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a. Over the summer I thought that Radiobiology was physics and I was wrong.

Radiographic Imaging Equipment was physics; my concern was that I have never really
understood anything related to physics and I thought this would be the same. Physics
and Radiobiology were both taught by the same professor, which made it easier
because we see Rodney every day. Physics ended up being easy and although I did have
to study and learn some new things, it is not bad at all. Over spring semester, we were
told that this was going to be one of the hardest semesters but if you do your part and
stay on top of things, it is not bad at all. I will admit the first few weeks I was lost but as
time passed by everything started fitting in together and I understood it.
b. When we began this semester mAs and kVp were so difficult to understand. Imaging 1
ended up being the hardest class, Jessyca kept telling us that it would make sense as
time went on and that it was okay if we didnt really get it at first and she was right. As
time went on, we started talking about the same concepts in other classes and they
really tied in together. In one class, we learn about the parts of the X-ray tube and table
and in another we learn about how radiation interacts with the body and in another
how we get the image from the cassette to the monitor. Everything goes together.
c. Right now, I feel like I am understanding everything well. I hope it stays that way, and I
plan on keeping my same study habits going for next semester.

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