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Mechanical Engineering Interview

1. How many years of schooling did it take to become an engineer?

-4 Years of college education at an accredited university.

2. What are the requirements for your job?

-A bachelors of Engineering degree, proficiency in CAD, proficiency in Outlook/
Microsoft Office products, Communication and Teamwork skills

3. What was your first day on your job like?

-Alot of onboarding material mainly for corporate/human resources. Learning how
to bill hours, who to contact for what, workplace harassment training and other
such things. I didn't actually start engineering until the following days.

4. What would you say the hardest part of your job is?
-Making assumptions based upon incomplete or imperfect data. In school they
give you all the information necessary to solve the problem where in they real
world you have to make assessments and figuring out what is reasonable and
practical given the circumstances.

5. What is the best part of your job?

-Getting to travel around the United States working with different clients and
meeting new people.

6. Do you generally enjoy your job?

-Yes, it feels very rewarding when the client is happy with the work you are doing
and asks you for proposals on new work they are bidding.

7. What is the average salary for your profession?

-I would say around the $70,000 starting, but the sky's the limit from there.

8. What does an average day at your job look like?

-On the average day I check my emails and attend meetings throughout the day.
I work with documents the client has provided and perform engineering analysis
and work with draftsmen to create new drawings based upon the work we are
performing. I often work closely with my team members to provide a consistent
and quality product to the client.

9. Do you interact with others?

-Yes, I have good relationships with my team members and we often bounce
ideas off each other or ask questions amongst ourselves. We also have good
personal relationships and will discuss non work related things such as what they
did last weekend.
10. Are there any benefits from working your job?
-Yes, my company throws company parties and caters our lunches sometimes,
they really try to make us feel like part of a team. Also I really enjoy traveling and
interacting with the client.

11. What is the biggest project you have worked on?

-I worked on a project doing work on 1,100 miles of pipeline that lasted 2 years

12. Overall do you enjoy being an engineer?

-Yes, it is challenging and it stressful sometimes knowing the client will be looking
very closely at your work but Im always up for a good challenge.

13. Would you refer a friend to become an engineer as well?

-Absolutely, the career opportunities are very broad and the job market for
engineers is always very strong. The challenges you face will teach you a lot
about how the world works and I find it very satisfying to overcome and provide
the clients with good work that I know will help them operate more effectively and

14. What is your end goal / (where you want to end up at the end of your career) of being an
-I want to have my own engineering firm and learn more about running a
business and to mentor younger engineers in the way more experienced
engineers have mentored me.
15. Is there anything a person should know before becoming an engineer good or bad ?
-Its gonna take a lot of work, both to get through school and during your daily
workflow. There is always satisfaction in your work though when you see how it is
applied practically and it is amazing to see how important your job really is.

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