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Name : Dhea Ivtachara Amelina (171710301063)

Class : AgroIndustrial Technology- A (2017)

Homemade Noodle

Its true that home made noodle take more time to prepare than store bought. But they reward
cooks with fresher, richer, better tasting noodle and healty noodle. To make a homemade
noodle we need: 2 cups all purpose flour, a half teaspoon salt, 2 egg yolks and 1 whole egg,
100 ml of water, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil or olive oil, a large bowl, a small bowl, knife, and
spoon. The first step, mix the 2 cup of flour , salt and the water in a large bowl an stir
together. In a small bowl combine egg yolk and whole egg, and oil. Add the egg mixture to
the flour mixture, stirring to combine. The dough will be sticky at this point, thats ok it will
become smooth as you knead it. Transfer the dough to a floured operating board, should be
large enough. Roll it into a thick wrapper firstly, Roll the dough into rectangle or round
wrapper with around 0.5 cm in thick, keeping remaining dough covered with flour, Fold the
large dough wrapper around 5cm wide . Each time after folding up, spread the surface with
flour, Cut the remaining part off. Cut the folded dough into thin strips with a sharp and dry
knife. Spread flour on the surface before picking the noodle strips. Unfold the strips one by
one and then shake the extra flour off. The homemade noodle ready to Cook,

Homemade noodle can cook directly or dry for around 3 days. They can be refrigerated for
around 3 days.

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