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Ethan Glaittli

Dr. Karen Kwan

Psychology 1100

Prompt #3

Over the course of this class my assumptions I would honestly say have changed. I

would also honestly say I didnt really come into the class with any assumptions to begin with.

No strong assumptions at least. Psychology is a very interesting topic and developmental

psychology is no different. The study of the mind and how it works is fascinating and I believe

most people would agree that it has led to m any important intriguing discoveries. However,

Im coming out of the course with more questions than I would have hoped, which no one

deserves the blame for. I have realized that as extraordinary and exciting as human

development is it is just too far from factual for me. Im not saying that psychology doesnt

consist of facts, data, and hard research, but I will say that this course has brought to my

attention how unique the human experience is between individuals, especially during the early

years of development, and that uniqueness, it seems to me, cant be explained through a

theory or uniform stages. We are very much creatures of pattern, and yes, most people will

follow similar paths in and be categorized under certain comparable groups but growth is so

individual and situational. Development it seems cant be pinned down or thoroughly

understood by studying development itself, John Does development however can be, by

looking at him, his life, his development. In my future pursuits to approaching this course or
topic I will not be afraid to question ideas and theories more often, to treat them like truths

found in all fields of science.

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