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Paul Hartunian’s Million Dollar Publicity Letter 4155 Bellevue Avenue * Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 (973)509-5244 © fax (973)509-1833 * e-mail: Issue #29 Dear Friends and Subscribers, A few weeks ago you all received a letter from me offering you resale rights to my publicity course. We got a tremendous response. If you haven't faxed in your request, you'd better hop on it because offer expires on April 9 x’m also strictly limiting the number of deluxe resale licenses I make available. These are the licenses that give you 80% of each sale instead of 50%. That offer also expires on April 9. So, om April 10, if you haven't reserved a resale license, you lost your chance. No exceptions. eee Before you fax out a batch of your press releases, be sure to fax one tc yourself first. FAXing often changes the dimensions of a page. Many times I've had a very full page on my computer screen, but when I faxed it to myself I found that some of the page had been cut off If reporters don’t get your entire fax, they’ll toss it out. If what you thought was one page wrapped over to a second page, you could be very surprised at the time it takes to fax or the total cost of your faxing. I recently put together a press release and thought it was all securely on one page. I faxed it to myself and found that the last two lines wrapped over to a second page. If I had faxed it out the way it appeared on my screen, it would have been a minor disaster. The moral: always fax one copy to yourself before you fax media. eee I recently was told about someone who got media coverage in a major league magazine - lots of space, a great story. The only was that her contact information wasn't included. Needless to say, she wasn't happy. There was even the thought that the reporter backed’ out of the agreement to include her contact information. Absolutely wron Regardless of what a reporter tells you, they have no obligation to include your contact information. If your contact information isn’t included in @ newspaper or magazine article, it was your fault, not the reporter's. I'll repeat that for those of you who now have their mouths hanging open in astonishment. I said, if your contact information doesn’t appear in a newspaper or magazine article, it was your fault, not the reporter’s fault. How can I possibly say that? It’s true. Your contact information wasn’t included in the article because you didn’t make it irresistible. You simply wanted your contact information included so that you could sell a product or promote your business. Why should the reporter care the slightest about promoting your business or product? Because you're giving them a great story, you say? Very romantic thinking, but not realistic. Newspaper and magazine space is very valuable. Every inch has to be used wisely. So, if you haven’t given the reporter a burning, urgent, powerful reason to include your contact information, there’s no reason for it to be included. Kow do you solve this problem? It’s very simple. Make your contact information so important, so valuable that the reporter can’t help but put it in. The reporter is actually excited to include your information. And how do you do that? Offer the readers of your article something of true value. Something they won't want to be without. something that will make the reporter look like a hero for making available to them. What can you give people that has true value? Turn to page 3 and read what I have to say about recorded messages. eee I recently got our local adult school catalog in the mail. I was flipping through it when I saw a stroke of genius. It was a course called “The Art Of Collecting Art’, The description reads: his exciting local gallery that uniquely combines med furniture with contemporary fine art. The owner will share many secrets about the art of collecting arc. Enjoy refreshments in the elegant surroundings of this newly renovated historic building. Absolutely brilliant! This man is offering a class on collecting art. The class is being held in bis gallery. He's going to talk about the benefits of collecting art, using pieces in his gallery as examples. And to top it all off, he’s being paid to run this class!!! The story gets even better. ‘Thousands of this adult school catalog are distributed all over town and in surrounding towns. The adult school gets publicity in the local newspapers for the class. ‘The gallery owner doesn't have to lift a finger to do any of this work. If he's smart, though - and I'll bet he is judging by the fact that he set up this class in the first place - he'll do some publicity work himself. I'd suggest he follow my system and write a press release about the class. He should also get some photos to include with the release. They can be photos of him in his gallery. Or even better, some photos of a previous class in the gallery, packed with people. I can practically guarantee he’1l get lots of coverage. It's a natural! an interesting course being offered through the local adult school, by a local resident, with interesting photos. That’s