of the
stage, gut length is often less than 50 per cent of enzyme in the pancreas. Absolute levels of
body length. The individual segments of the gut trypsin vary widely between different groups of
are separated by muscular sphincters or valves. larvae. It is still uncertain whether extracellular
With few exceptions, the gut is coiled into a digestion based on pancreatic enzymes is suffi-
loop before start-feeding. In the subsequent cient to hydrolyse proteins rapidly enough.
phase of development the surface of the gut in- Brush-border membrane (BBM) enzymes are
creases in area (thicker gut epithelium, larger located in the gut cell membrane that faces the
microvilli). During metamorphosis the foregut gut lumen. These enzymes hydrolyse peptides,
differentiates into a functional stomach cavity which are the result of cleaving by pancreatic
with acid and pepsin secretion capability. Si- proteases, into free amino acids and peptides
multaneously, the pyloric appendices also de- that are small enough to be absorbed. In halibut
velop; these increase the absorptive area of the the activity of the BBM enzyme leucine amino-
digestive tract and are important for protein and peptidase (LAP) is low and stable until about
fat absorption. Other changes in the gut take day 30 after start-feeding, whereupon it rises
place after metamorphosis; these changes in- rapidly to its maximum level at 60 days after
clude an increase in its relative length. In cod, start-feeding, only to fall somewhat again. Cod
metamorphosis is less well-defined than in oth- larvae have a stable level of LAP activity
er species and the development of the stomach throughout the start-feeding period, apart from
is very slow. a peak in activity around day 35 after start-
The liver, pancreas and gall bladder with their
outlets form as early as the egg and yolk-sac Mechanisms of absorption
stage, and are assumed to be functional by the Several quantitative studies of the ability of the
time that the yolk-sac has been absorbed. As gut to digest and absorb nutrients have been
mentioned earlier, fish larvae lack a morpho- performed in recent years. These studies have
logically differentiated and functional stomach focused on the absorption kinetics of isotope-
at the time of start-feeding. This means that the labelled whole protein and amino acids (see be-

226 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption


Figure 4. Distribution of CCK-producing cells in the gut of fish larvae (based on Kamisaka, 2005).

low). As yet, few details of the absorption pro- have been shown to play a leading role in regu-
cess are known, and efforts to characterise the lating gut movement and enzyme secretion.
molecular basis of amino acid and peptide Cholecystokinin (CCK) plays a central role in
transport in the digestive tract have just begun. regulating the liberation of bile and enzymes
The gene for the peptide transporter in the cod from the pancreas, as well as in influencing gut
gut has been cloned, and preliminary studies peristalsis and appetite control. The amino acid
suggest that this gene is expressed from start- sequence of CCK is extremely conservative
feeding onwards. To date, no sequences for throughout the vertebrates. Two types have
amino acid transporters have been published, been demonstrated in teleosts: fish CCK1 and
but two of the transporters for basic amino acids fish CCK2, and we find variations in the sixth
have been partially characterised. position from the C-terminal end.

Hormones The teleosts are a complex group, and we have

Digestion is a complex process, which we as- found distinct differences between patterns of
sume is closely controlled in larvae in order to distribution and the development of CCK-pro-
optimise the uptake of nutrients in the natural ducing cells at the larval stage (Figure 4). In lar-
environment. In adult fish, peptide hormones vae that develop from pelagic eggs and which

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 227

have a coiled gut when they begin to eat (e.g. chain lengths and intraluminal proteolytic ac-
halibut and tuna), it is difficult to demonstrate tivity, regulates CCK levels.
the presence of CCK-producing cells in the gut
until some time after the larvae have started Protein digestion, absorption and
feeding. In such species, the CCK-producing metabolism
cells initially develop in the area of the appendi- The results of in vivo experiments on fish larvae
ces and the forepart of the midgut, and are never based on tube feeding with radio-labelled amino
found in the rear two-thirds of the gut. In view acids show that FAA are absorbed two to five
of the leading role played by CCK in regulating times as fast as whole protein (Figure 5), depend-
gut functions, we may therefore ask how well ing on the type of protein concerned, species and
the digestive process is controlled during the developmental stage. Peptides appear to be ab-
start-feeding phase. In larvae with a straight gut, sorbed somewhat more slowly than FAA. So far,
such as herring and ayu, CCK-producing cells our experiments on halibut, herring and Senegal
are present ahead of start-feeding and through- sole suggest that both essential and non-essential
out the whole length of the gut. A point of inter- amino acids are absorbed rapidly and efficiently
est in this connection is that such larvae are if they are given in free form. Even if FAA are in-
easier to start-feed. We also find CCK-produc- troduced into the gut in extremely high concen-
ing cells in the brain, and during the early stag- trations, losses of intact amino acids to the
es, the amount of CCK in the nervous system is surrounding water seems to be low.
Recent data support earlier assumptions that the
Preliminary studies of herring larvae indicate ability of larvae to digest protein improves after
that CCK is involved in the secretion of trypsin. metamorphosis (Figure 6). In halibut, about 30
One study showed that the presence of proteins per cent of a protein administered via a tube was
in the digestive system led to higher levels of absorbed at the larval stage, while after meta-
CCK in larvae, while the presence of FAA did morphosis, absorption efficiency had risen to 60
not have the same effect. Higher levels of CCK per cent.
correlated with increased trypsin activity in the
larvae. In this study, the gut was also supplied About 60 per cent of the protein was also ab-
with saline in such amounts as to overfill it. This sorbed at the larval stage if it had been prehy-
did not lead to changes in the level of CCK, al- drolysed with pepsin. It was also demonstrated
though trypsin activity increased after a while. that the capacity to digest protein decreases as
This indicates that distension of the gut wall via the amount of protein in the gut increases. This
stretch receptors is not a triggering factor in the may be related both to digestive capacity and to
CCK-based regulation of trypsin release. the evacuation rate of the gut.

A higher percentage of added protein hydroly- Essential amino acids are incorporated into tis-
sate in the diet of sea bass larvae lowered sue proteins to a greater extent than non-essen-
trypsin secretion and CCK levels. Taken togeth- tial amino acids (8090 per cent as against 20
er, these data indicate that dietary protein con- 30 per cent). Non-essential amino acids tend to
tent, in combination with protein and peptide be used more as a substrate in energy metabo-
lism. This indicates that fish larvae can deal

228 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

tissue to be followed. In larvae of Senegal sole,
about 30 per cent of the amino acids in Artemia
were taken up and transferred to tissue within
an hour of being consumed. In juveniles that
had developed a stomach, around 55 per cent of
the amino acids were transferred within the
same period of time. This shows that the diges-
tion of live feed is more efficient when it is pre-
digested in a functional stomach, even though
the difference is less than might have been ex-

Effects of hydrolysed protein in the feed

on cod and halibut larvae
Figure 5. Absorption of protein at different degrees of
Cod larvae fed on formulated feed have higher
hydrolysis by halibut larvae (based on Tonheim et al,
survival rates when some of the protein in the
feed is given in the form of hydrolysate. Exper-
with and regulate amino acid metabolism to a iments have been done in which as much as 40
greater extent than was previously believed. per cent of the protein was given as pepsin hy-
drolysate, and survival rates rose in line with the
Amino acid retention can be improved if the proportion of hydrolysate. In halibut, on the
amino acid profile of the feed is improved by other hand, a gradual decline in survival rates
the addition of peptides. Studies have shown was noted as the proportion of pepsin hydroly-
that lipid absorption has little influence on ami- sate in the feed protein was raised to 45 per cent.
no acid absorption. Methods for tagging amino These results are not in agreement with the ef-
acids in Artemia (largely protein) with isotopes fect of hydrolysis on the uptake of tube-admin-
have also been developed, allowing the rate of istered protein by halibut larvae (Figures 5 and
amino acid uptake, transfer and metabolism in 6), but they can be explained by the leaching of


Figure 6. Comparison of the absorption of intact and hydrolysed protein in halibut larvae and juveniles (Tonheim et al, 2005).

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 229

the market recently have improved pigmenta-
tion in commercially farmed halibut juveniles.
We do not know to what extent thyroid hormone
affects pigmentation, but we believe that the
process of pigment cell development involves
interactions among the three above-mentioned
factors, and possibly others as well. We are thus
now in a position to avoid faulty pigmentation,
but we do not know the mechanisms involved in
pigmentation. An understanding of this process
might prevent the reappearance of faulty pig-
mentation in the event of changes in fish farm-

Atlantic halibut juvenile. Photo: ystein Sle, University of

ing procedures.
Incomplete eye migration is still a recurring
problem in halibut farming. The literature on
water-soluble protein from feeds that contain a this problem is sparse, even though the problem
high proportion of hydrolysate. Halibut are is also found in other flatfish, but some hypo-
slow to tackle feed in the water, and the feed theses have been put forward. Thyroid hormone
particles remain suspended for a long time be- controls metamorphosis in flatfish, as it does in
fore they are consumed. Cod, on the other hand, other vertebrates. Iodine deficiency may result
are very rapid feeders, with the result that there in reduced thyroid hormone synthesis. Iodine
is less leaching to the water. Furthermore, the levels are 50700 times as high in copepods as
protein requirements of halibut are probably they are in Artemia. Marine organisms usually
higher than those of cod (see below), and pro- obtain the iodine they need from seawater, but
tein leaching is thus more critical for halibut. iodine is found as I-, its available form, only in
Hydrolysed protein had no effect on growth rate the photic zone. Fish farms with deep water in-
in either species. lets may therefore find themselves pumping in
seawater that is low in available iodine. In con-
Effects of nutrition on metamorphosis in junction with a low iodine content in the feed,
halibut this may result in iodine deficiency, reduced
A survey of the literature shows that vitamin A, thyroid hormone synthesis and incomplete
fatty acid composition and thyroid hormone all metamorphosis. There are also certain indica-
influence pigmentation in flatfish. Iodine is es- tions that a more intense supply of energy to the
sential for the synthesis of thyroid hormone. larvae, for example through feeding with on-
Even though Artemia lack vitamin A, halibut grown Artemia (i.e. Artemia that have been fed
larvae appear to obtain a sufficiency of vitamin on fish meal for four days) may improve eye mi-
A through the conversion of canthaxanthin from gration. Better eye migration has also been
Artemia. It is generally agreed that fatty acid found in a group of larvae whose level of fat was
composition affects pigmentation in halibut, a four times as high as that of the control group.
supposition that is supported by the fact that the Juveniles with incomplete eye migration are
better enrichment methods that have reached often doubly pigmented.

