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Abby Smetanick

TLED 430
Module 10

Looking over these test scores, I noticed that the class average is very low. The average
of the class was 67% which shows that many of students did not perform well. There were ten
grades that were below the passing standard and only five students passed. Therefore, I believe
that many of the students need to review these topics again.
Although, there are a few students who performed very well on this unit. For example,
Juans performance on this test was phenomenal. He achieved the highest score in the class
and received a perfect score on this test. Cody also performed really well on this test and
received a 93% on this test. He also seems to understand the material well since he only got
one question wrong. Lastly, I had three students who received an 80% on this test. These
students performed well on this test, but they could use more practice to achieve a better
Unfortunately, most of the students did not perform well on this test. Some students
received very low test scores on this test and need some remediation on this topic. Two of my
students received test scores below 50%. Nathan and Luke both need some extra practice to
grasp this material better, so they can perform better on the next test. Another student who
need remediation on this topic is Claire. Claire received a very low score on this test as well and
will need to some extra time on this unit.
Overall, many of the students did not perform well on this unit. Many of the students
understood addition but not subtraction. Therefore, I think our class should review some of the
subjects that the students scored lower on.

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