the formula of a winner! Are you doing something similar? Something that would lend itself to be an adult school class, preferably at your location? If so, follow the formula I just gave you. You do a little bit of the work. Let the adult school do a lot of it. You reap the benefits! eee I’m getting frustrated, Sometimes I think you folks don’: read your newsletters, I've talked about using recorded messages as a backup te your press releases over and over. why don’t you use them? I’ve just done a batch of critiques. In almost every instance, I suggested that the person use a recorded message as a backup to their press release. I'll go over the details again. Let's say you have a business that helps people file bankruptcy Your press release should talk about how to determine if you're a candidate for bankruptcy, how to avoid bankruptcy, the benefits and liabilities of bankruptcy, etc. That gets the initial interest fr: reporters and the interviews that you want. Now what? What do you get from your interviews. Remember the basic principle of my system - interviews should turn inte dollars in the bank. Interviews are not for ego gratification, exposure, etc. Interviews are meant to put dollars into your bank account. Many, many people seem to miss this point. That's where recorded messages come into play. Let's continue with the bankruptcy example. Keep in mind that 1 know nothing about bankruptcy, the legalities of bankruptcy, etc. I'm just going to make up some information. So, if I'm technically incorrect, that’s insignificant. It’s the example and the formula matter. Let’s use bankruptcy to put together another formla you follow. So this bankruptcy lawyer has sent out a press release, following my system. He gets a bunch of interviews. He could offer a free report. He could offer a free seminar. He could offer lots of th In my opinion, though, the most powerful offer he can make is a recorded telephone hotline. call it the “Bankruptcy Information Hotline". Every week - or every day for that matter ~ all this lawyer has to do it record a one minute message. Now, here’s the key to success for this formula. The one minute recorded message is pure information, no sales I repeat - the message is pure information, no sales pitch. pit The first week, the bankruptcy lawyer can begin a quiz that will help people determine if they are candidates for filing. At the end of the information for that week, he would say "Next week we’ll finish this quiz and determine your score. ‘Then you’ll know exactly whether or not you should file.* Week after week he can record one minute of good, hard-core information about bankruptcy. At the end of the one minute of pure information, you can put a plug for your product or service. The bankruptcy lawyer may say something like: “If you already know you're a good candidate for bankruptcy, call my office at (973)509-5244 and I'll be happy to guide you through the steps.” or he can say “If you ever have questions about bankruptcy, call my office at (973)509-5244. We'll be happy to answer your questions at no charge." Now you anally retentive people are screaming “I’m not giving away free advice. They'll take advantage of me!" You're right - partially. A few people may try to take advantage of you. It’s fairly easy to solve that problem. Let's say someone calls your office with the bankruptcy papers in front of them and they want you to help them fill them out over the phone, which would take two or three hours and they want you to do it for free. It's very simple for you to say, “I’m happy to help out with questions that require a simple, brief answer, but what you need requires an office visit at my customary fee." They’ll either hang up on you or make an appointment. Well I guess there’s a third option The lunatic fringe may scold you for being a mercenary. That will be a very rare occurrence and one that is just part of the game The vast majority of people, though, will be truly appreciative. And when they're truly appreciative they're very likely to use your services Think this out logically. People first see a terrific article about you in their local newspaper. There's lots of good information in the article. You then offer a free bankruptcy hotline they can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every week there's new, free information. You also give them the opportunity to call your office to get their questions answered. who are they most likely to use when they need a bankruptcy lawyer > you or some guy with a yellow pages listing under “Bankruptcy Lawyers"? The answer is cbvious. what are the mechanics of setting up this free hotline? They’re very simple. You call your local phone company and tell them you want an extra phone line installed (or 5 extra phone lines installed!). Be sure to ask for residential lines, not business lines. Also ask for the type of phone line that has the absolute lowest cost per month. This will be a line where you are charged even for local calls. You're not going to make any local or long @istance calls on this line, You’re just going to have incoming calls. The