230 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Optimal composition of macronutrients enough to be able to control the fat composition
in weaning feeds for cod and halibut of rotifers. We need to continue to study the
We carried out a series of experiments on cod question of a reproducible and satisfactory fat
and halibut with the aim of identifying the opti- composition in Artemia and to control the con-
mal composition of macronutrients in weaning tent of potentially rate-limiting micronutrients
feeds and feeds for small juveniles. The protein in both of these feed organisms. When this has
requirement of halibut was less than 60 per cent. been done, we will be in a position to design
A search of the literature and unpublished data classical nutrition studies aimed at identifying
indicated that the requirement was around 58 the needs of larvae for particular nutrients.
per cent. Raising fat content from 5 to 25 per- More knowledge in this area will enable us to
cent did not increase growth rate. Raising the improve survival and growth rates and reduce
proportion of carbohydrates from 0 to 15 per the incidence of deformities in both cod and
cent resulted in a strong increase in the liver in- halibut. In both species, it is essential to identify
dex and a rise in liver glycogen concentration. the causes of faulty development, since a better
At the highest carbohydrate levels we also understanding of this area will prevent such
found glycogen and glucose in other tissues anomalies from recurring when farming condi-
than the liver. We concluded that feed for hali- tions and possibly also feeds are altered. We
but fry ought to contain less than five per cent know that malpigmentation in halibut is a func-
carbohydrate. tion of nutrition, but just what causes develop-
mental anomalies in cod and impaired eye-
The protein requirement for maximal growth of migration in halibut is not known. Where for-
cod is 41 per cent, and the fat content of the feed mulated feeds are concerned, it will be impor-
can be varied between 15 and 25 per cent. When tant to identify means of preventing water-
the fat content of the feed in one study was re- soluble micronutrients and amino acids, pep-
duced to below 15 per cent, cannibalism in- tides and protein from leaching into the water
creased. With more than 25 per cent fat in the column. We also need to examine the potential
feed, the livers fat storage capacity was a limiting for improving the digestibility of protein and fat
factor. Cod fry appear to tolerate and even to ben- sources used in formulated feeds for larvae.
efit by carbohydrate levels of up to 15 per cent. A
high level of protein in the feed (>63 per cent) re- The development of enzymes involved in protein
duced growth in 0.21.0-g fry. Our hypothesis is digestion has been partly characterised. A Cana-
that this effect is due to late development of the dian group has made important progress on cod in
stomach, and thus limited protein digestion, a hy- this area. In halibut, we still lack data on both pan-
pothesis that is supported by the fact that pepsin creatic enzymes and pepsin. Generally speaking,
activity in stomachs of cod larvae and juveniles extremely little is known about mechanisms of up-
continues to increase until the fish weigh 5 g. take of whole protein, peptides and amino acids,
how these are modified in the course of develop-
ment, and how they are influenced by the feed
Conclusions and perspectives eaten by larvae at different stages of development.
for the future
We now know the basic nutrient content of We know little about fat digestion and absorption
Artemia, rotifers and copepods and we know in cod and halibut, and it would be useful to start

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 231

characterising digestive enzymes, uptake mecha- ledge of metabolic plasticity in fish with respect
nisms and the uptake process itself. We have just to their ability to process fat and protein, and how
begun to study how digestion in fish larvae is these processes may limit growth rates.
regulated, and we also still lack sufficient know-

Arago, C, Conceio, L.E.C, Martins, D., Rnnestad, tic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus, L.)
I., Gomes, E., Dinis, M.T., 2004. A balanced dietary juveniles, II: protein/lipid levels at low carbohy-
amino acid profile improves amino acid retention in drate. Aquaculture 244, 283291.
post-larval Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). Hamre, K., fsti, A., Nss, T., Nortvedt, R., Holm, J.
Aquaculture. 233, 293304 C., 2003. Macronutrient composition in formulated
Barr Y., Helland S., 2007. A simple method for mass- diets for Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglos-
production of liposome, in particular large lipo- sus, L.) juveniles - A multivariate approach. Aqua-
some, suitable for delivery of free amino acids to fil- culture 227, 233244.
ter feeding zooplankton. J. of Liposome Research Hamre, K., Opstad, I., Espe, M., Solbakken, J., Hemre,
17 (2), (in press) G.-I., Pittman, K., 2002. Nutrient composition and
Cahu, C, Rnnestad, I., Grangier, V., Zambonino In- metamorphosis success of Atlantic halibut
fante, J.L., 2004. Expression and activities of pan- (Hippoglossus hippoglossus, L.) larvae fed natural
creatic enzymes in developing sea bass larvae zooplankton or Artemia. Aquaculture Nutrition. 8,
(Dicentrarchus labrax) in relation to intact and 139148.
hydrolyzed dietary protein; involvement of chole- Kamisaka, Y., Drivenes, ., Kurokawa, T., Tagawa, M.,
cystokinin. Aquaculture, 238, 295308 Rnnestad, I., Tanaka, M., Helvik, J.V., 2005.
Copeman, L. A., Parrish, C. C., Brown, J. A., Harel, M., Cholecystokinin mRNA in Atlantic herring, Clupea
2002. Effects of docosahexanoic, eicosapentaenoic harengus Molecular cloning, characterization, and
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lipid composition and pigmentation of yellowtail life stages. Peptides 26, 385393.
flounder (Limanda ferruginea): a live food enrich- Kamisaka, Y., Fujii, Y., Yamamoto, S., Kurokawa, T.,
ment experiment. Aquaculture 210, 285304. Rnnestad, I., Totland, G.K., Tagawa, M., Tanaka,
Estevez, A., McEvoy, L.A., Bell, J.G., Sargent, J.R., M., 2003. Distribution of cholecystokinin-immu-
1999. Growth, survival, lipid composition and pig- noreactive cells in the digestive tract of the larval
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entaenoic acids. Aquaculture 180, 321343. Kamisaka, Y., Kaji, T., Masuma, S., Tezuka, N.,
Finn, R. N., Rnnestad, I., van der Meeren, T., Fyhn, H. Kurokawa, T., Suzuki, T., Totland, G.K., Rnnes-
J., 2002. Fuel and metabolic scaling during the early tad, I., Tagawa, M., Tanaka, M., 2002. Ontogeny of
life stages of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Marine cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells in the diges-
Ecology Progress Series 243, 217234. tive tract of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, larvae.
Hamre, K., In press. Nutrition in cod (Gadus Morhua) lar- Sarsia 87, 258262.
vae and juveniles. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Kamisaka, Y., Totland, G.K., Tagawa, M., Kurokawa,
Hamre, K., Mangor-Jensen, A., 2006. A multivariate T., Suzuki, T., Tanaka, M., Rnnestad, I., 2001. On-
approach to optimisation of macronutrient compo- togeny of cholecystokinin (CCK)-immunoreactive
sition in weaning diets for cod (Gadus morhua). cells in the digestive tract of Atlantic halibut,
Aquaculture Nutrition, 12, 1524. Hippoglossus hippoglossus, larvae. Gen. Comp.
Hamre, K., Moren, M., Solbakken, J., Opstad, I., Pitt- Endocrinol. 123, 3137.
mann, K., 2005. The impact of nutrition on meta- Koven, W., Rojas-Garca, C.R., Finn, R.N., Tandler, A.,
morphosis in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus Rnnestad, I., 2002. The stimulatory effect of in-
hippoglossus L.). Aquaculture, 250, 555565. gested protein and/or free amino acids on the secre-
Hamre, K., Baeverfjord, G., Harboe, T., 2005. Macro- tion of the gastro-endocrine hormone,
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232 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

first feeding herring larvae, Clupea harengus. Mari. Moren, M., Opstad, I., Hamre, K., 2004b. A comparison
Biol. 140, 12411247. of retinol, retinal and retinyl ester concentrations in
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234 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Mette Srensen1,2), Rune Waagb3) and Rolf Erik Olsen4)

1) Akvaforsk The Institute of Aquaculture Research, 2) Aquaculture Protein Centre,

3) NIFES (National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research), 4) Institute of Marine Research

Feed Resources Feed Technology

Aquaculture is the fastest growing food-producing sector in the world. The na-
tional and international aquaculture industry considers the availability of suit-
able feed resources to be one of the greatest challenges to future growth. The
world's marine fish resources are limited, and although a large proportion of
these are used for aquaculture, sustainable alternatives must be sought lower in
the food chain, both in the sea and on land. We have already seen a global short-
age in the supply of marine oils, and there has therefore been a particular focus
on the supply and quality of fat sources in feed for salmonids. Although the fat
sources do not affect the growth of the fish to a great extent, aspects such as well-
being and health, quality of the end product, and not least safety are highly rele-
vant. Research related to feed resources and technology has largely concerned
studies of biological suitability and optimisation of existing production processes.

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 235

The marine fish resources that have been used per year. Although Norway at present utilises
in the production of fishmeal and oil are at up to 75 per cent of its by-products, from a glo-
present very limited and to some extent overex- bal perspective there is great room for improve-
ploited. Evaluating the use of other available in- ment. Every year large quantities of fish also
gredients for feed from the sea and from land disappear as by-catch, especially from the
has thus been recognised as essential for further trawler fleet. This resource has great potential
growth in the aquaculture industry. An investi- for utilisation. Further, we know that the annual
gation into feed resources concluded that there production of biomass at lower trophic levels is
were many potential future resources applicable large, while only a fraction of this biomass is
in fish farming under certain conditions. In this used by fish and marine mammals.
chapter, we will try to summarise the research
in feed resources and feed technology carried One of the greatest challenges involved in the
out under the Aquaculture programme. On the use of trimmings and by-catch is logistics and
basis of great differences in the challenges and intermediate storage of the products before pro-
approaches relating to different feed resources, duction of feedstuffs or feed. Fermentation and
we divided this chapter into research on marine ensiling are the methods assumed to have the
resources, on plant resources, and on micro- greatest potential, even though these processes
organisms produced in culture. In evaluating may change the quality of the feedstuffs. Fish
the suitability of raw materials, the industry silage has also been used as raw material for
must take into account issues other than price further processing into fishmeal and fish oil.
and availability. Documentation and research The results show that when the quality of the
must be undertaken to investigate the nutritional raw materials is good, it is possible to produce
quality of new raw materials, their technical fish silage products of excellent quality. Poor
quality, their safety for fish, the environment quality raw materials, however, result in signif-
and the consumer, and the logistics involved. It icant deterioration in the silage quality, and in
is also vital to confirm that the feed resources meal and oil produced from the silage. In partic-
provide seafood in line with ethical standards ular, rancidification of the fat may cause prob-
and the consumers needs and demands. The lems. Changes in technical properties have also
section on research into feed technology prima- been observed in extruded feed based on fish-
rily covers alternative production methods for meal mixed with fish silage. The feed becomes
feed and processing of feed ingredients. less expanded and more compact. Although this
will reduce the fat-holding capacity of high-
energy feed, there are advantages in using silage
Marine feed resources in fishmeal production. Growth trials on salmon
By-products and by-catch have shown that feed with up to 20 per cent sil-
One way to increase the availability of marine age in the production process yields the same
ingredients for fish feed is to improve the util- growth, colour and feed conversion as feed
isation of marine by-products and by-catch. In based on LT (low temperature) fishmeal. New
the fishing industry, up to 50 per cent may end methods for production of feed ingredients
up as by-products in the form of trimmings, from silage, by-products or by-catch make an
heads, viscera, skin, backbones, etc., and na- important contribution to improving the
tionally this comprises about 600,000 tonnes exploitation of marine raw materials. Various

