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Kalilah Floyd

Ms. Jacobs

Freshman Comp. 2

September 27,2017

Bell Cricket or Grasshopper?

If it were you, would you rather have a bell cricket or a grasshopper? Some may say a

grasshopper but others may say a bell cricket. In the story The Grasshopper and the Bell

Cricket, many different examples of symbolism and narration or point of view are used to help

you support your decision.

Symbolism is a figure of speech where something has another meaning other than what it

really means. Narration/Point of View is when you find out how the story is being told. By the

author telling you the story in first person, we further understand why the person stops to give

Fujio some advice.A grasshopper and a bell cricket are used viewed in this story as symbols,

talked about in first person, and used to help the character understand.

The story begins to inform us about a man or woman walking past a field of children with

colored lanterns. The character notices a child known as Fujio building his own colored lantern

adding decorations and colors that began drawing the other kids attention. Once Fujio notices the

attention, he began yelling about finding a grasshopper. With this in mind, Fujio gives the

grasshopper to a girl named Kiyoko not realizing it was really just a bell cricket. In response,

the other children start to laugh and mock Kiyoko. Unbothered, Kiyoko shows nothing but

gratefulness for her bell cricket. In conclusion, the man or woman who was viewing the children
gave Fujio some life advice about Kiyokos gratefulness and helped him realize the real worth of


In this story, the narrator happened to be speaking in first person. Throughout the story

the narrators focus remained the same. In the beginning the speaker was just a bystander but by

the end of the story the speaker turned to a character. While giving Fujio advice, the speaker

spoke about finding a bell cricket or grasshopper but always admiring its values.

The character wants Fujio to understand, you should look deeper into things instead of

thinking about it like everyone else.

One quote from this story that represents point of view and narration is Walking along

the tile-roofed wall university, I turned aside and approached the upper school. In this quote, the

author speaks in first person singular. Repeatedly using I Yasunari Kawabata has created a

character that was never revealed as a woman or a man. Not once was a description or an age

was included.

Another quote that represented symbolism would be Oh, its not a grasshopper. Its a

bell cricket.The way this quote was written shows that the bell cricket is indeed an example of

something that is viewed as something rare. The grasshopper was used to symbolize something

that is seen as average or normal. With the advice from the speaker, Fujio viewed Kiyoko as his

bell cricket and not as an ordinary grasshopper. Just so he could express his feelings, he gave

what he knew was a bell cricket to Kiyoko.

The last quote that represented setting in this story is Not only were there crimson,green,

pink, indigo, purple, and yellow lanterns, but one lantern glowed with five colors at once. The
author continues to explain the sight that the unknown character sees. By doing this, the author

creates a scene for you to imagine. Given this description, you know that the character sees many

different brightly colored lanterns in a field. He or she also sees many children running around

giving more of a scenery to imagine. Like I stated earlier the author is implying that Fujio knew

that what others thought was a grasshopper was really a bell cricket.

With all things considered would you have wanted a bell cricket or a grasshopper? Would

you have responded the same way as Kiyoko? In response to the details of this story, I feel like

this story was structured very well. It has a theme that states No matter what it is you should

always be grateful for it and nobody elses opinion matters. The theme is what causes the

unknown character to begin speaking to Fujio and giving him life advice.


Booth, Alison, et al. The Grasshopper and The Bell Cricket. The Norton Introduction

to Literature, W.W. Norton, 2006, pp. 275278.

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