cost for these services vary in each state. In New Jersey the charge for installing a new line is $45. The phone company often has special deals where they give you a $45 credit on your bill. So the installation is free. If I recall correctly, the monthly charge for each of the lines we have in my office is $5.65 plus taxes. This is absolutely nothing. That's why I had 9 lines installed in my office. There are months where one or mere lines aren’t used. I don’t care. It costs me five bucks to have that line available to me, 24 hours a day, each month. I don’t care whether I use every line for every second that it’s available to me. As I just mentioned, these charges vary considerably all around the country. Ken Kirshenbaum told me that the phone company in New York city charges $250 for each and every line they install. So, if you want 5 lines installed at the same time, the cost is $1250!!! There's a great opportunity for a press release ~ talking about how New Yorkers are being raped by outrageous phone charges! I’ve set up two temporary phone lines to give you a crystal clear example of what I'm talking about. The first is an “Autograph Hotline’, As you know, I’m one of the nation’s leading authorities on the value of autographs. Call (973)509-6960 to listen to that message. The second is an example of how you can make sales with a free hotline. I've set up a marketing hotline that will show you how this can be done. Call (973)509-6961 to listen to this message. Be sure to call these numbers right away. I only set them up to give you two examples of how this can be done. I’m going to disconnect them in just a couple of weeks. And although the marketing hotline is only an example set up for you, the offer I make on that line is for real I used bankruptcy in this example. How can you use this formula your business? You can set up a free hotline offering information about your field of specialty - dentistry, carpet cleaning, college funding, insurance, dentistry, chiropractic, etc. Or you can offer a hotline that has nothing whatsoever to do with your specialty. You can set up a hotline that offers skiing conditions, foatball scores, movie schedules, etc. It may appear that you aren't helping your business by offering this type of hotline, but it certainly is. At the end of each weekly message you can say something like ‘Montclair Skiing Hotline is brought to you by the Bankruptcy Specialists. If you have any questions about bankruptcy - or if you're ready to file ~ call our office at (973)509- 5244 for a free, confidential consultation.” There it is. One of the best ways to generate leads, make sales, etc. using press releases backed up with a 24 hour voice mail recorded message eee In an earlier issue I told you that I was selling my entire “Pieces Of History” business. This business started with my sale of small pieces of the Brooklyn Bridge. Each certificate had a 1” square piece of the original Brooklyn Bridge on a beautiful certificate. After that certificate, I developed an entire series, ding piece of Abraham Lincoln's law office, pieces of the White House, pieces of an Apollo spacecraft, etc In that earlier issue, I offered you the opportunity to buy exclusive rights to each of these certificates. There are now only two certificates left. They are Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Inaugural Platform and the USS Constitution also known as “Old Ironsides”. Fach of these certificates comes with masters for a professionally designed certificate and enough original wood to make thousands and thousands of certificates. You can set whatever price you'd like on the certificates, but I'd suggested $14.95 - $19.95 each. One great approach to use in making sales is to offer the certificates to catalog companies in large quantities. I’1ll give the buyers more information on exactly how to do that. The exclusive rights to each certificate is $2,500. You'll be the exclusive owner of these certificates. No one else will have any rights to them. Once these two exclusive rights are gone, there is no more. If you want more information, or if you want to reserve one of these opportunities, call Denise at (973)509-5244. I think they’re outstanding opportunities. I want my students to take advantage of them. tee Last issue I illustrated Steven Caine’s bio sheet. In this issue I’m reproducing Steven’s q&a sheet. It’s superb, as was his bio sheet! Notice how Steven sets up the interview the way he wants it to go. His first question is what I call a “hard ball question”. That’s the type of question that an interviewer can use to challenge your authority. You want the reporter to do that. That’s great news for you If you're on a talk show and the host starts by saying “Steven, I understand you're a great estate planner and you give your clients great value." You'll quickly lose the audience. They’ll see right through it as a set up. On the other hand, if the interviewer starts by challenging you by saying something like “Steven, there are tons of estate planners in this area. You can’t walk down the street without running into a dozen of you