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Health & Safety Unit Plan and Lesson #1 Plan

Lesson Plan 1


Thats me too!
- Stand in a circle
- Each student says My name is ____ and I like to eat ______!
- If a student agrees, they step in the circle, point to themselves, and say Thats me too!
- If not, they stay in the circle without saying anything

Attention Getter/Fun Intro to content:

Idiom Game:
(attention getter, just for fun/intro, informal assessment of where students might be in
knowledge of content and vocab)
- Each group
- will receive list of words already cut out
- Must attempt to match idiom with meaning

Fit as a fiddle To be in a good physical state

In shape To be in a good physical state

Clean bill of health To be healthy

Back on ones feet To feel better

Break out with chickenpox To get many itchy red bumps on your skin

Catch a cold To get sick with a cold

Come down (with something) To get sick

On top of the world To feel really great

Get over something To heal

Kick a habit To stop something you do thats bad for your


Run a fever To have a high body temperature

Turn for the worse To become more sick

Under the weather To feel sick

Feel blue To feel sad

Reading Plan - Repeated Reading

1. Vocab front lading
a. Use vocab list
b. Marzano strategy
c. **Provide notecards
i. A model
ii. Blank cards for students use
2. Teacher Reads
a. Students read along
b. Highlight 3-4 words you recognize from the vocab list
c. After, students share words they recognized -- think-pair-share
3. Read together
a. Teacher and students read together out loud/choral reading
4. Partner reading
a. Take turns every 2 sentences
b. Tell your partner about your diet, which parts you think are
healthy or unhealthy and tell them why.

Vocab List
- Health: talk to each other about what this means - schema, scaffolding,
- Diet : verb and noun, etc.
- state : tier 3, similar meanings (WIDA 3), can cause confusion
- Promote: academic word
- High in
- Fiber
- Digest
- Decrease
- Avoid

- Variety
- Obesity -- use as task to find definition in the text
- ***Will/can be added to based on the needs of students

** Reading Materials: **
Print off the following passage for each student and have them follow along as
you read out loud.

Lets read!
Most people would agree with the definition of good health
as being a state where you are free from sickness. Having a
healthy diet can help promote good health. Foods like vegetables
and fruits should be eaten several times each day. It is also
important to eat foods high in fiber such as beans, grains, fruit
and vegetables. Fiber helps your body to digest the food you eat.
It also helps your body in other ways such as decreasing the
chance of getting some cancers, heart disease and diabetes.
Avoiding foods with a lot of sugar, salt and fat is a good idea.
Eating these kinds of foods can lead to a variety of health
problems. The main one being obesity. Obesity means having so
much fat on your body that you are risking your health.
Quick Outline

1. Garfield comic
a. Have a small think-pair-share discussion about comic - do you think it is healthy
or not? Why or why not?
2. Vocab Review
a. What do you remember from yesterdays lesson? Ill write some on the board
b. New words:
i. Portion - an amount of something, in this case, we talk about good
amounts of food ** did Garfield have good portion sizes?
ii. Benefit - something good; a good outcome from something ** do you think
Garfied got any benefits from eating the cakepie?
3. Concept Sort- hand out
a. In pairs, look through and TALK to each other about what you see
b. Then put the pictures in categories that seem to make sense (if need help, there
are 5 categories
c. Use spanish if needed
4. Each pair shares why for one category
a. Discussion about categories
5. Watch video
a. First hand out MyPlate
b. Tell students to write down categories on the back
i. If you see it in time, fill it in on the front
ii. Just listen to the main idea
iii. Take notes on each category
1. At least one thing for each category
6. Think-pair-share about what was watched
a. Categories
i. Grains
ii. Vegetables
iii. Fruits
iv. Protein
v. Dairy
b. Any benefits
c. Any questions
7. Write on board as students tell categories
8. Assessment
a. Write down on a piece of paper
i. What kinds of categories
9. Tomorrow, we will talk about exercise!

Lesson 1 - part 2

Portion Size - an amount, in this case, a healthy amount

What vocabulary did we learn last time?

Concept Sort
- My plate categories
- Grains
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Protein
- Dairy
- Cut out categories and pictures below.
- In pairs, students will work together to sort pictures into the set
categories from above.
- Must say the word **if student doesnt know it in English then can say it
in Spanish and we will work through it the main point is the
vocabulary for the category, not necessarily the actual picture.
- Must explain why in that category if justification for why they put it in
that category makes sense, then it counts.
- This is for concept understanding and for schema/scaffolding.

