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4 MAIN Cicea] EINEM Biodiversity ASK STUDENTS: Why is it important that a large variety of species be maintained in the envi ronment? Responses will vary, but may include such answers as, "Species depend on other species for food,” or "The loss of just one species can affect many other species” TELL STUDENTS: Biodi- versity, the variety of life in an area, is important because it provides direct and indirect economaic benefits and maintains tal Questions, uot are tree ype efbioiary? iyisbeiesiyieporot? 1 Mel ate det ere voter bey? Review Vocabulary gene: furans witha corto the ‘present ete tats sais ase ton geeatonograton New Vocabulary Taeresty gente aes Feces dest seosgion aesty healthy biosphere. EA sidtt practice FIUGIVIM classify Have stu- dents classify groups of dogs based on their genetic diversity, Point out thatthe differences they observe are the result of genetic variations. Humans have manipu- lated the genetic diversity within this species to produce the dog breeds we have today. However, alll dogs are part ofthe species Canis familias, ASK STUDENTS: Which dogs hhave greater genetic biodiversi purebred dogs, such as poodles ‘and Chihuahuas, or mixed breeds? As a general rule, mixed breeds and feral dogs have the great est amount of genetic diversity Figure 4 sox Nila iy ‘ini tron tl 19s ome ot racer tt sightveryaning besten = Caption Question Fig. 1 Other Biodiversity Reslatend Reading Lek Stop fot amarante consis he ec ofl ‘he adratbsinafocs web dyn soon Wha would hopper theater rernbors cf the fad wb Ite deppearance ofc pecs om Eth impo Wl anaes te neh? What is biodiversity? “helo anenrepecsna fd web set animaginry ton. Entnpecen pronase fn thst wes he at tember species esis roc cle ext, A pen icone extn te variate in th pre Sees ich Scouse halite bbe Biiery tbe ora fin ‘rose hat ccna te nse fie pcs that ae Bodie nse thst lancer anc cae tie choca There ee ype alent cone ss deity ces dea and cae dey Genetic diversity Tho vr gs rina charctrites there pra platen corp deni Four ‘hove arctic ate ehreoy Asay bears ‘stpnral ey saci Tovar sla demons foo sete ved Thebes have horse tier Dy ‘Se notanapect th clr The hres ug inde ae thustonpuraadiene te abit recon fam che oe “htt stmt em ef orc dhol fd src appear Tht ithe carta ores ‘Mrs and leper unbeaten ie chrcerce ‘Gone desy win tredingpopltns neers the shonsstntconeindvicuavileureicingehergingsascon tre corchons cr rngan eer de characteristics include number of spots and size ofthe boeles. Perc Genetic Diversity Using photographs ftom National Geographic or similar maga zines, have students determine whether the individual or group pictured is considered genetically diverse. Orgai ms with litle gen diversit clude purebred animals or plants and organisms that are on the brink of extinction. Organisms with more genetic diversity inchide humans on a busy street, mixed-breed or feral animals, and large wild animal populations, such as insects. Est. time: 10 min gure? seine mote D1 vevetop concepts ne TH Activity To help students etree ele eee species diversity have them make ito the spies ound in acas. room aquarium Then have them foo ananen eat thesehoal sich as a wooded or grassy area, and take sito apets fond there Feel ste ete eee ee econ fo his cole, Ge Studers working below level a chart to complete. Species diversity The suber of difeet species nd the la Have students start by working {ive abundare of ech pis in bogie community called riper anette tpitiserts Neo spedierdivverity. Ax yo looks Figure 2, notice howe many different ‘feces of organisms tre in tha ene arc Thi habit epretents a0, tea with aigh vl of specie dveety boca thet ae 0 m0 identify and list species. They can swap lists and fill in missing spe- {peces presen an lcaion Specs deat however, nol Inert oman cies. Asa class, define biodiversity ren dnrbutedover te sphere Asyoumovegengropbcally ans as enter acer ee ftom the pla egos tothe equator, spec der rcessx For Pl “ ‘Eemple Pare fant the sunt a bid spins Alas fn activity Cental America Usethecalarkeytosehow divenitychangesss ASK STUDENTS: How do the You move toward the equate. two lists compare? Does a bigger © teasing check compare and contrast ert: and species resi ‘area necessarily have more biod- versity? No; Answers vill depend on the outside area chosen. creck or wooded erea will have more biodiver sity than a lage lt of mowed grass CUM Vi Have students examine Figure 3 ASK STUDENTS: What envi- ronmental factors might be involved in the increasing dliver- sity of species as one moves from ure Tempintacinim | northern latitudes tothe tropics? wee ricamaseeaens” | Responses lr, bt held nce aoe eevee | Motemoderate ciate and grater ‘ahere youl availabilty of food, @ treading check Genetic diversiy efers to = Caption Question Fig. 3 Answers will vary [eyed the variations within the gene pool of an depending on locaton, but the numbers will most individual species. Species diversity efers to likely fall between 50 end 300 soecies. RUBRIC A rubric for evaluat the number of species in a given ate. ing Foldables is found on your cTeacherEdition Online Going Further On the back of their Foldables, have students draw a two-column chart to record ways in which biodive is directly