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Script Model

Item Topic of News Bulletin Duration

Jingle 7 seconds

Presenter says the time 5 seconds

The headlines 20 seconds

Katie taylor wins her first professional world title,Equality in sport edges
closer and closer,from next year Saudi Arabia will allow women in
stadiums to watch sporting events and Heather watson says she has
faced gender specific barrier during her career.

Main story 1 minute

Eniola Aluko has received the second half of her 80,000 settlement fee
from the Football Association.The fee was agreed in March after an
investigation had initially cleared ex-England women boss Mark Sampson
of making racially discriminatory remarks to Chelsea striker Aluko.Aluko in
an earlier hearing this month claimed Martin Glenn the chief executive of
FA had told her to write a post stating the FA were not institutionally
racist" if she was to receive the full payment.Glenn has sinced denied this
remark and the FA as a whole reached this settlement fee to reduce the
disruption and preparation for England Womens Euro 2017.The day of
the parliamentary inquiry the FA did apologise to Eniola Aluko and Drew
Spence for Mark Sampsons racist remarks in 2014 and 2015.

The Chelsea striker said she felt Vindicated and relieved after the
inquiry.Mark Sampson was sacked in September following inappropriate
and unacceptable behaviour at his last job in Bristols Academy.Sampson
who was paid 9 months salary on his departure may also submit a
wrongful dismissal claim.The FA has very recently appointed the Kate
Tinsley to their board as the non-executive director.Kate is the chief
executive at the firm The BuildBase group which is the sponsor of the FA
vase.However she is only female on the board.
Second news story is good news(more enthusiastic tone to regain 40 seconds
listeners attention)

Irish boxer Katie Taylor wins her first professional world title in Cardiff.Part
of the under card for Anthony Joshuas fight against Carlos Takam,Katie
Taylor vs Anahi Sanchez ended up with all three judges scoring 99-90 in
favour of Taylor.Katie taylor dropped her opponent in the second round
with a left hook to the ribs.It wasnt all easy for Katie taylor as Anahi
Sanchez thought back with causing a cut above Katies right eye however
this did not affect the end result or the score cards.Katie Taylor said that
this was the biggest achievement of her career which in perspective is a
huge claim form the 5 time amateur champion and 2012 olympic gold
medalist.With Taylor claiming a world title she can now aim for unification
bouts or even search for a fight with UFC star Holly Holm.

Katie Taylor after the fight was asked How do you feel after this
tremendous victory?

Katie Taylors response was Words cant express how I feel,Im just
delighted to be world champion

Third story 35 seconds

Equality in sport is edging ever closer,the gender prize money gap in

sports has substantially decreased with now 83% of sports rewarding
female and male athletes the same amount of prize money.Three sports
however still show large disparities in prize money these are Golf,Football
and cricket.The increase of prize money for women in sport is shown by
the Womens ICC world cup in 2013 the prize money was just 47,000 but
this year it is 470,000 and 15,500 per group match victory.This is
another encouraging sign in the attempt to find gender equality in Sport
and the realisation of both genders and their contributions and foundations
they place on the sport.

Interview 30 seconds

Hello,how do you feel about the shortening of the gender prize money

Fourth story 25 seconds

And next year Saudi Arabia will allow women in stadiums to watch
sporting events.This is another way women are being allowed more
freedom in Saudi Arabia who face strict gender segregation rules, and
follows the historic lifting of a driving ban.Crown Prince Mohammed bin
Salman is leading a major drive to modernise Saudi society and boost the

5th story 20 seconds

Heather Watson feels there has been gender specific barriers during her
career as a tennis player.The 2016 Wimbledon doubles champion said I
wouldnt say I have experienced anything in terms of facing prejudice to
do with the colour of my skinThe sporting world is renowned for the
comparison of Males being better than females and visur further however
Heather Watsons insight clearly shows this question is still in the depths
of the sporting world.

The weather today there is going to be highs of 8 degrees however it 15 seconds

going to get chilly with lows of 2 degrees with strong North easterly 40
mph winds.The weekend wont be getting any better but a lot more
miserable with there being a frost as temperature go below 0 degrees.


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