236 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption


Meganyctiphanes norvegica (Photo: Line Anfinsen, Institute of Marine Research)

technologies are described in the section on amphipod from Northern waters as well as
feed technology. Antarctic krill have confirmed that krill can re-
place fishmeal as the protein source of at least
Krill and plankton 4060 per cent of the protein in the feed, with-
At a lower trophic level, krill and plankton pro- out challenging growth, feed conversion or
vide another significant source of marine feed quality. For higher inclusion levels growth may
ingredients. Although we still do not have a be comparable with fishmeal, but the feed con-
complete overview of biomass and production, version ratio has a tendency to increase, which
it is assumed that in Northern waters, primarily means that the fish must eat more feed to
the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea, the volume achieve the same growth. The reason for this is
amounts to several hundred million tonnes. still not clear, but there are strong indications
Euphasiid and Calanus spp probably have a that the fish get a mild form of diarrhoea, due to
production capacity high enough to allow prof- the high levels of chitin in krill meal.
itable harvesting. There are also strong indica-
tions that only a fraction of this production is Although krill and amphipods contain the
used by fish and mammals in the ocean. Utilisa- essential fatty acids EPA (20:5n-3) and DHA
tion of these products could provide raw mate- (22:6n-3), they are, with few exceptions, prima-
rials for the aquaculture industry far into the rily protein sources. A shortage of marine fat
future. for fish in aquaculture is a major concern in the
coming years. Here, Calanus finmarchicus is a
Feeding trials with salmon, cod and halibut relevant resource. The biomass of Calanus in
given feed based on three krill species and an the ocean outside Norway is conservatively es-

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 237

a) b)


Figure 1a. Levels of dioxins (PCDD/F) and dioxin-like PCBs (DLPCB) in farmed salmon fed with feed based on fish oil (FO) or
vegetable oil (VO) during a complete production cycle (Berntssen et al., 2005).
Figure 1b.Correlation between observed levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCB congeners in commercially farmed salmon,
and predicted levels based on known levels in feed and a simple first-order kinetics model (Berntssen, 2007. Pers. comm.).

timated to constitute several hundred million in seawater, and very low concentrations are de-
tonnes. Depending on the time of year, this posited in the fillet. It therefore remains to as-
plankton may contain large quantities of fat. sess the implications of elevated dietary
This fat is, however, in the form of wax esters, fluoride for the health of the fish. Results from
and not triglycerides as in fish oils. Since these such trials will improve the scientific basis for
may be toxic in large quantities, they are not establishing more appropriate limits, making it
suitable for human consumption. If fish can possible to use krill meal safely as a future feed
convert wax esters to healthy fat, use of resource. Preliminary indications show that cer-
Calanus in fish feed could make a significant tain krill meals also contain concentrations of
contribution of marine fatty acids for human selected undesirable metals above the upper
consumption. These issues are the subject of a limits stipulated in feed legislation. Despite
project in which fish oil is replaced with wax higher concentrations, feeding trials indicate
from Calanus finmarchicus in feed for salmon, that replacing fishmeal with krill meal in fish
cod and halibut. Although the project is in the feed indeed reduces the levels of these metals in
start-up phase, we already know that salmon cod and salmon fillets.
utilise wax esters about as well as fat from fish
oil. By-products from mussels
The mussel industry in Norway has consider-
A challenge with krill as a feedstuff is its high able production potential, and by-products from
fluoride content, which in certain species may mussels are a potential feed resource. There is
be as high as 6 g/kg dry weight. The EUs upper significant wastage in todays production due to
limit of 150 mg fluoride/kg feedstuff currently rejection of small sizes, breakage during pro-
prevents the aquaculture sector from using duction, attached barnacles, and the content of
these meals as a protein source in fish feed. It is, algae toxins, which in certain cases are discov-
however, known that most of the fluoride from ered after harvesting. Controlled disposal of by-
the krill meal in the feed is not absorbed by fish products involves substantial expenses for the

238 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

producers. Utilising these products as ingredi- pared with fish fed diets based on marine oils.
ents in fish feed would both reduce the costs of Studies have also been conducted in which as-
disposal and provide a market for the whole similation and excretion rates for 29 different
mollusc. In a research project, the possibility of chemical forms of dioxins, furans, and dioxin-
using mussels in feed for salmon and cod was like PCBs have been estimated. The results of
investigated, using mussels both with and with- such trials can be used to predict the end-point
out detected diarrhoea toxins. Mussels were level of POPs in commercially farmed salmon
processed through boiling, cleaning and drying, when the levels in feed are known (Figure 1).
and then ground to a fine powder. The protein
and fat content, as well as the composition of While fish oil is the principal source of many
amino acids in the mussel meal, were compar- organic pollutants, fishmeal is the principal
able with fishmeal. Feeding experiments in- source of undesirable elements, such as arsenic
cluding up to 8 per cent mussel meal in feed for and mercury. The toxicity of these metals and
salmon showed no change in palatability, de- the transfer from feed to fish is determined by
spite the fact that mussel meal contains some the chemical form. In marine feed ingredients,
flavour-promoting free amino acids in higher both arsenic and mercury occur in organic
concentrations than fishmeal. Short-term trials forms. The organic form of mercury (methyl
with feed supplemented with pure toxins mercury) is toxic, while the organic forms of ar-
showed that salmon tolerated toxin levels which senic (like arsenobetaine) are not toxic. Experi-
are regarded as threshold values for human con- ments have been conducted to evaluate the
sumption, although this affected certain clinical dietary upper limit for methyl mercury toxicity,
blood parameters. At these toxin levels, the using early biomarkers specifically selected for
growth of the fish was also reduced. This indi- dietary exposure. Increased intestinal cell pro-
cates that mussel meal can be used in fish feed, liferation, indicated by PCNA immunohis-
but meal with toxins should be avoided. tochemistry, was observed in salmon fed with 1
mg methyl mercury per kg of feed for two
Undesirable compounds in traditional months. After four months, reduced cell prolif-
and new marine raw materials eration and histopathological changes (shorter
Feed ingredients are unfortunately also sources and thicker villi) were observed in the intestine
of a number of undesirable substances, which (Figure 2).
have drawn attention relative to the production
of safe seafood. Certain marine oils may in- Arsenobetaine is known to be non-toxic to ani-
clude substantial quantities of persistent org- mals and humans. While a great deal is known
anic pollutants (POPs), such as dioxins, PCBs about the assimilation and excretion of arseno-
(polychlorinated biphenyls) and brominated betaine in humans, the mechanism in fish is still
flame retardants. The problem with these com- unclear. To study deposition of the compound in
pounds is that they are stored in the fat, and bio- fish, salmon were fed with isotope-marked arse-
accumulate in the food chain. Thus, oily farmed nobetaine. The results showed that the com-
fish may retain the dietary undesirables in the pound is distributed throughout the fish, with
muscle. With the use of plant oils, it has been the greatest accumulation in the muscle. This is
shown that the level of dioxins and dioxin-like in contrast to mammals and humans, where ar-
PCBs can be reduced by eight to 12 times com- senobetaine is not stored in any organs, but is

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 239

a) b) c)


Figure 2. Pronounced increase in cell proliferation, shown immunohistochemically coloured with PCNA, in intestine of
salmon after feeding for two and four months with feed supplemented with methylmercury (Berntssen et al., 2004).

rapidly excreted in the urine. By analysis of to- these affect the commercial value, the nutri-
tal quantity of arsenic in feed ingredients, feed tional and technical quality of the feed, and the
and fish fillets, potentially high levels of arseno- actual processing of the feed. In addition,
betaine found in marine raw materials could be processes which could reduce the content of
misinterpreted as hazardous arsenic. It is there- anti-nutrients in plant protein sources are being
fore important to analyse and report the exact explored, especially with regard to any negative
chemical species of the undesirable substances. effect on the intestine of the fish and potential
implications on feed conversion efficiency,
Research results within undesirable substances physiology and well-being.
are very important to the operating conditions
for the aquaculture sector, since the authorities Plant fat sources in salmon feed
in the EU and in Norway take such results into Various plant oils have been used as a substitute
account when the legislation on feedstuffs is to for fish oil in feeding trials with salmon, either
be revised or new safe upper limits are to be de- added as pure oils (for example soybean oil,
termined. rapeseed oil or linseed oil) or as oil mixtures.
The main conclusion is that salmon tolerates a
relatively high content of plant oils in the feed,
Feed ingredients from plant without any impact on growth or feed utilisation
sources in salmon of different sizes. The concerns on
There is currently a general national ban on the the use of plant oils in feed for fish has primar-
use of slaughter trimmings from land animals in ily focused on changing the composition of fat-
fish feed due to the fear of spreading bovine ty acids in the fish fillet and how this affects
spongiform encephalopathy. The search for al- other quality characteristics of the product. Fish
ternative protein and fat ingredients for fish is traditionally associated with a high content of
feed has therefore resulted in a strong focus on healthy long-chain n-3 fatty acids (the fishy
the use of plant ingredients, as well as of ingre- fatty acids EPA and DHA). The level of these
dients based on micro-organisms. fatty acids is reduced in the fish fillet when the
fish is fed with plant oils, and the level of C18
Research on the use of plant and microbial fatty acids increases. It has therefore been con-
sources in feed for fish is concentrated on how sidered important to focus the research on