and indirectly beneficial to the biosphere, Section | = Biodiversity DY vevetop concepts IGM grainstorm ASK STUDENTS: What are some species that produce direct economic benefit? Write student responses on the board, Students may indicate foad craps such as cor, farm animals such as cattle, or plants such as rubber tees, [critical Thinking [TEM imagine ASK STUDENTS: What crite- ria would you use to determine the direct economic beneft of a particular food crop? Responses ‘nl vary but may inl cost of pro: duction and number of people fed cal- culated ona unit basis such 2 per ‘bushel or per ton. Point out that other economic benefits are derived from wages earned inthe production ofthe evop. Treading strategy I anticipate Before students pad he slap Beane eee Of iodiveriy, hve them predit (iain acrreere you have developed from this sec- Mom are ru or fae. afte they read, have students validate or revise their answers based on the Information tn he text Gy siitt practice EN GHEN Make a Table Have Tropical biede in Peru Komusmieesboicocasis | Ecosystem diversity The voit of ccnyslen tha rc poset in onsen spre th bowphr salle detentem diver As comms ade op et —__Fincttng uaa andthe tte actors ta vp hen Thetneactenect opens fete decent of te ey {Gre Diflet vats aun ne worl bard fvet at tn ‘haut iret per ofl Feresemple on sym Al elas ote cts that ppt Dalsbup. whch se ow BY Figure 4 Aneceeytom inl Amarea avant of cbtic {Sec dat porte dosh nage Like ese ‘Sonam mut of tn cnptomson Beh peste dae colec Vocanuvany (ono ernie. “een esdng cece Explain ty ote vey eal nswces COE nt ulti Sesh ahety see Tico ond eof owes even cere [The Importance of Biodiversity ‘Thereae ever] easnsto preserve beds. Many urans werk BA errecrrecratpoest hess on ath eft eran Ih ‘Stn theteare eon aesete and eet sons ope serving bude Direct economic value Mainining biodiversity hasadirect ceo omnievaluc to humans Humans depend on pets se anions pro ‘ie food, cloting, energy; medicine and shee. Preserving species hut ‘reed dicey impertan, be talois importa to peserve the etic der in species thar anol ued reel. Those species serve {posible soures ef desiable genes that mightbe nesdedin the fare "The reason there anght be future ed for desirable gene nthat snostef the weil’ food erp eme from just few species These plants have relatively tle genetic vest and share the sae Eemthatallspeciee shave when genetic vray is iid uch [aching resistence dicate. In many cuss coe eltives of crop ap ‘ies il grow vid intheirnative hai Thre ll species erve a {exces of desirable genetic tata that enght be needed to fnprene domestic cop speci. students make a table with col- turns labeled Importance of Biodiversity, Example, and How Important. Have students fill in their tables. The third column should be an evaluation of value the student assigns. Practice value statements with students to help with the last column, © resctng cece Eat ecstem ‘has unique organisms that interact via acas hat pon then, Chapter 5 + Bieivrsty and Censevation Dec) Economic Importance of Biodiversity Bring in examples of several varieties of apples from a local grocery store. As you discuss the economic importance of bio- diversity, point out that each variety of apple hasa different purpose and provides added income for those who supply the crops, For instance, Arkansas Black apples are excellent for long-term storage, Golden Delicious apples are well suited for cooking, Gala and Fuji apples are best eaten fresh, and Winesap apples are good for making. apple cider. Est. time: 5 min Teosinte plant Commercial corm plant 1 Figure Se este nia “Thedlstant rte of corn, torn shown in Figure yiscesitant opts wat ar ia ea he viral ise tht damage ominecalcoracrope Using his wid ale omnes Tes ees ing this wild acinomae specs plntptbeigitsdevlped donee ian wall peceshad mt been aera gencicdneraty mould have ST™MMCWiee wand tho ability to dol dinaservlant corn varios would H have ben Is Taaddiion belgie are haginnig loleara howto trating hat contrcinhertd cacactersis from one species to the oer Thi recs ie somctines fred fo a genet enginoning Crop hare been prodied that are restart to some nee thr have tncreted national aloe and het are more resist to spoilage: Most wil secs of plans {nd tnimale have aot been evaluted for wel genetic ete Te oppor uty to benefit frm tote gneiss reve wld epee of pas {ind animal Become extinct Ths nereasesthe impoiance af species that ‘urvently have a perceived cctnamte ale bean their cmon aie onighincreae in theft Check. xp iy presoningbiodversy simon for the human od tei ny importa to manta eon for ec Deemer tir ony criteretcinesiatae medtodayae EER sel fm plana ter ong, Yn bal hv that pein, ‘ponent daceneotin 938 by Alsons Hinged Som brad md Anson Gch Raine Arata and thers cx sui pul, athe wll Ty ero of sag ‘prheed in abstr and leew a pin Figure Gao Magis prvi fowes which erly woes id on xtra hat fling sme roel, Toate been eed to dol rep thathecincencd thesvrl eer some ler patel 20 percent more than $5 perce ‘Scat cominue to find nee extract ro plants and other onpaniems that ep inthe eaten ef aman saves, Howerer many species of rgars ate et tbe identified, especially in retote regions of Earth, stor silty to provide extract cr weal gost cnknoee @ Reading check