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Josselyn Ramos

Shauna Hatfield

Accounting 1110

4 December 2017


The accounting cycle creates procedure that companies must follow in order to keep track of
the companys financial activities. Through this assignment I was able to realize and appreciate accounts
and their dedication to accounting. As I was doing this assignment I realized that I needed to really
watch where I put things. If I debted or credited the wrong amount or used the wrong journal entry the
whole cycle would be off balance. I was so glad that I was able to check myself through the process so I
was able to calculate and make sure I was on track. Prior to this class I used to hear that accountants
had great jobs and were paid a fair amount of money, and I thought to myself why all they had to do
was add and subtract money they made minus their expenses, in a very summarized way that is part of
what they do but there is no much more to that. There is a whole cycle you need to know and follow,
anything from journal entry to updating t-accounts and calculating amounts. I am proud of myself and
feel that this will help me understand why we have the accounting cycle and the importance of learning
this material.

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