240 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

health aspects of both the farmed fish and the onment, such as the pesticide endosulfan. The
consumer in relation to the replacement of ma- existing upper limit for endosulfan in fish feed
rine oils with plant oils in fish feed, with a spe- is considerably lower than for other livestock. It
cial focus on effects related to immunology, is based on the naturally low concentrations of
lipid oxidation, undesirable substances (diox- the pesticide in marine feed resources and the
ins) and cardiovascular diseases (the from high sensitivity of the fish to water exposure.
fjord to table concept). Research has shown Trials are being conducted with the objective of
that changes take place in the cardiovascular determining toxic concentrations for endosul-
system of salmon corresponding to the develop- fan in fish feed.
ment of atherosclerosis in humans, and the de-
gree of changes is related to the size or age of Plant protein ingredients in feed for
the fish. No clear associations have, however, salmon and cod
been found between the fatty acid composition Plant protein sources comprise a large group of
in the feed and the degree of cardiovascular potential ingredients. Soybeans dominate the
changes in the fish. Although results from on- world market because of supply, price and nu-
going research projects are still being pro- tritional quality. There are two key challenges
cessed, the results so far confirm that plant oil regarding the use of soybean for fish. First, soya
can make up a considerable proportion of the contains indigestible components and anti-
energy in the feed without affecting the health nutrients that are harmful to the fish. It has been
of the salmon. shown that soybean meal in feed for Atlantic
salmon causes inflammation-like reactions in
A clinical trial on nutrition in humans showed a the posterior intestine, which may be unfavour-
therapeutic effect associated with increasing the able because of reduced immunological func-
content of marine n-3 fatty acids in the salmon tion of the intestine and reduced feed conver-
fillet, so that the daily intake averaged 3 g. De- sion efficiency. The second major challenge is
spite a lower content of marine n-3 fatty acids in related to the use of genetically modified (GM)
salmon fed with plant oil, patients eating this soya. Globally, the production of GM plants is
salmon showed a neutral or positive response in increasing primarily glyphospate tolerant
key markers related to the development of car- soya, maize and cotton. The use of GM ingredi-
diovascular diseases. This means that there are ents is regulated by Norwegian and EU feed
also factors other than n-3 fatty acids in salmon legislation, with regard to both approved prod-
fillets that are beneficial in prevention of these ucts and mandatory labelling of products that
diseases. In the same clinical study, the intake include GM ingredients. Because of the gener-
of environmental pollutants was also studied, ally negative attitude to GM products in public
and the results from this study may provide a opinion, the aquaculture sector wishes to use
contribution to the debate about product man- GM-free ingredients (nGM) in fish feed, and
agement and risk related to the intake of oily these currently are more expensive than GM
fish. products. Results from a project which aimed to
study the health risks associated with GM
Use of plant oils as feedstuffs may introduce plants in salmon feed showed that DNA from
new undesirable substances that usually occur GM soya passes unchanged through the intesti-
only in low concentrations in the marine envir- nal tract. The DNA sequences were not found in

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 241

tissue from the intestine, liver, brain or muscle ive digestive enzymes, as well as the presence
of the salmon. Another study investigated of a fermentation chamber with high micro-
whether incorporation of 12 per cent of GM bial activity in the distal part of the intestine,
soya and maize into salmon feed resulted in which may participate in digestion. There have
measurable changes in the intestinal mucosa in been some concerns that maize in diets for cod
relation to fish given feed based on GM-free could discolour its white flesh. Research so far
ingredients and fishmeal. There were no differ- has shown that maize gluten caused a yellow
ences between GM and nGM ingredients, but hue in the skin, while the muscle was not dis-
feed based on soya induced changes in intest- coloured.
inal cells compared with maize and fishmeal-
based feed. The main conclusion of a PhD the-
sis on GM ingredients in salmon feed is that in- Micro-organisms as a feedstuff
corporation of low levels of GM plant materials for fish
(soya and maize) can be regarded as safe, both Bacteria
for fish and for consumers. Changes in spleen Today, substantial volumes of natural gas are
size which may be attributable to the use of GM produced on the Norwegian continental shelf.
feed have, however, caused concern, prompting In addition to serving as fuel, gas can be used as
a cautious attitude to GM feedstuffs for fish un- an energy and carbon source for heterotrophic
til more research has been conducted. biomass production. Bioprotein (BPM) is a
promising new feed ingredient produced in
Cod is a relatively new species in the aquacul- Norway by Norferm AS; however, production
ture context, and several projects have been un- was, at least temporarily, discontinued in 2006.
dertaken to study feed efficiency and product The single cell protein was produced using aer-
quality in relation to the choice of ingredients obic fermentation of bacteria, primarily
and chemical composition of cost-effective Methylococcus capsulatus. Natural gas was the
feed. Methodology used to determine the di- energy source, while ammonia, water, phos-
gestibility of main nutrients may influence the phate, and minerals were added to the process.
result, and attempts have therefore been made The product was spray-dried and had a chemi-
to standardise this for cod. The main conclusion cal composition of 70 per cent protein, 10 per
from this research is that cod have a greater cent fat and about 7 per cent ash, and an amino
ability than salmon to adapt to plant feed ingre- acid profile fairly similar to a high-quality fish-
dients. Even the use of relatively high levels of meal. The fat consists primarily of phospho-
soybean meal in the diets for cod resulted in lipids in which the fatty acid composition is
good growth, health, and product quality. In sin- dominated by the fatty acids C16:0 and C16:1.
gle trials, however, minor histological changes BPM is legally approved for inclusion at 33 per
in the intestine were observed. The digestibility cent in feed for salmon in seawater and 19 per
of the fat was reduced somewhat with the use of cent in feed for salmon in freshwater. The main
25 per cent soybean meal. The cod seem to conclusion of a PhD thesis studying use of BPM
compensate for this with a higher intake of feed. in diets for Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and
The finding that cod utilises soya-based feed Atlantic halibut was a slight reduction in appar-
better than salmon is probably explained by the ent digestibility coefficients with increasing in-
longer gastrointestinal tract in cod, less sensit- clusion level of BPM replacing LT fishmeal in

242 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

the diet. The growth rates and feed efficiency diets in which BPA and BPM replaced up to
ratio, however, were highest in Atlantic salmon 250 g kg-1 of crude protein from high-quality
and rainbow trout fed the highest levels of BPM fish meal.
in the diet, 36 per cent and 27 per cent respec-
tively (Figure 3). BPM in diets for Atlantic hal- Microalgae
ibut can be included up to 9 per cent without Microalgae form the basis for most of the
negative effects. Atlantic halibut fed up to 18 aquatic food chains and therefore play a key
per cent BPM in the diet showed reduced feed role in the nutrition of fish. For example, micro-
intake, growth rates and feed efficiency ratio. algae are currently used as feed for zooplank-
ton, which are in turn used for start-feeding of
BPM bacterial protein meal autolysate (BPA) is marine fish fry such as halibut, turbot and cod
produced from BPM under high pressure by hy- (see separate chapters). Microalgae may also
drolysis catalysed by endogenous enzymes and have a potential for direct use as a raw material
is characterised by a high content of free amino in fish feed. The chemical composition of
acids and low molecular weight proteins. A microalgae varies depending on the species, but
higher digestibility for most indispensable ami- it is foremost as a net producer of long-chain
no acids in the BPA compared to BPM has been polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids EPA (20:5 n-3)
reported in feeding experiments with mink. No and DHA (22:6 n-3) that microalgae are inter-
such differences in digestibility of nitrogen and esting. The concentration of unsaturated fatty
amino acids were observed in rainbow trout fed

Specific growth rate (SGR)

120 a a
b b
SGR (% of control group)


60 b


20 Trout
0 9 18 27 36
Dietary BPM inclusion level (%)


Figure 3. Specific growth rate (% of body weight per day) of salmon, trout and halibut fed diets containing increasing levels
of bacterial protein meal (BPM). The values are standardised to per cent of the specific growth rate of the control group of
each species. Significant differences within each species are denoted with different letters. No significant differences were
found in trout. (Aas, 2006..)

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 243

acids is affected by incubation factors including Feed technology
food supply and temperature. Most fish feed production in Norway today is
based on extrusion technology. The process in-
Nannochloropsis oceanica is an alga species volves mixing, shearing and heating under ele-
that both satisfies the requirement as a high vated pressure, before the extrudate is forced
PUFA source, and can be produced efficiently through a die to produce an expanded pelleted
in significant quantities. A number of trials have feed. Great effort has been made to optimise the
been conducted, aimed at optimising produc- extrusion process in relation to the type of in-
tion conditions such as light, temperature, CO2 gredients to produce a high-quality pellet that
and food supply. The results have shown that N. readily absorbs oil in a vacuum coater. This is
oceanica can be produced at 100 g/m2/day, and will continue to be an ongoing initiative
which results in a potential of approximately 30 from the feed producers, especially when new
kg dry algae mass/m2/year using additional raw materials with different technical character-
light. The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids istics are introduced. Optimisation of feed tech-
can be doubled or tripled by reducing the water nology is aimed at improving technical quality,
temperature from 25 to 10 oC a few days before increasing the availability of nutrients and re-
harvesting. N. oceanica has also proved to grow ducing the content of anti-nutrients in the feed.
very well in 200-litre pilot reactors of the Research has shown promising results in reduc-
Biofence type. The project indicates that it is ing the heat stable anti-nutritive factor phytate
possible to develop the production of micro- under conditions that can be directly applied in
algae into a new industry. This is, however, a an extrusion line. More research is, however,
new research field and a major effort is required needed to develop a fully integrated online tech-
before such production can be initiated. nology for this purpose.

