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Edgar Gamez

Period 1

Alexander Hamilton Poem

Founding Father Alexander Hamilton
Born in Jamestown Virginia
This man was so great his birth was unknown
His mom was a merchant
And his dad a Scottish trader
John Lavine and Rachel Facett
Were the creators of the Founding Father
Alexander Hamilton
His father was abusive to him and his mother
So he was considered a bastard son
All this neglect
Lead to him to become his own man
So he worked as an accounting clerk in St. Croix
Making his own path
Through his early experience he was exposed internat commerce
And learned about the business
Getting money and making trades
Later on a man named Nicolas Cruger
valued Hamiltons accounting skill
He recognized talent and appreciated
Making him recognized after they put him in the newspaper
Others looked in
But a man named Hugh Knox was more than impressed
Realizing that Hamilton was the best
Made more than Less

In 1775, the revolutionary war began

Hamilton became part of the New York Provincial Artillery Company
In 1777 after Hamilton fought in that years battle of Brandywine Creek
Germantown and Princeton
He was promoted to Lieutenant
Colonel of the continental army being undefeated
No competition lead to a new beginning
In a political career
Became the first treasurer in history
The New York opportunity he turned down
He believed the Constitution gave him authority to create economic policies
Hamilton supported Jefferson's campaign
Because of this Burr lost and became vice president
Burr had a duel that killed Hamilton
Hamilton died July 12, 1804

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