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2. 2+2
3. print(2+2)
4. print(my first program)
5. print(my first program)
6. print(my first program)
7. print(my first program)
8. PrInt(hi)
9. PRINT(hi)
10. 6 + 4 * 9
11. print(6 + 4 * 9)
12. type("Hello, World!")
13. type(17)
14. type(3.2)
15. type("17")
16. type("3.2")
17. print("Oh no", she exclaimed, "Bens bike is broken!")
18. a=5
19. print(a+50)
20. msg=hi friends
21. 42000
22. 42,000
23. 17 = n
24. 76trombones = "big parade"
25. more$ = 1000000
26. class = "Computer Science 101"
27. len("hello")
28. 2 ** 3
29. 7 / 4
30. 7 // 4
31. int(3.14)
32. int("2345")
33. int("23 bottles")
34. float(17)
35. float("123.45")
36. str(123.45)
37. 2 ** 3 ** 2
38. (2 ** 3) ** 2
39. fruit = "banana"
baked_good = " nut bread"
print(fruit + baked_good)
40. Add parenthesis to the expression 6 * 1 - 2 to change its
value from 4 to -6.
41. bruce + 4
42. abs(5)
43. abs(-5)
44. pow(2, 3)
45. max(4, 1, 17, 2, 12)
46. type(True)
47. type(true)
48. 5 == (3 + 2)
49. j = "hel"
j + "lo" == "hello"
50. 1 2
51. x,y,z=3,4,5 print(x+y+z)

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