Similarly, biotechnological production of the During the past decade, alternative production
lipid-rich marine micro-organisms methods for fish feed have been launched in-
Traustochytrids through large-scale fermenta- volving the direct use of by-products and indus-
tion may represent valuable contributions as trial fish, without separating the fat and protein
feed resources and a source of essential fatty phases into fish oil and meal. The techniques
acids for the aquaculture sector. They may be were developed to improve the exploitation of
used both in marine start-feeding and as an in- by-products, and also represent energy-saving
gredient in growth feed to complement the long production methods. One of the methods is
chained n-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA which based on the use of microwave technology to
plant oils lack. The microbes contain 47 per heat (and thus disinfect) and bind pellets
cent fat on a dry matter basis and can be used di- through protein coagulation. Another technique
rectly or fractionated into oil and a meal frac- uses the gelling properties of certain binding
tion rich in phospholipids. In the continuation agents, which are mixed with minced fish and
of the ongoing chemical characterisation, the activated in an acid bath, known as the Gelly-
products will be evaluated as feedstuffs for fish Feed technique. The advantage of both technol-
and as an enrichment media for rotifers for use ogies is that feed can be processed locally, with
in the production of marine larvae. local resources and players. It is also possible to
vary the feed ingredients to a greater extent, and

244 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption


GellyFeed production plant from production of preserved paste to finished pellets (Photo: GellyMar)

to choose between producing fresh moist feed EUs new hygiene requirements. Bacteria and
and drying the produced feed. On the other viruses are inactivated. The unique aspect of
hand, the supply of raw materials for alternative alkaline preservation is that the enzyme activity
production of fish feed is unpredictable, an ef- normally present in by-products from fish and
fect which is intensified in a large-scale system. in traditional silage is also inactivated. This
The concept of feed produced using microwave results in a low level of protein autolysis, con-
technology has been refined into the Sea Grain tributing to good water-binding properties. In
process, in which an alternative type of fat-rich addition, an osmosis effect is achieved, caus-
fishmeal is manufactured from marine by-prod- ing the water to be absorbed into the pellet so
ucts and from pelagic species using microwave that the consistency of the paste becomes firm.
The second stage of the GellyFeed process en-
GellyFeed technology tails making pellets from the preserved paste.
GellyFeed is a patented process for the produc- Before pelleting, the paste is processed in a
tion of fish feed, developed by Norsk Hydro. mixer into which alginate and other additives
The process comprises two stages. The first such as vitamins and antioxidants are incorpo-
stage is preservation of by-products from the rated. Finally, the mixture is pelleted and the
fish industry by adding an alkaline preservative. final structure is set by immersing the pellet in
This results in a fish paste with a firm consist- an acidic bath. The acid bath neutralises the
ency and storage stability, which satisfies the alkaline pellet and immediately starts a gelling

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 245

process that makes the pellet water-stable, non- protein, which has been shown to result in dif-
sticky, and durable. This results in a pellet ferences in appetite, growth, and feed conver-
which may consist of 97 per cent marine ingre- sion.
dients. The finished pellet has a pH of 45 and
a dry matter content of between 3040 per cent. The idea behind the Sea Grain concept is
The chemical composition can be adjusted to future on-board production of high-quality fat-
satisfy the nutrient requirements by adjusting rich meal with better utilisation of by-products
the ingredient composition. For a leaner feed, a and by-catch, lower transport costs for dry
mixture of white-fish paste and oily-fish paste is products, and sustained quality of these re-
used. If only herring trimmings are used, the re- sources. A challenge related to the fat-rich
sult is a salmon feed with a high content of fat products is the lower potential for removal of
and protein. The digestibility of the main nutri- contaminants with the use of, for example, by-
ents for salmon is good, and often better than products with a high content of organic pollut-
commercial dry feed, with a digestibility of 96 ants and other contaminants in production (see
per cent for fat, 81 per cent for protein and 87 below).
per cent for energy. The salmon also showed
improved feed conversion. Arrangements are Technology for modification and refining
being made for local production under licence of marine resources
with feed factories that produce less than New national and international legislation im-
10,000 tonnes per year, that is, considerably poses restrictions on the use of by-products.
smaller units than in the dry-feed industry. Many available raw materials with a low level
of utilisation or high content of undesirable sub-
Sea Grain technology stances must be modified or refined if they are
The process of manufacturing Sea Grain prod- to be used as feedstuffs or supplements in fish
ucts involves mincing, emulsifying and drying feed.
the marine by-products or raw materials on the
basis of a patented process. By-products from Marine by-products are valuable raw materials,
herring, capelin, sand eel and blue whiting are and efforts are being made to achieve increased
used in the production of Sea Grain, which is utilisation of these in the manufacture of new
then used in extruded feed for salmon smolt. consumer products, biochemicals and feed-
These Sea Grain products have low water con- stuffs. In volume terms, however, it is the pro-
tent and are therefore easy to store. Depending duction of feedstuffs, in the form of silage
on the ingredients, the products varied between concentrates, fish oils and meal products con-
3741 per cent fat and 5056 per cent protein on taining protein, for which there is processing
a dry matter basis, but it is possible to adjust the capacity and a market large enough to absorb
composition further using other combinations the largest quantities of by-products. As men-
of ingredients. The results of the trials have tioned before, a knowledge base has been devel-
shown that the Sea Grain products are well oped for commercial application of fish silage
suited to salmon feed, without negative effects in the fishmeal industry, and it is estimated that
on growth and health of the fish. The composi- some 20 per cent of silage could be used in tra-
tion of the products has, however, varied some- ditional fishmeal and fish oil production with no
what, primarily in the quantity of soluble deterioration in quality.

246 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Hydrolysis of by-products using industrial en- to be able to remove up to 90 per cent of pollut-
zymes is another way to improve the efficiency ants in the laboratory, and this is better than or
of utilisation of by-products and other industrial equivalent to what can be achieved with solvent
fish. This process can be compared with silage. extraction of fishmeal. Solvent extraction is not
The protein is hydrolysed into smaller peptides desirable since it may change the nutrient com-
and amino acids, and can be used as a readily position of the finished meal. Removing con-
available feed supplement for farmed fish. taminants with soybean oil, however, results in
Feeding trials with salmon have shown that 18 an undesirable change in the fatty acid compo-
24 per cent of the fishmeal protein can be re- sition of the fishmeal. This may be solved in the
placed with fish protein hydrolysate. The ad- extraction process by replacing soybean oil
vantage of hydrolysis with industrial enzymes with marine oil, which is itself purified after-
is the increased predictability and reproducibil- wards. These are regarded as processes that can
ity of the products, and it is a significantly mild- easily be integrated into the existing production
er and less time-consuming treatment than the of fishmeal and fish oil.
ensiling process.
Activated carbon is an effective technique for
For certain marine raw materials, the content of removing dioxins from fish oil, either alone or
undesirable pollutants will exceed the upper in combination with a deodorisation technique
limits specified in the legislation. The focus on (vacuum pump distillation). Dioxin-like PCB
organic pollutants such as dioxins and PCBs has (DLPCB) compounds are less efficiently re-
been strong, especially for industrial fish caught moved, while brominated flame retardants (PB-
in overtaxed areas such as the North Sea, the DE) cannot be removed using this method.
Baltic Sea and Skagerak, and for by-products Alternatively, molecular distillation appears to
from the white fish industry. Feeding trials with enable highly efficient removal of dioxins,
salmon have shown deposition of PCB of 8090 dioxin-like PCBs and brominated flame retar-
per cent and deposition of dioxins of 50 per cent dants in fish oil (more than 90 per cent). The
in salmon (Figure 1). The international legisla- process also reduces the content of fat-soluble
tion will be revised to include PCBs, and one vitamins, while the fatty acid composition and
should be prepared for the prospect of require- oxidation status are not changed. The research
ments for removal of contaminants from raw concludes that technology for removing pollut-
materials. Research on several cost-effective ants exists, but that it is a challenge to find cost-
cleaning techniques for fishmeal and fish oil has effective solutions that take into account the
been evaluated and tested. The organic pollut- other qualities of the raw materials and, in turn,
ants are fat-soluble, and simply reducing the fat the quality of the seafood products.
component of the fishmeal will be an adequate
decontamination technique for certain raw
materials (3040 per cent efficiency). Other raw Perspectives
materials will require more drastic cleaning. Fishmeal and fish oil have traditionally been the
One of the initiatives tested entailed a new prin- dominant ingredients in salmon feed. The
ciple for removal of pollutants based on the ex- aquaculture industry has already experienced
traction of press cake from fishmeal production limitations in the marine resource base, and fur-
with soybean oil. The process has been shown ther pressure on these resources is expected

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 247

with reallocation of a higher proportion directly novel raw materials may, however, influence
to human consumption. This has necessitated both the nutrient content and the technical qual-
an intensified research effort to find sustainable ity of the feed. These issues require further re-
alternatives that can provide a sound basis for search. New species in aquaculture also result
further growth and profitability in the aquacul- in new problems and challenges. Cod requires
ture sector. It is especially urgent to find alter- feed with a lower fat content, and at the same
native fat sources of acceptable quality which time appears to tolerate plant protein sources
take into account economic factors, production better than salmon. This will probably reduce
capacity, the aquaculture environment, the future competition for feed ingredients between
health of the fish, and not least the production of our foremost farmed species. Development of
a safe and healthy product. Research has gone a technology and strategies for refining and re-
long way towards confirming that there are moving contaminants and undesirable sub-
many alternative fat and protein raw materials stances from existing and potential future
among marine crustaceans, plant products and feedstuffs must continue. In the same way,
single cell organisms. Short-term challenges are knowledge about undesirable substances must
related to the influence of the fat sources on the be improved through research to establish real-
seafood fatty acid composition and content of istic upper limits that protect the environment,
harmful and undesirable substances. For protein the health of the fish, and product safety for the
ingredients, the main challenges are related to consumer. For many alternative feed ingredi-
anti-nutrients and undesirable substances, ents, such research documentation is absolutely
which often depend on the degree of refine- vital to consider even using them.
ment. Research related to modelling and the de-
velopment of feeding strategies shows that with The authors wish to express their deep appreci-
the alternative raw materials of today there are ation to the project managers and project colle-
opportunities for full or partial replacement of agues who have contributed information to this
fishmeal and fish oil in aquaculture. The use of chapter.

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Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 249

Krogdahl, ., Sundby, A., Olli, J.J., 2004b. Atlantic Refstie, S., Landsverk, T., Bakke-McKellep, A.M.,
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trations in metals from krill and amphipods, - Pos- tic salmon (Salmo salar) in response to graded lev-
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2004b. Bioavailability of astaxanthin from red grown on natural gas in mink and rainbow trout.
yeast, Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous, in rainbow Animal Feed Science and Technology 129, 237
trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss: Effects of enzymatic 251.

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 251

Bjrn Bjerkeng1), Trine Ytrestyl1) and Rolf Erik Olsen2)

1) Akvaforsk The Institute of Aquaculture Research 2) Institute of Marine Research

Metabolism and Uptake of Carotenoids in

Farmed Fish

Considerable progress in the determination of factors that influence carotenoid

pigmentation of salmonid fishes has been made in recent years. Comparative tri-
als with red-fleshed Atlantic salmon and white-fleshed Atlantic halibut have re-
vealed that gastrointestinal absorption of dietary carotenoids does not influence
the amount of carotenoids deposited in the muscle tissue of the latter species.
After intraperitoneal injection of astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon, the concentra-
tion was 20 times higher in the blood and 15 times higher in the muscle than was
the case after adding astaxanthin to the diet, indicating that the potential for
muscle uptake in Atlantic salmon is considerably higher than previously antici-
pated. Similar indications have come from studies on binding astaxanthin to
muscle protein fractions. Comparative studies have shown that fish species with
white muscle may absorb substantial amounts in the blood, and that their mus-
cle proteins may associate with astaxanthin. This is evidence for regulation of
astaxanthin uptake at the muscle cell level.

