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Rachel Flinn

Pen On Fire #1
Mother Nature should be our altar;

We should worship

And bask in her beauty.

The flowers she blooms

Should be cultivated

And encouraged to grow,

As she heartens us to glow.

Mother Nature should be our shrine;

We should ask for her blessing

Instead of abusing her might.

Mass production, deforestation, and pollution

Are all we leave behind.

Even in her glory,

Our steel edifices falter to their knee.

Mother Nature should be our savior;

Her angry bellows attended to

As she pleads for her life.

Without her hand,

We would not survive,

Nor explore or implore

what we could have done more.

Mother Nature should be our sanctuary;

Voices hushed as she passes by

With wind in her hair and trees sprouting

As she treads on our murky ground.

Her protection not guaranteed

As we empty, take, and strip.

From our grasp, her lifeline slips.

Mother Nature should be our redeemer;

Content among our inventions,

We no longer wish to be saved.

As our actions trickle downstream,

Without introspection, we too

Will be taken by the current

If our actions do not become abhorrent.

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