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Matthew Nichols

Nikki Buzzell-Garncia

Intro to Ed


Standard 7

Standard 7: Engages in professional growth

Criteria a: Demonstrates habits and skills of continuous inquiry and learning.





Subject: 9th Graders paper inquiry


Hello Ms. Example, I am Mr. Nichols and am currently teaching 9th grade history class. I

wrote you today in inquire about my students past experience in your English classes, as I am

preparing to give them a lengthy paper assignment and would like to understand their skill set

with writing papers before I finalize the assignment. What would be your recommendations on
how to best accomplish this as well as what to expect from the students. I have included my class

roster as well as my assignment for your feedback.

Thank you for your time.

This artifact is an example of an email I would send to a fellow faculty member inquiring

about her previous class, which would be my current class. In this example I am unsure of my

classes prior knowledge of a particular skill set, in this case, the ability to write a paper, and

would like to know this in order to build a foundation for a bulky assignment. To do this I reach

out to another staff member in order to build my assignment, as well as to gauge my own skills

and goals from their feedback. This allows me to grow as a educator, as well as enrich my

classroom environment.

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