252 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Appearance is among the most important prop- ucts of salmonid fishes without negative effects
erties of food items including fish, and colour is during processing [9].
perhaps the most conspicuous feature of food
appearance. Preferences for food items with a Animal colours, including those in seafood,
certain colouration are learned and elicit psy- have different characteristics and may be divid-
chological expectations based on experience, ed into two main categories. The first category
tradition and customs, and also trigger an emo- includes physical or structural colours, and is
tional response in the consumer. Muscle colou- not due to true pigments. Such colours are due
ration is among the most important quality to light reflections in structural elements of the
criteria for salmonid fishes [1]. In a recent real- material. Tyndall blues and diffraction colours
choice experiment it was found that consumers in animals are caused by light scattering in col-
were willing to pay significantly more for fillets loid systems of solid material in gel. Iridescent
of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that had nor- or metallic blue is caused by light interference
mal or above normal redness than for paler fil- with thin laminates. Such colours can be found
lets [2]. However, there are large differences in in the external ornaments, also those of com-
muscle carotenoid concentrations among mercially important salmonid fishes. The sec-
salmonid fish species. Muscle concentrations of ond main category consists of true pigments,
astaxanthin may range as high as 59 mg kg-1 in and includes carotenoids, lipofuscins, quinones,
wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) flavonoids and anthocyanins, indoles, tetrapyr-
[3], whereas the muscle carotenoid concentra- rols, flavins, purins and pterins, and inorganic
tion in large rainbow trout (O. mykiss) may pigments. Combinations of the colour catego-
reach 25 mg kg-1 [45]. ries, for instance Tyndall blue and yellow pig-
ments, may give rise to green colours. In
Consumers show preference for pink-coloured addition, the translucency of the material is of
products of salmonid fishes. The red colour importance for the appearance.
contributes strongly to the pleasure of eating
salmon and may have a signalling effect with All aspects of colouration may be altered in fish
respect to quality [67], and carotenoids act as products post mortem, and certain aspects may
an antioxidant in such products [8]. Colour may be manipulated during farming or processing.
therefore be used as a direct estimate of quality The main focus in aquaculture has been on mus-
since it is required to be within a certain range cle tissue pigmentation of salmonid fishes. The
for a given product. Correct colour determines colour of the muscle tissue of the different
consumer preference for and prices of salmon salmonid fishes is caused by uptake, accumula-
products. It is therefore important to have tion and metabolic transformation of ingested
knowledge of variation in colouration among carotenoids, which is the topic of this article.
individual fish and between various salmonid Pigmentation of salmonid fishes and fish in
fish species, and of the factors that govern this general is a small field internationally. How-
variation. Colour may also directly indicate ever, in Norway, where the farming of Atlantic
quality by signalling the degree of maturity of salmon in particular is of great economic im-
vegetables and fruits. Astaxanthin has a minor portance, it is an important topic of research.
influence on taste, and may be added to prod- Much of the research in the field of salmonid
fish pigmentation has therefore been conducted

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 253


Figure 2. Chemical structures of the quantitatively most

important geometrical isomers of astaxanthin, all-E- (a),
9Z- (b), 13Z- (c), and 15Z- (d) (3R,3R)-astaxanthin. Chiral
centra are indicated with an asterisk for structure a.


Figure 1. Chemical structures of optical RS isomers of tenoids. Astaxanthin (3,3-dihydroxy-,-caro-

astaxanthin, (3R,3R)- 1a, (3R,3S)- 2a and (3S,3S)-
tene-4,4-dione) and canthaxanthin (,-
astaxanthin 3a.
carotene-4,4-dione) produced by chemical
synthesis are, either alone or in combination,
in Norway, where continuity and expertise have the most commonly used carotenoids for pig-
been accumulated over a period of more than 30 mentation of salmonid fishes. Astaxanthin pos-
years. This article focuses on publicly funded sess three optical R/S isomers (Figure 1) and
research during the past decade, as well as pro- 272 possible geometrical E/Z isomers, whereof
vides references to important literature. the quantitatively most important are the all-E-,
9Z-, 13Z- and 15Z-isomers (Figure 2). The most
important alternative sources of astaxanthin are
Carotenoids in seafood the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma, the microalgae
The conspicuous colour of seafood is often Haematococcus pluvialis or products based on
caused by the presence of carotenoids. All ani- crustaceans.
mals depend on a dietary supply of carotenoids.
Carotenoids are usually tetraterpenes that are Supplementation of fish feed with carotenoids
biosynthesised by photosynthesising organisms is expensive, and previously represented up to
and certain bacteria and fungi. Carotenoids add 1520 per cent of total feed costs. Recently, it
colour to important aquaculture species, for ex- has become practice to use considerably less
ample, the muscle tissue of salmonid fish spe- carotenoids in the feed. Only about 515 per
cies, the exoskeleton and muscle epithelium of cent of the dietary carotenoids are utilised for
crustaceans, the external colour of the integu- muscle pigmentation. The low degree of utilisa-
ment of fishes and the gonads of molluscs. It is tion is partly due to a low absorption rate in the
highly desirable that fillets of Atlantic salmon gastrointestinal tract, deposition in other organs
have a rich pink colour, and for this reason it is and metabolic transformation into colourless
necessary to supplement the feed with caro- compounds that may eventually be excreted.

254 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Certain fish species, such as salmonid fishes, ed in the faeces. For carotenoids to be absorbed
are capable of transforming the 4(4)-ketocaro- and enter the systemic circulation they must be
tenoids astaxanthin and canthaxanthin into vita- released from the matrix that surrounds them,
min A1 and A2 (retinol and 3,4-didehydro- be incorporated into mixed micelles, enter
retinol) [1012]. The bioavailability of caro- through the brush border membrane and be
tenoids is altered with age and physiological transported through the enterocytes, as well as
status in salmonid fishes. Small fish preferen- incorporated into the chylomicrons and lipopro-
tially deposit carotenoids in the skin, whereas teins. Typical values for the ADC of astaxanthin
deposition in the muscle increases as the fish and canthaxanthin are between 30 and 60 per
grow [13]. At the onset of sexual maturation, cent, but higher or lower values may be found
sex hormones induce a relocalisation of caro- depending on carotenoid source, dietary dose
tenoids from muscle to skin, which contributes and feed composition. Astaxanthin dipalmitate
to the characteristic nuptial colouration [14]. and esterified carotenoid are more poorly uti-
The colour is of great importance since male lised than unesterified astaxanthin [20]. This
sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) selec- also appears to be true for natural astaxanthin
tively prefer spawning with female models of a esters of the green algae Haematococcus pluvi-
deeper red colour [15]. Carotenoids are bioac- alis [21]. Astaxanthin is about 1.4 times more
tive compounds. Thus the astaxanthin content efficient as a carotenoid source than canthaxan-
of rainbow trout eggs is correlated to fertilisa- thin for muscle pigmentation of rainbow trout
tion and hatching rates, which indicates that as- [22,23]. However, in Atlantic salmon canthax-
taxanthin is required for optimum reproduction anthin is a better source for muscle pigmenta-
[16]. High dietary astaxanthin concentrations tion than astaxanthin [2426]. The blood
may also reduce cataract in Atlantic salmon concentration of carotenoids has been regarded
[17]. Astaxanthin and canthaxanthin have been as a good indicator of their bioavailability in
regarded as vitamins, and a positive effect on salmonid fishes [2729]. In Atlantic salmon it
growth of salmon larvae has served as a basis was found that more canthaxanthin than astax-
for the recommendation that all fish diets anthin was taken up when the dietary inclusion
should contain at least 10 mg of these caro- level was similar to but higher than 30 mg/kg.
tenoids per kg feed [18]. When the diet was supplemented with both
carotenoids the interaction between them
caused a lower utilisation of both, but the reduc-
Uptake of carotenoids tion was highest for astaxanthin [26]. A study of
Uptake of carotenoids from the gastrointestinal the ADC, muscle accumulation and relative
tract is critical for their utilisation. A character- concentrations of astaxanthin isomers in rain-
istic feature of the uptake process is that maxi- bow trout showed that the E/Z isomers were ab-
mum concentrations in the blood are found up sorbed from the gastrointestinal tract to a differ-
to 30 hours after force feeding [19]. A common ent degree, while this was not true for the
measure of gastrointestinal absorption is the ap- optical R/S isomers [30,31]. The absorption of
parent digestibility coefficient (ADC), which the geometrical isomers descended in the fol-
estimates the difference in the amount of a nu- lowing order: All-E-astaxanthin > 13Z-astaxan-
trient present in the diet and the amount excret- thin > 9Z-astaxanthin.

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 255

Increasing the dietary lipid content causes an ed ration, respectively. A negative correlation
increased deposition of astaxanthin in the mus- was found between feed intake and ADC. The
cle of Atlantic salmon [22,23,32]. The compo- ADC was 1.5 times higher in the fish fed to 40
sition of dietary fatty acid may also influence per cent of apparent satiation compared to the
uptake and deposition. This is indicated by fish fed the full ration. However, due to the rel-
higher astaxanthin concentrations in Atlantic atively low feed intake in the fish fed the re-
salmon fed diets supplemented with capelin or stricted diet, the total amount of digested
Peruvian oil high in polyunsaturated fatty acids astaxanthin only represented about 50 per cent
compared to Atlantic salmon fed diets supple- of that digested by the fish fed the full ration.
mented with herring or sandeel oils [33,34]. Estimates based on the results from this trial in-
The effect of lipid sources and bile acids have dicate that a low retention of astaxanthin at a
been studied in dorsal aorta cannulated Atlantic high feed intake level may cause a reduction in
salmon [35]. The salmon were fed diets supple- the muscle concentration of astaxanthin in
mented with herring oil, soy lecithin, lard, or rapidly growing salmon [36]. This may further
herring oil supplemented with taurocholin. Soy explain observations of poor pigmentation in
lecithin caused a poorer uptake of astaxanthin periods of extreme thermal growth. In a trial
compared to herring oil, whereas lard had a pos- with small Atlantic salmon (approximately
itive effect on the uptake. Dietary supplementa- 500 g), a 10 per cent lower ADC of astaxanthin
tion with taurocholin did not significantly affect was found at 8 C compared to 12 C [37].
the blood concentration of astaxanthin. Thus, it
appears that alteration of the mixed micelle Species differences in muscle
structure in the intestine does not improve the pigmentation
astaxanthin uptake. The positive effect of lard Several different causes may explain the differ-
on the blood concentration of astaxanthin may ences in carotenoid pigmentation found in dif-
have been affected by the increased concentra- ferent wild fish species. For instance, different
tions of 16:0, 18:1n-9 or 18:2n-6 fatty acids or fish species may have different carotenoid di-
the lower content of the 20:1n-9 and 22:1n-9 gestibility and gastrointestinal absorption rate
fatty acids of lard compared to herring oil, caus- of ingested carotenoids. The catabolic transfor-
ing an increased solubility of astaxanthin in the mation (metabolism) of carotenoids may be dif-
intestinal micelles. ferent, and there may be differences in ingested
doses and foraging habits as well. Most fish
Recently, the authors have shown that feed in- species are capable of absorbing a certain
take [36] and temperature [37] influence the amount of carotenoids, but most of them depos-
ADC of carotenoids. Groups of Atlantic salmon it these carotenoids or their metabolites in the
weighing about 2 kg were fed either a full or a integument. At present it is virtually unknown
restricted ration that corresponded to about 100 to what extent the gastrointestinal absorption
per cent and 40 per cent of apparent satiation, rate, catabolic transformation rate, ingestion of
respectively, followed by a switch in rations af- different doses, or other factors are responsible
ter 14 days. The control group was fed a full ra- for the differences in muscle carotenoid pig-
tion during the entire experiment. The feed mentation between salmonid and other fish spe-
intake corresponded to 0.45 per cent and 0.16 cies that normally have white flesh. Thus, the
per cent of the biomass for the full and restrict- ADCs of individual astaxanthin E/Z isomers

