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My reflection: English 1010

Alan Prasad Jr

Period: 4

I enjoyed this class much more than previous English courses. From the first day

I realized it have much more to do with academia and real world experiences. This

college course showed me real academia is enjoyable. In all high school English

classes, they limit you. In a college English class, I was able to think logically and

critically. The information and essays came naturally for once. Professor Trelease is an

amazing instructor. She would show us clearly, what had to happen. She also showed

us Engfish, the worst thing possible. Often in high school, I was to blunt for the teachers

liking. However, Professor Trelease did not mind I was blunt. She encouraged it and

preferred if students did not beat around the bush. This class gave me the ability to

write and explore science in a humanities perspective. As the semester continued, I had

the chance to learn more on how English is important and the how it can help my

scientific research. This class also taught me patience, especially when my classmates

struggled. This class also made me a better writer, improving my skills. I learned how to

produce writing pieces that will impress future college professors. I recall siting in the

class and thinking to myself on how this will help me and have a real impact on m

future. I have never felt that in a humanities class, and now I have expanded my

thinking. English holds value and meaning now. Instead of doing pointless assignments

such as reading about Gulags in Soviet Russia. Now I am able to do what I enjoy while

still enjoying a English class. Something I thought could never be done.

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