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Outreach Programs

For the Homeless

A Grand Deception?

According to Alex Jones a news reporter out of Texas through his program called
InfoWars and PrisonPlanet he has made statements that the U.S. Government is getting ready to
round us up into FEMA camps. And there are several news groups and articles on the world wide
web that have talked about homeless shelters playing a major role in helping our government
leaders to make it easy on them in rounding us up to take us into the F.E.M.A. camps. Also, if
you are one of the individuals that is down on their luck, and or fits into the general stereo types
of being a drug and alcohol user or have a criminal record, but you have a functional brain and
are able to see things the way they real are, you just about cant help to see a conspiracy at work
when dealing with some of the homeless shelters.

From my personal experience, I have been in and out of the homeless arena since
November of 1998 and have only witness the conspiracy within the last four years of being in
Pinellas County Florida, for which Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura warned about in their
programs. Was this reality of sinister Illuminati devil worshippers in their plot to rule the world
already here since the establishing of the Federal Reserve in December 24, 1913? Or has it took
them this long in their efforts to dumb down our minds through the programs of the trilateral
commission, news media, television shows, infliction of trauma and other tactics for them to feel
confident enough to roll out the red carpet in a new world order that parallels everybody being
taken to a World War II Nazi concentration camp.

My Great Disillusionment

In regards to my most recent experiences, I feel that I must speak out or forever hold my
peace. As one man once said; all evil needs to thrive is for good men to do nothing. In the past
I have tolerated a lot of things that went on at St. Vincent DePaul because I was deluding myself
to believe that the problem was rooted in the perception of the issue of poor management and too
many chiefs and not enough Indians, or as another female associate said in her complaints that
the staff was not trauma informed. Yet, the truth of the matter is that the staff are well trained in
the art of being trauma informed, and know well how to teach their volunteers the art of
traumatizing the client to break their will. And I cant help but to look at what is going on in that
negative light, while trying to one up the situation by looking at it as an incentive to work that
much harder in getting out of there and becoming self-sufficient.

It might not be so bad if I didnt know what I know about the Illuminati Mind Control
formula, history, government N.W.O. conspiracy, and the Adventist doctrine in which I embrace,
but, then again; I thank Yeshua for this enlightenment. Thank Yeshua that I am not one of the
victims the Bible talks about in the scripture which says, My people perish for lack of
knowledge. And it is not like I saw one thing that goes on there and spun a tangled web from it,
but I sat back and observed a multitude of things that have happened since I have been there for a
little over a year now, and sad to say.

Events of my disillusionment

Since 8/18/2017 to 08/22/2017, a chain of events happen that are as follows: Staff
member Jason announces that all bags with linen are to be tagged and put in the cube because
they were going to pressure wash the courtyard, later that evening our linen bags are taken and
we are told that they are being washed (never mind the fact that all stuff washed becomes sole
property of St. Vincent DePaul), then we are told that we would get our bags back after they
were in a hot room to kill the so called bed bugs, then we were told that we are not allowed to
have personal linen anymore, and lastly, we are told to donate or give our linen to someone. This
to me is classic and deliberate miss-information so they could take your linen and dispose of it,
or add it to their collection, but this style of vagueness in the delivery of the information keeps
you off guard and not knowing which way is up, and they can evade any fault on their part.

And today, what I find so knee slapping funny is when one person (volunteer) asked me
if I wanted a grey hurricane/prison blanket to keep. I of course told him no, I thought to myself,
why, so you can take that one. That also is a tactic that I would expect from a staff member or
their volunteers that is a classic hallmark of trauma based mind control. I learned a new acronym
from a Marine Core Friend, B.O.H.I.C.A. (bend over here it comes again), which I think about
now every time Jason or some other staff member or volunteer talks. I even came up with my
own expressive acronym to describe the situation, B.M.O.A.R.M.A. (bend me over and rape me
again), and the new acronym is of course expressive in figurative terms of being proverbially
sodomized without grease.


While yes I was focused for the most part on the conspiracy angle, we cannot forget the
money angle, which is more reasonable at this juncture in explaining the issues revolving around
the struggle for them to keep making money off of having no more than 50 people in a cage
while housing those with incomes inside the building. So what is the solution in regards to
knowing that the homeless programs are a part of the secret F.E.M.A. program, or that some are
just ran by money hungry management. I think as Ellen White said, when you see the soldiers
camped around the city, it is time to leave the city and hid to the country. In the present moment
with the rumors of city hall wanting to shut St. Vincent down, and the fact that many of the
funders have pulled out because of the shady operations, I think it behooves me to work a lot
harder in getting myself out of their with a job and my own place.

1. Hotel California: L.A. Officials to Send Homeless to Internment Camps: Will Be Implanted With
RFID Chips
2. WHISTLEBLOWER: L.A. Planning To Forcibly House Homeless Citizens In Camps
Insider: Supervisor told us citizens cannot leave housing facilities
B Y NI NA BURL E I G H O N 8 / 1 9 / 1 6 AT 1 0 : 5 1 A M
4. St. Vincent de Paul gets $6 million to help struggling veterans
Waveney Ann MooreWaveney Ann Moore, Times Staff Writer | Tuesday, September 30, 2014
5. Cage or courtyard? Homeless flock to the area near St. Vincent de Paul
Waveney Ann MooreWaveney Ann Moore, Times Staff Writer | Tuesday, May 5, 2015 9:58pm
6. October 14, 2014 | Press conference today at SVdP
7. Drugs, Crime, overwhelm neighborhood surrounding St Pete shelter | Council members threaten
to hold addition funding | by Cameron Polom | 4:08 PM, May 5, 2016
8. The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier

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