guys. What makes you any different than all the others?", the audience will love you. The reason is very simple. why do people watch the Indy 500 auto race? Is it to see the winner? No, it’s to see the crashes. ‘The same holds true with your interviews. If the interviewer challenges you right at the beginning, you'll grab the audience’s interest. Don’t be afraid of the challenge. You put the question on your qka sheet. You know the answer! Look at Steven's first question. That’s quite a challenge. why do people have to pay you an exorbitant amount of money for information that is probably available on the Internet for free? Great question! Contact Number: (216) 360-9999 Suggested Interview Questions For Steven Caine Estate/Business Planning Expert and Taxpayer Advocate 1, Why does a taxpayer need to pay you what some might consider an exorbitant amount of a few hundred dollars an hour when today in the information age they can go on the user friendly Internet and design their own estate plan ? 2.What are some of the most common and costly estate planning mistakes? 3. Ok, how sp ifically can we avoid these costly mistakes? 4, Are there any loopholes or any grandslam strategies that are still available in the tax code? 5. In addition to what you just told us, are there any additional tax-saving strategies that America’s richest families use? 6. What is Asset Protection? 7. What are the be: sset protection strategies you use for your clients? 8. What are critically important estate planning issues that have nothing to do taxes or asset protection? 9. Do some people consider their pets in their estate planning? 10. How can I (and my audience) get more valuable ideas and tax-saving information? For a brochure at no charge on Understanding Estate Taxes and Trusts, send a self addressed envelope to: Taxes & Trusts Steven Caine, JD, CPA 28601 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 300 Cleveland, Ohio 44122 Suggested Introduction for Steven Caine Steven Caine is widely recognized as a leading expert and taxpayer advocate on estate, business, tax and financial planning. As an Attomey/CPA, he has drafted hundreds of estate, business, tax and financial plans and has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars (and even millions) for many of his clients. He prevents family feuds; court battles; guardianships and long probates. A prolific author, Caine has written and published dozens of professional articles. Steve is with us today to share some valuable information and little-known “insider’s secrets” that can save you thousands (or even millions) of dollars from going to your Unele Sam. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy. He'll be giving you information you won't want to miss. aed Look at how Steven has set up the rest of his questions. Step-by- step he leads the interviewer in the direction he wants to go. By doing about eliminated the possibility e Steven's questions are very reasonable, they're interesting 0 that Steven follows my rule concer: géa_she ‘That rule says that the your q&a sheet should alwavs be “How can people get touch with you?” teven includes an excellent “Suggested Introduction” Rot qualifies him but also provides benefits to the audience Steven, you did it again! Great work. tad Please ignore the headline on the yellow flyer that’s included with this newsletter...but read every other word on that flyer like the life of your business depended on it...because it probably does! So what about that headline - earn $104,000 a month, working just 4 days a week while living in a tropical paradise? When I first saw that headline I almost tossed out the flyer. Fortunately for me (and you), T didn’t. I read the flyer, checked up on this guy Peter Sun and then got the manual. Once I read it, I was floored. ‘That manual is one of the best I’ve ever read. It’s packed, cover-to-cover, with real-life, practical, easy-to-put-into-action techniques, tips and strategies you can use to get more customers, generate more sales and make more cash. It makes absolutely no difference what business or professional practice you're in, here’s something in this manual for everyon I highly endorse this manual and strongly suggest you make it part of your marketing library. Please read the yellow flyer carefully. See how many ways you’ll be able to directly benefit from the information Peter has for you. Then fax in the order form or call my office and prove to yourself that it’s everything I promise it is. As you'll see, I’m making this manual available to my subscribers at a huge 50% discount, but that offer is only good for the next 14 days. So be sure to fax in your order right now. Remember, I’m so convinced that this manual can make major changes in your business that I’m taking all the risk myself. You have no risk whatsoever. eae That‘s it for this issue. I've got a lot more to say, so I’ getting to work on the next issue right away. Remember to'read the enclosed yellow flyer carefully. Do it now! Well, it’s time for Milo and me to go for a walk. See you next time!

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