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Community Service 1

Community Service
Alisha Larsen
Edu 203
March 10, 2016
Community Service 2

I did my community service in a first grade class at cosine elementary. I was working

with a few students one-on-one to sound out words, do some basic addition, and then ran through

some sight words. The students were below grade level needed extra practice. It was nice to

work with the students. I had to try multiple methods with the different students to help them


For one student I had to use a method of breaking down the words with different colors

on the whiteboard and work through word groups. For another student it worked better to have

him say the individual sounds slow and then slowly speed up our sounds to finally get our word.

When I worked with the young girl on addition the teacher had her drawing circles for the

numbers and then counting how many circles she had drawn. I found that she would rush

through them and skip circles, so I had to have her touch each circle while she counted for her to

slow down.

I believe that my assistance in the classroom has been beneficial to the students I helped.

The teacher had told me that I was the first volunteer she had had in the class for the whole year.

The time spent in the classroom was definitely worth the effort, the students wouldn't have been

able to get as much extra help if I didn't spend the time helping. I realized how little support

some teachers get from the community, including from the parents of the students in the class.

I had a difficult time getting into the classroom with my work schedule taking up the

whole school day. I was able to go over during my lunch hour and take an extended lunch to

spend the time helping out. I wish more of the parents would take the time to help out in the

classroom, even if each parent went in just one day they could make a difference. Even giving up

just an hour to be a great help for the students. I hope that I am able to do this again now that I

have seen the need, and how it can benefit the students.

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