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Lutz 1

Kenneth Lutz

Professor Jizi

UWRT 1104

22 October 2017

Secrets to College Excellence

1. How can I achieve more in college?

2. My purpose for this inquiry project is to help myself, and others perform better in

college. I hope to learn new techniques that I can apply to my life that will help me

achieve more in college and excel. I chose this as my inquiry project because college is

my main focus for the next 4 years. If I start this project now, it will have a massive

impact on how I go about these next 4 years. I have never been great at studying or using

my school resources. By doing this project I will delve into the ideas of how to achieve

the most in your college education. This inquiry will reflect my Hope and optimism

character strength the most. It will reflect that because I am always optimistic about the

future and achieving college excellence will be my future for the next 4 years.

3. I grew up thinking the only way to do good in college was to study. I believe that there

are many other ways to attain excellence. So far in my time at college, I have noticed

there are many places to get help, like tutoring centers and clubs that pertain to specific

subjects. I want to learn how to apply those and find other ways to excel other than just

studying. I think through taking time out, new learning techniques, and stress relieving

activities, anyone can accomplish their goals in college no matter how difficult.

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