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At a time when the rivers were made of chocolate and wishes could come true, there lived a magnificent

cat ,with saphire eyes and chocolate furr. This cat spent all her days,rejoicing in the warmth of the sun in
a mytical land,known these days to be somehwere deep in the heart of Thailand.

This cat always slept on the most expensive pillows,made of pure silk and embroided with gold bows,
she used for playing when she felt bored. She wore an opulent dimaond necklace gifted to her by the
King himself.There was never in the whole world a cat more loved than her,or more adored,as every
single day,thousands of peasents were coming to her,bending the knee,and pledging their loilaity to the
most beautiful and kind cat that have ever lived.And her name,was The Empress.

The Empress never had kittens because she feared they were to be naughty or ugly and they may
destroy the perfect image she built with so much purrness and joy she gave to the people.
Moreover,she never really felt like sharing her meals of tuna with anyone-let alone little meowing
beings that made her fat,so she was quite set on never mating.Until...

One day,like any other day,in the land of Thailand,a beautiful Cat King arrived,wearing a necklace with
an amethist .He was proud and nasty,and he smelled of wildness and dreams.When The Empress saw
him,her heart sinked.She loved him.She loved his rudeness.She loved his coldness.She loved him
whole.And his name was Rubin Sparkle Sparkle.

Slowly,the love bloomed between the two of them. The Empress loved his fancy smirk,and the way she
always made him reach for more.But Rubin? Rubin loved The Empress even more than she loved him.
More than life.Even more than tuna.And that was more than any cat loved anyone.They were madly in

So when the season came,the Empress no longer locked herself with eunucs to attend to her needs.She
brought Rubin to her chamber,and they conceived the product of true love.A wonderful sweet
kitten,the rightful heir of The Empress and Rubin Sparkle Sparkle. They both licked her silly face when
she was born,and they named her Princess Ruby Sparks. And with their children born,their love was

They lived a long and beautiful life as a family,until the danger striked. A terrible enemy destroyed their
world as they knew it , rebuilding their kingdom and making it a land for the savages. Rubin and The
Empress were desperate.But most of all,they thought of their daughter which was all paws and
happiness.They had to save her.

The Empress sold most of her jewls,and Rubin even sold his amethist necklace.But they got a boat that
would send their daughter in a foreign land,one from the third world,where the savages were yet to
enter and her dreams may still come true.They licked her sweetly before they placed Princess on the
boat,and with teary eyes,they left for the Kingdom of Bestet,the Godess of Cats.

The Princess spent centuries on the boat,thinking about the sweet life she shared with her parents in
Thailand.All the tuna she ate.All the kisses she received.Her beautiful orange blanket. Her silver litter
box that made her feel like she was at sea. But the memories got lost,and the boat finally arrived to

Meow.The Princess was found by Andrada and brought to Bella.

Meow.That third world country wasn't that bad after all. She also had a fairygodmother that always
listent and understood her sufferings.But she soon found comfort in her new family.Happiness. So much
that she always threw her tongue out of her mouth,as a sign of pure joy.

Happy endings aren't always what we thought they will be. But they're always worthy.

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