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Interview Questions

1. What was your role in the Armed Forces?

2. How fast can you reload your M1-54 Semi-Automatic Laser Blaster?
3. Can you fly the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs?
4. Where do you gain experience with the MAC-511 (CEEL) Weapon System?
5. Where did you graduate from and how do you see that aiding the community we have?
6. Are you opposed to World Domination?
7. What is your highest security clearance level?
8. Shark Week?
a. Yes
b. No
9. Would you lie about touching someone's drum set?
10. Do you have any flight experience?
11. Are you opposed to genetic modifications?
12. If we encountered other life forms would you
a. Murder it
b. Examine it
c. Run
d. Form a deep lasting bond and return to earth to introduce it to your parents and
or family
13. If the Life-Star is fully operationally would you fire it upon Earth?
14. Where do you see yourself in 10 years and please do factor in our traveling
through different time-dilations?
15. Are you willing to dress as Buzz Lightyear for our first mission?
16. If you were to fall into the vacuum of space would you
a. Hold your breath
b. Attempt to breathe
c. Go silently into the night
d. Panic and hope for a timely demise
17. How sweaty are you after watching an hour of Cops?
18. Would you steal a galactic cruiser to make a music video?
19. If you were to approach a new planetary system with current life forms on
patrol would you
a. Rambo
b. Hold position until approached and granted access
c. Continue flying until confronted
d. Turn away
20. Would you be open to cloning?
21. Why should we pick the previous candidate?
22. If we were dressed as stormtroopers, how good is your aim out of all 24 of us?

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