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November 27, 2017

To Whom it May Concern,

It is with sincere honor that I write this reference letter for Mrs. Jenna Jusits. I have been
acquainted with Mrs. Jusits for the completion of the first trimester and have worked side by side
with her within a 2nd grade classroom in Oley Valley Elementary School.

In the capacity of a student teacher she was very organized and maintained a cordial
relationship among other faculty members as well as with me. Mrs. Jusits is very easy to get
along with and is definitely a team player with the students best interest at heart. In the role as
a student teacher she was able to follow directions and complete necessary activities with the
class as per lesson plans. The students thoroughly enjoyed Mrs. Jusits and looked forward to
her lesson plans.

It was an enjoyment and learning experience to watch Mrs. Jusits not just teach the
class, but connect with both the class as a whole and with each individual student. She truly
cares for not just the class as a whole, but also for each student. She actively sought guidance
and direction both before and during her lesson plans. She is actively attentive and always
looking for room to improve and succeed.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend Mrs. Jusits for any position within a school
environment. She would be an asset to any program.


Melissa D McIlwain
Substitute teacher

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