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Nome: __________________________________ Classificao: __________________

Ano: Turma: Nmero: Data:

____ _____ _______ ___/___/___
Professor: _______________________________ Enc. Educao: ________________
1 Look at the pictures and choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.

1- The girls __________ (swam / went / had) in the swimming pool.

2- Peter and Sally _________ (ate / met / read) pizza.

3- Carry __________ (wrote / had / ran) an email.

4- They __________ (drank / ate / saw) a cup of tea.

2 Complete the text with the correct verb forms.

Yesterday Margaret ______________ to school because it ________ Saturday. She

________ her friends in the morning and they _________ to the Zoo. They ________ the
monkeys and the Kangaroos but they _______________ the lions. They _________ some
photos and they ________ lunch at a caf. They ________ sandwiches and __________
orange juice.
They ________ back home by bus at 4 oclock. They ________ a fantastic time.

3 Match the questions with the answers.

Where did you go last month? I went to Brazil.

How did you travel? I travelled by plane.

Did you go to Rio de Janeiro? Yes, I did.

Did you go with your friends? No, I didnt. I went with my parents.

What did you do? I visited Cristo Rei and Po de

Acar and I went to the beach.

What did you buy? I bought some souvenirs for my

4 Match the beginning of the sentences with the correct question tag.

Betty saw a kangaroo, didnt she?

They swam for one hour, didnt they?

You didnt write an email, did you?

Bill met his friend at the didnt he?

shopping centre,

Kyle and Greg rode their bikes, didnt they?

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