Video that explains a little about these food groups and the benefits of them.
BrainPop Nutrition ( )

My Plate
Fill out the empty spaces with the correct food group.
Write 1-2 health benefits from each food group in the same space.
Color each section with 5 different colors of your choice.

ASSESSMENT - informal/formative: ask students

Unit Description and Goals

- Health and eating
- Conversation building
Instructional Materials
Instructional activities and techniques
Methods of assessing student performance
Anything else you feel should be included
Educational Setting Minnesota
Middle School - 6th Grade
Mostly Spanish speakers

WIDA Level and goals: 3 - Developing

- Discourse with a series of extended
- Sentence patterns across content
- Specific content language, including
- Expanded expression of one idea or
emerging expression of multiple
related ideas
- Sentence patterns across content
- Specific content language
- Words or expressions with multiple
meanings used across content areas

Content standards: Minnesota Sixth Grade

Health Standards

Terminal Objectives: Students will be able to:

- Have a conversation using specific
content language, using expressions
- Write about their lifestyles using
specific content language and
common phrases/idioms

Enabling Objectives: Students will:

- Talk about their lifestyles
- Write about their lifestyles
- Compare and contrast their health
habits to others
- Reflect upon their own lives through
written and oral language using
content- specific language.
- Practice using idioms

Standard Benchmarks
5. Students will demonstrate the ability to The student will demonstrate the ability to
decision-making skills to enhance health. apply a decision-making process to health
issues and problems on the individual

4. Students will demonstrate the ability to use The student will demonstrate effective verbal
interpersonal communication skills to and nonverbal communication skills to
enhance health and avoid or reduce health enhance health.

6. Students will demonstrate the ability to use The student will apply strategies and skills
goal-setting skills to enhance health. needed to attain personal health goals

Unit Lesson/Topic Materials/Plan

1. Health - Food 1. Greeting

**See above for 2. Idiom Game
details 3. Reading & Vocab

Formative Assessment: walk around and check that each pair uses at
least 3 content specific vocab words

2. Health - Food 1. Listening to a (short video) about food

2. Looking at menus from local restaurants and determining healthy
and unhealthy foods.
3. Role play- ordering food at restaurant ( groups of three)
4. Share the plates ( from yesterday) in small groups.
5. Vocabulary stations- twister, pictionary, beach ball
6. Health idioms relay

3. Health - Exercise 1. Class meeting-conversation cards game

2. Vocabulary game- fly swatter
3. song
4.Journaling about the video- Tell us about what you heard in the
song? Tell us what it means to you

4. Health - Exercise 1. Conversation partners

2. Vocabulary game- puzzles
3. Writing- tell us something you would like to do in physical education
4. Reading about sports event- whisper phones
5. Fluency activity- stop and go
4. Exercise idioms relay game

5. Health- personal 1. Greeting- toothbrush greeting ( fill out the toothbrush with names of
hygiene/ dental people who.)
health 2. Dental health song and transcript
2. Vocabulary picture sorts- word and picture matching
3. reading game- Request activity
4. Act out something from the reading

6. Safety - at school/ 1. Frontloading with images- Think- pair- share about each image
bus 2. read/ discuss school plan
3. Create a classroom safety plan anchor chart
4. Vocabulary game- baskets

7. Safety - risk 1. Journaling- what do you know about safety?

reduction plan 2. Create your plan! With pictures and written plan
(home) 3. Sharing plans in pairs/ groups
4. Vocabulary puzzles ( crosswords)
5. Safety idioms relay

8. Health & safety- 1. Greeting- different voices

personal 2. picture/ word sort with personal relationships
relationships 3. Whisper and choral read newspaper article about friends
4. Drawing and word graphic organizer- main ideas and supporting
5. Vocabulary game- charades

9. Health & Safety- 1. Greeting- in your L1

stress and self- 2. Journal- when is a time when you feel stressed?
esteem 3. Conversation table- what can we do to feel less stressed?
4.Vocabulary memory game with small groups ( all unit vocabulary)

10. Health & Safety- 1. Greeting- picture ( health professionals) partner pairs
health professionals 2. Vocabulary journal- marzano strategy
3. Reading- blog written by a health professional
4. Role play partners- going to doctor/dentist/ hospital, etc.
5. Journaling- who helps you stay healthy and safe? Turn and talk
elbow partners
6. All idioms relay- review of idioms from the whole unit ( formative

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