256 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

and total astaxanthin were determined in a com- To investigate whether the carotenoid transport
parative experiment with Atlantic salmon and capacity of the blood could represent an impor-
Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) tant limitation to muscle supply of carotenoids,
fed the same diet supplemented with 66 mg as- experiments involving intraperitoneal injection
taxanthin/kg consisting of 75.3 per cent all-E-, of an astaxanthin preparation were performed to
2.6 per cent 9Z-, and 21.5 per cent 13Z-astaxan- study astaxanthin uptake in the blood and depo-
thin, respectively [38]. The results showed that sition in various tissues and organs [41,42]. Dif-
the ADC of total astaxanthin was in fact signi- ferent doses of commercial water-dispersible
ficantly higher in the Atlantic halibut than in the astaxanthin were suspended in a phosphate
Atlantic salmon after 56 days and 112 days of buffer and injected into the intraperitoneum of
feeding (77.8 and 45.9 per cent, and 71.7 and Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and Atlantic cod
59.2 per cent, respectively). A possible explana- (Gadus morhua) to determine uptake and depo-
tion for this difference in ADC could be that sition of the individual geometrical E/Z isomers
specific growth rate of the latter species is 3.5 of astaxanthin, as well as the idoxanthin con-
times higher. Furthermore, the ADC of all-E-as- centration of plasma, muscle, liver, kidney and
taxanthin was significantly higher than the skin as an indicator of metabolic transforma-
ADC of 9Z-astaxanthin in both species. The ex- tion. In the first trial [41], duplicated groups of
periment showed that astaxanthin digestibility rainbow trout (initial weight 550 g) were inject-
and gastrointestinal absorption is not a limiting ed with astaxanthin, and were either subse-
factor for utilisation of astaxanthin in Atlantic quently fed a diet supplemented with a low level
halibut compared to Atlantic salmon, and that of astaxanthin (10 mg kg-1), a diet supplement-
other factors must be identified to explain the ed with 60 mg astaxanthin kg-1 (fed control), or
absence of astaxanthin deposition in the muscle a diet supplemented with 10 mg astaxanthin/kg-
of Atlantic halibut. Despite the higher ADC in 1
(0-group) for eight weeks. In the second trial
Atlantic halibut, the plasma concentration of as- [42], duplicated groups of Atlantic salmon (ini-
taxanthin was considerably lower than in Atlan- tial weight 370 g) and Atlantic cod (initial
tic salmon (the total carotenoid concentration weight 210 g) were injected with 0, 12.5, 25 or
was 0.7 and 4.0 mg l-1, respectively). This may 50 mg astaxanthin, respectively. Subsequently,
be due to different catabolic transformation all fish were fed a diet supplemented with a low
rates, astaxanthin transport in the blood, and up- level of astaxanthin (10 mg kg-1) for four
take at the muscle cell level. Blood uptake of weeks. In plasma the astaxanthin concentration
geometrical E/Z isomers in humans following curve increased in a dose dependent fashion,
ingestion of a meal containing 100 mg astaxan- and was positively linearly correlated with the
thin indicates that the absorption process in hu- injected dose in both Atlantic salmon and At-
mans is different than that in fish, since a lantic cod. Individual concentrations up to 90,
selective accumulation of astaxanthin Z-iso- 50 and 20 mg astaxanthin l-1 were detected in
mers takes place [39]. As in fish, the uptake of the plasma of Atlantic salmon, Atlantic cod and
astaxanthin was lower, only 25 per cent based rainbow trout, respectively. In comparison, an
on the AUC (area under the concentration time in vitro investigation of the saturation level of
curve), following administration of astaxanthin canthaxanthin in the lipoproteins of rainbow
fatty acyl esters compared to unesterified astax- trout revealed that the binding capacity of the
anthin [40]. lipoproteins was about 100 times as high as the

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 257

concentration obtained by feeding the fish a diet of the total carotenoids of the muscle in Arctic
supplemented with 100 mg canthaxanthin per charr (Salvelinus alpinus; 1.1 kg) [45,46], the
kg-1 [43]. Thus, the transport capacity of the corresponding figure for Atlantic salmon is
blood of salmonids and other fish species does about 10 per cent [38], while idoxanthin is bare-
not limit the utilisation of carotenoids. ly detectable in rainbow trout [30]. Recently,
the authors isolated and quantified 4-hydroxy-
Metabolism of carotenoids in salmonid echinenone in the muscle of Atlantic salmon
fishes 0+ and 1+ smolts fed a diet supplemented with
Salmonid fishes possess enzyme systems that canthaxanthin [47]. We found that the (4S)-
can transform ingested astaxanthin and can- isomer (Figure 3b) accumulated selectively (81
thaxanthin or certain other carotenoids into per cent 4S- and 19 per cent 4R-isomer, re-
vitamin A1 and A2 as mentioned previously. spectively, of total amount of 4-hydrox-
Recent findings show that Atlantic halibut pos- yechinenone), which strongly indicates that
sess this capability as well [44], and suggest canthaxanthin is reduced selectively by the
that this metabolic conversion may be more enzyme involved. A selective reduction of can-
widespread among fish than previously recog- thaxanthin in favour of the (4S)-hydroxy-
nised. The gastrointestinal epithelium and liver echinenone has previously been reported for
are presumably the quantitatively most impor- laying hens [48] and skin of rainbow trout [13].
tant organs for catabolic transformation of caro- The concentration of 4-hydroxyechineone in
tenoids, even though reductive metabolites the muscle was relatively low (<3.1 per cent of
have been detected in the kidney, spleen, go- total carotenoids) and diminished with increas-
nads, skin and retina. The quantitative impor- ing fish size and age. This corresponds to find-
tance of the various organs for metabolic ings of idoxanthin in Arctic charr and Atlantic
transformation has not yet been precisely deter- salmon, in which the concentration of idoxan-
mined, and requires the identification of the thin was higher in small fish than large fish, and
genes and enzymes of different metabolic path- indicates that the metabolic capacity to trans-
ways and the metabolites that are produced. form absorbed astaxanthin decreases with age
However, the authors have found that metabolic and size in salmonid fishes [45,49]. However,
products are formed rather rapidly because the the metabolic capacity may increase at the onset
reductive astaxanthin metabolite idoxanthin of sexual maturation [50]. Although the factors
(3,3,4-trihydroxy-,-carotene-4-one) was that govern carotenoid metabolism in salmonid
detected in the plasma 6 hours after force-feed- fishes have not been identified, it has been
ing Atlantic salmon with radioactively labelled shown that hormones may be involved, since
astaxanthin [19]. Idoxanthin is formed by re- sex hormones (11-ketotestosterone and 17-
duction of one of the keto-groups of astaxan- estradiol) stimulate metabolic transformation
thin, whereas 4-hydroxyechinenone (4- and redistribution, which take place during sex-
hydroxy-,-carotene-4-one) is a correspond- ual maturation [51]. The idoxanthin content of
ing reductive metabolite of canthaxanthin the muscle of Atlantic salmon is partly geneti-
(Figure 3). Considerable differences between cally determined and has a heritability coeffi-
species are found with regard to idoxanthin ac- cient of 0.4 [52]. No effects of temperature and
cumulation in the blood and various tissues. individual feed intake were detected on astax-
Whereas idoxanthin comprises 40 to 60 per cent anthin metabolism measured as idoxanthin con-

258 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Changes in pigmentation pattern during
sexual maturation
It is well recognised that sexual maturation
causes dramatic changes in the pigmentation
pattern of salmonid fishes [14]. In addition to a
redistribution of the carotenoids from the mus-
cle to the skin and gonads, high metabolic activ-
ity causes a 25 per cent drop in the total body
burden of carotenoids in female rainbow trout
compared to sexually immature fish of the same
age and size, while the drop in male rainbow
trout is about 80 per cent of the total body bur-
den [5]. In a trial with Arctic charr, it was found
that intraperitoneal implants containing hor-
mones influenced pigmentation. Thus, Arctic
charr supported with implants containing 11-
ketotestosterone or 17-estradiol had higher
carotenoid concentrations in the skin than Arc-
tic charr supported with implants containing
3,5,3-triiodo-L-thyronine or with implants that
did not contain hormones; in addition, idoxan-
thin comprised a higher proportion of the total
carotenoids in the blood [51]. In Arctic charr a
considerably higher proportion of idoxanthin
Figure 3. Structural formulas of the metabolites a) (15 per cent of total carotenoids) was found in
idoxanthin (3,3,4-trihydroxy-,-carotene-4-one) and b)
the muscle of sexually maturing fish compared
4-hydroxyechinenone (4-hydroxy-,-carotene-4-one).
to immature fish of the same age and size [50].
This trial also showed that astaxanthin com-
centration in plasma in an experiment with prised only a small part of the total carotenoids
small Atlantic salmon (500 g) [37]. Large indi- (<20 per cent of total carotenoids), whereas the
vidual variation in the plasma concentration of major carotenoid was idoxanthin (57 per cent of
idoxanthin was, however, found (<0.570 per total carotenoids). Furthermore, it was shown
cent of the total carotenoid content). In groups that crustaxanthin (3,4,34-tetrahydroxy-,-
of Atlantic salmon that were fed restrictively, carotene) isomers comprised about 20 per cent
fish with visible damage to the pectoral fins had of the total carotenoids in the gonads, and that
a higher idoxanthin concentration in the plasma the reduction in astaxanthin was selective in
than individuals without fin damage, and indi- favour of the sterically most hindered
cates that stress may influence carotenoid 3,4(3,4)-cis glycolic isomers, whereof the
metabolism. Stress has previously been sug- 3,4,34-di-cis; 3,4-trans 34-cis; 3,4,34-di-
gested to cause increased metabolism of caro- trans glycolic isomers comprised 40, 45, and 16
tenoids in salmonid fishes [49]. per cent of the total crustaxanthin, respectively.
In the skin, astaxanthin esters represented about

