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Austin Wilhelm

Ms. Jizi


23 October 2017

Inquiry Research Proposal

Step 1.)

How foes the type of music we listen to affect our behavior?

Step 2.)

My specific purpose of this is to find out how the different types of music can have an

impact on the person. I want to find out how the different types of music, genre and lyrics effect

a persons mood and behavior when they listen to it. I want to know which type of music relates

to what mood a person could be in, although we are all different some music changes peoples

moods. Im searching to find out if there is a certain kind of music that could cause someone to

be depressed or want to think about suicide. I chose this because I know my mood can change

depending on the music Im listening to and I want to find out what is causing that. My

genuineness and optimism characteristics show that I want to know more about this

topic. I am curious to find out how you can help people by seeing how the different types of

music changes behavior. Just genuinely how this impacts people.

Step 3.)

The ideas brought to this project arent very large. I dont know many things about this

inquiry I chose. I just thought it would be interesting to find out. I enjoy talking about this
subject and want to know more. I personally think that slower sad songs can lead to depression

and happier upbeat song can have a person in a good mood. Lyrics and speed is a factor I

believe. I know when I listen to slower songs it changes my mood to real calm but listening to

quicker songs can make your heartbeat faster and make you want to do something.

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