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Classroom Rules and Procedures


May change based on district/ school policy

Before Class/ Between classes Clean up rows of chairs

Pick up papers/ trash off floor and
Reset room for next class
Clear paper bin and place in folder
Beginning of Class Count students in room
Ask Who of your friends are
missing? for attendance
Go over objectives/ goals for day
Transitions Raise hand to quiet class. I raise hand
then as students notice they raise
hands and quiet down.
When class quiets explain next
End of class Last 5 minutes of class have students
take out 3x5 index card write a
reflection of lesson for the day.
Collect note card reflections as
students exit the classroom
Turning in student work There will be a bin on teachers desk to
turn in papers.
Have a file folder created for each
class to hold papers
Absences If student misses a performance they
may make up the points by watching a
staged performance and writing a 250-
word reflection
If a paper or quiz is missed it may
only be made up with excused
Late work Late papers will be accepted with
excused absence
A separate late work bin will be
placed on teachers desk.
Grading Grading will be done during prep
periods and entered on Friday
If students have questions about
grades they may visit and discuss
them with me during lunch, prep, or
after school
Communication with parents Announcements dealing with all
students will be sent through email
If problem with one student parent
will be contacted by phone to set up

Rules and Consequences:

May change based on district/ school policy

Rule Consequence

1. Practice proper audience etiquette First offense: Student will be asked to

Second offense: Groups will be
broken up
Third offense: Students will be sent to
office or held after class to be
questioned one-on-one
2. No devices unless used with First offense: Asked to put it away
permission Second offense: Taken until after class
Third offense: Phone taken to office
3. Keep the classroom quiet. Unless First offense: Student asked to quiet
working on group projects down
Second offense: Groups will be
broken up
Third offense: Students will be asked
to stay after class or sent up to office

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