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 259

85 per cent of the total carotenoids. The bio- Accumulation of carotenoids in
chemical basis for selective accumulation of muscle and other tissue
various carotenoids in different tissues and or- Considerable progress has recently been made
gans still remains to be elucidated. However, se- with respect to the binding of astaxanthin in the
lective accumulation should be related to tissue muscle tissue of salmonid fishes. Even though
specific metabolism, uptake or excretion. astaxanthin is liposoluble, it has long been re-
cognised that it is primarily associated with the
protein, not the lipid, fraction of muscle tissue
Metabolism of E/Z and R/S [53]. A newly developed method has enabled
isomers the determination of astaxanthin binding pro-
Some features regarding the distribution of geo- teins in fish muscle tissue [54]. An ultracentri-
metrical E/Z isomers and optical R/S isomers fugation method and the use of sodium cholate
have implications for a selective metabolic for dispersion of astaxanthin complexes were
transformation. Whether rainbow trout were fed developed to separate unbound astaxanthin by
diets high or low in all-E-astaxanthin (97 per filtration over a 30 kDa filter. After fractional
cent vs. 64 per cent of total astaxanthin) a selec- extraction of the muscle proteins, the various
tive accumulation of 13Z-astaxanthin was fractions that bound astaxanthin could be iden-
found in the liver (4859 per cent of total astax- tified. Fractional extraction of protein-bound
anthin), whereas 9Z-astaxanthin only com- astaxanthin using different brine concentrations
prised about 2.5 per cent of the total astaxanthin and pH have also indicated that a water soluble
[31]. 9Z-Astaxanthin comprised only about 2.5 extract had the highest affinity to astaxanthin,
per cent of the total astaxanthin of the blood. i.e. the highest ratio between astaxanthin and
This indicates that a selective metabolic trans- protein, and indicated that a sarcoplasmaprotein
formation of the various geometrical E/Z iso- was involved in the binding of astaxanthin [55].
mers takes place, presumably in the liver. A By using fractional extraction of muscle pro-
selective accumulation of 13Z-astaxanthin in teins from Atlantic salmon, Atlantic halibut and
the liver has also been found in Atlantic salmon haddock, it was shown that certain fractions had
and Atlantic halibut [38]. A slight selective ac- a greater ability to bind to astaxanthin than oth-
cumulation of (3S,3S)-astaxanthin took place er fractions, but the same protein fractions from
in skin and kidney tissue [31]. This may indi- all three species were able to associate with
cate that a selective stereochemical conjugation astaxanthin [56]. Recent work has provided
takes place during detoxification reactions evidence that the primary binding protein of
(Phase II) in the kidney, by potential formation astaxanthin in the muscle of Atlantic salmon is
of glucuronides or sulphates. In the skin, the se- a-actinin; a-actinin isolated from Atlantic hali-
lective accumulation is probably related to the but also combined with astaxanthin in about the
esterification process, similar to the one that same stoichiometric ratio [57]. These experi-
takes place during gastrointestinal hydrolysis. ments indicate that the astaxanthin-binding ca-
A selective accumulation of (3S,3S)-zeaxan- pacity of the muscle proteins does not limit the
thin, a metabolite of astaxanthin, in the skin of deposition of astaxanthin in the muscle; rather,
rainbow trout supports this view [5]. a high metabolic transformation rate may limit
the retention of ingested astaxanthin.

260 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption

Smolt production regimes may influence caro- higher than levels that can be achieved by feed-
tenoid uptake and deposition of carotenoids. ing Atlantic salmon diets supplemented with
This was investigated in an experiment with At- astaxanthin. In both Atlantic salmon and Atlan-
lantic salmon transferred to seawater either as tic cod the astaxanthin accumulated in the mus-
0+ or 1+ smolts, and fed a diet supplemented cle in a dose-dependent manner. Individual
with 30 mg astaxanthin and 30 mg canthaxan- concentrations up to 30 mg kg-1 were detected
thin per kg for 35 weeks [47]. The 0+ smolts in Atlantic salmon, which represent about 15
had a significantly higher carotenoid concentra- times higher concentrations than can be
tion in the muscle than the 1+ smolts (approxi- achieved by feeding fish of a similar size diets
mately 10 per cent) after correcting for weight supplemented with astaxanthin. A good linear
differences. This indicates that the growth pat- correlation was found between plasma and
tern may influence carotenoid utilisation, possi- muscle concentrations of astaxanthin, which in-
bly due to the reduction in ADC caused by dicates that increased uptake causes increased
increased feed intake during more rapid growth muscle deposition and that muscle is not satu-
[36]. Similarly, continuous illumination during rated at this level. Only about 1 mg astaxanthin
the seawater phase may cause better pigmenta- kg-1 was present in Atlantic cod injected with
tion than the natural photoperiod in autumn astaxanthin despite the high plasma concentra-
smolts [58]. tions (about 20 mg l-1). A patent has been ap-
plied for for a method of injecting astaxanthin
Extremely high plasma concentrations of astax- into salmonid fishes. In conclusion, neither the
anthin have been achieved in Atlantic salmon, binding capacity of the muscle for astaxanthin,
rainbow trout and Atlantic cod by intraperito- nor plasma transport appears to be factors that
neal injection of astaxanthin (50100 mg) limit the efficient utilisation of astaxanthin in
[41,42]. The concentrations were up to 20 times Atlantic salmon. Furthermore, it appears obvi-


Figure 4. Atlantic cod intraperitoneally injected with 0 or 100 mg astaxanthin, respectively. (Photo: Arild Linseth,
Akvaforsk, Sunndalsra)

Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding 261

ous that receptors related to the uptake of astax- cle carotenoids, carotenoid digestibility and
anthin in the muscle have a species-specific retention, and so on, mathematical models can
distribution in different tissues, which may ex- be produced to suggest optimal regimes. The re-
plain the differences observed in uptake be- sults indicate that the expenditure on astaxan-
tween salmonid fish species and white-fleshed thin can be reduced considerably compared to
fish species, although the latter may have a few years ago, while still achieving accepted
good capability of depositing carotenoids in the final concentrations in the muscle (7 mg kg-1)
skin and gonads (Figure 4). of the slaughtered fish (+4 kg). Pigmentation
models for farmed Atlantic salmon have recent-
ly emerged. Nonlinear regression metaanalysis
Concluding remarks of published experimental data has served as a
Considerable progress has been made in re- basis for the development of a pigmentation
search on carotenoids and salmonid fish spe- model [59]. An excellent relationship was
cies. The authors are convinced that a found between modelled astaxanthin concen-
breakthrough in determination of factors that tration in the muscle and the explanatory vari-
govern gastrointestinal uptake and uptake in ables dietary astaxanthin concentration and fish
liver and muscle cells is imminent. Work with size. Based on this model the authors developed
muscle cells in culture and proteom studies has a mathematical programming model designed
been initiated and, provided projects receive to optimise dietary astaxanthin concentrations
financial support, it will contribute to such a throughout the grow-out period that results in
breakthrough. This in turn may create tools to well-pigmented salmon at minimal cost [60].
investigate variation in various populations and These models are rather simple, and other para-
may contribute to improving selective breeding meters that influence carotenoid utilisation as
programmes for commercially important spe- mentioned above have not been taken into ac-
cies. count, although they may improve the models.
A dynamic ordinary differential equation model
Small fish exhibit a relatively poor utilisation of was recently developed to further the under-
carotenoids 0+ smolts utilise carotenoids bet- standing of the fundamental processes that reg-
ter than 1+ smolts. Carotenoid utilisation de- ulate the absorption and metabolism of
pends on seasonal variations, and carotenoid carotenoids in Atlantic salmon [61]. The model
digestibility depends on feed intake and temper- mimics feeding experiments well and indicates
ature. Nevertheless, it may be of practical im- that uptake over the muscle membrane is pos-
portance to provide the correct dosage for the sibly an important source of variation and that a
different stages of production. There may be dynamic model can be instrumental in deter-
more optimal dosage regimes than simply feed- mining underlying determinants of complex
ing fish a constant dose throughout the produc- traits.
tion cycle. Research on pigment strategies has
provided models that estimate economically Quality issues comprise an important aspect of
optimal pigmentation regimes, or the lowest to- pigmentation of products of salmonid fishes.
tal amount of carotenoid required to achieve a Documentation of the effects of process param-
given carotenoid level in the muscle at slaugh- eters such as salting technique, temperature and
ter. By using data on feed intake, growth, mus- duration of processing on the stability of astax-

262 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption


Figure 5. Extraordinary decolouration of an Atlantic Figure 6. Dramatic decolouration of the surface of an

salmon fillet (right-hand side) after injection-salting. Atlantic salmon fillet (unsmoked). (Photo: Sveinung
(Photo: Sveinung Birkeland, Norconserv, Stavanger) Birkeland, Norconserv, Stavanger)

anthin, colouration, texture and more during thin in a red yeast (Phaffia rhodozyma) during
processing of cold-smoked salmon has recently extrusion processing [68]. The study revealed
been provided [6266]. Although important in- that enzymatic degradation of the cell wall
formation on factors that influence the quality caused poorer stability, but that this was by far
of smoked salmon during processing has al- outweighed by the increased availability of the
ready been published, work is still needed, astaxanthin for gastrointestinal absorption
among other things, to avoid problems with pig- (muscle retention 3.7 and 17.4 per cent, respec-
mentation as shown in Figures 5 and 6 [67]. tively) [69]. The research on the identification
of genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis
A considerable amount of work has been done gives hope for future development of astaxan-
to develop alternative astaxanthin sources. We thin and other carotenoid hyperproducing or-
have recently studied the stability of astaxan- ganisms.


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