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On approval of the charm created, create TR and proceed to make the changes required.

Below is an
example of a request received to update the profit center with different cost center.

System: DE2/200

T.Code: OKB9

Go to position; give company code and the cost element.

Select the specified entry and double click on details per profit center.

Based on the requirement assign the cost center to the profit center.
Click on save.
System: DE2/100

T.Code: SCC1

Give the TR created in which the changes are saved. Check the box Including request subtasks and
click on start immediately. Click yes in the prompt that shows up.
System: DE2/200

T.code: SE10

Display the TR created.

Click on the subtask and click on release push button.

On releasing the subtask, release the TR in charm. Once the changes moves to XE2 system. Check for the
same in XE2 system and mark the charm as complete.

Submit SCM and get the changes moved to production.

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