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EPC 2903

MCT Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teachers name: Meera Grade Level:

Unit/Lesson: Date: 23rd October, 2017
Grade: C


Class started with a revision of what happened in the last lesson. Here students were asked to draw any
shape named by the teacher on their white board and the teacher corrected it immediately on the
whiteboard data show.

The knowledge of shapes was used to smoothly introduce the concept of Venn Diagrams as the teacher
developed a venn diagram on the board together with the students under the intersection of the sets
shapes with 4 sides and equal sides.

The activities were sufficiently differentiated.

Areas for Development

The task was then given to the students but the student did not take the opportunity to clarify
expectations even after asking the students if they were clear and they indicated that they were not.

The activity needed greater modelling maybe students could have undertaken doing examples personally
whilst in plenary so that by the time they went off to complete the task they would have been better able
to do so.

The use too of hands on tools and large visual like a venn diagram drawn on paper might have given
students stronger opportunity to develop their conceptual understanding of what a venn diagram is before
asking them to operate in a purely written mode of creating an answer on a worksheet.

Ensure that your LOs clearly show the intent of your lesson.

The General Comments:

Good evidence of planning and parts of the lesson articulated well.
Ensure that you develop the concept before asking students to practice.

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