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Dilemma 7

Reading in English increases the vocabulary and even more if the subject is of interest to a
student since the brain manages to deduce new words in context before even using a
dictionary, the objective of the vocabulary is that not only students learn to recognize words
but to incorporate them into various forms of communication increasing their fluency not only
to read also to speak and understand what other people is saying.

This is why reading strategies are very important, first I want to explain what a strategy is.
Strategies are specific ways of organizing our resources (time, thoughts, skills, feelings, actions)
to obtain consistent results when doing some work always oriented towards a positive goal.
In the teaching and learning process of reading, different strategies are used, some of which
may occur unconsciously, while others result from the study and experience of teachers.

The key to developing student strategists is that the teacher should know about students likes
and interests without pushing them so much because any student is equal to another, in
various case some students will need more time to understand a lecture in a second language
than others, so following this tips the reading strategies will be easier to learn, follow and
practice for a student,

When teamwork strategies are applied to the analysis and interpretation of the readings,
communication between classmates, the exchange of ideas, the structure of opinions and
argumentation are favored.

In my experience as a teacher specially with A1 AND A2 students level In the emotional field,
these activities allow the development of security and self-esteem of the students when
discovering ideas in common with their classmates and perceive that they are not wrong with
their criteria.

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