Humans donot depend _—_ = Caption Question Fig. 6 Drugs used to ‘upon many species for thet food. However, treat many diseases including ovarian cancer and these species depend on other species for childhood leukemias have been developed from their nutrents nturn, these speces depend extracts of unusual pants in biologically verse onsilloter species As a result, preserving areas. biodiversity is important forthe human food supply. EA skin practice Visual two species pictured in Figure 5 ‘compare? Domesticated com i larger, but ithas less genetic variation than wild teosinte Develop Concepts TIEN integrate History Inform students that Fleming’ discovery of penicil cof many accidental discoveries in the bistory of science. Fleming decided not to clean some petei dishes he had used because he was ina hurry to leave fora vacation. Upon his return, he noticed mold growing on somne of the dishes. Fleming also observed that bacte ria had not grown near the maid ‘This casual observation led to the discovery of penicilin. DY develop concepts Clarify a Misconception ‘Many students will think that the medicines described in Connec tion to Health are still manufac tured directly from the plants from which the active ingredient was first derived. ASK STUDENTS: How do you think penicillin and aspirin are ‘made today? for te most part these drugs and others similar to them are manufactured synthetically. For students working below level, use scaffolded questions (ie, Are medicines made directly from plants? Why? Why not? How are they made?) Section | Biodiversity 119 ws ting Support Technical Writing Have stu- dents work in pairs to prepare a technical summary describing how conservation efforts to improve watersheds for New York City improve the water supply. Efforts center on implementing exten- sive watershed management meesutes, induding water quality monitoring and disease surveillance, land acquisition and comprehensive planning, and Upgrading wastewater treatment plents = Caption Question Fig. 7 toxic waste dumps, fertilizer ftom farm run- aff, sewage, diverting water or destray- ing wetlands GED vinta Fora lab worksheet, use your leacherEcition Online. @ERUBRIC A rubric for evaluating MiniLabs is found on your eleacherkdition Online. Est. Time 30-45 min Safety Precaution Approve lab salty forms before work begins. Teaching Strategy You might swish to invite aclass speaker from a losal conservation group or gov- ernmental agency to provide some Figure? set ys sin waste ye Infor What yer af human activo coal affect 3 nated nd decease i water eva)? Indirect economic value A healthy biosphere Provides many series to humane another nrg ‘Kin that lve cn Earth, For example, green plants provide enygen tothe atmosphere and emave c= hom dioeice Nateral process prove drinking ater that i sae for human ase Substances are ‘eed through living organisss and noaliving pro eves rowing nierents (orl ving organisms. ‘hs You il soon lear. ealhy ecosystems provide protection against fonds and drought, generote and preserve frie scl, deouiy and decompose ‘wastes and regulate acl climates 1k dificult to aiach an econeric vale the services that a healthy biosphere provides Hower, Somme scents and ecoronss have attempteato Go fast tt, En he 190s, New Ynk Cay was faced With the decision of to improve equality ofits Arinking water, urge percentage of New York Cys Aricking water was suplied by watersheds, a shown faFigure 7 Vstersheds at lad ates where the ‘walet on them or the water uncerneath ibe drains (othe same place The Catslland Delaware mater sheds did net mee clean wate standards and Ton- 56 ould supply quality crinking water othe cy. ‘The cit was faced with Ovo choices: buld anew water illstion spsier or ove than S6billam oe preserve and cleus up the watersheds for approx rately 1 billion dollars, The economic decision Nordeerinthgcav. eel ccopen vaso tim De same eevee to Biodiversity GED wis ‘What are the throats to natural habitats in you local area? Investigate thar threat and brainstorm posible reecies vith which you can educate ches, Procedure 4. Read and comolete the ab safey fou, 2. with your graup,cndoveone factor tat = threatening the bcsiersty in your community and Sud how chat affected the clmax consnursy. 4. rainstorm ways that ts threat could be reverse, | Organize thie nformation about teats and pote coluions with your easimatoe Analysis Evaluate Whot ae the mestimportant pieces of information that the public need to know about his theese? 2. Infer Imagine you have implemented one plan to reverse vent you sted: Now its 100 years |ster What does the econptem lock Ike? What changes have occurred? What species are there now? background information about this topic Analysi 4. Ansiers wil vary depending on the seve and target ofthe treat 2. Answers shoud illo logical con- clusions about what would happen if the plan were implemented Manager™ Customize this lab with Pee errand cD-ROM Chapter 5 »Bieiversty and Censevation inte) The aesthetic value of biodiversity has been criticized, Some argue that aesthetics do not necessarily increase biodiversity. For example, a well-kept lawn has low biodiversity. Also, aesthetics probably affect only @ ‘minority in industrialized countries. Many in developing countries do not have the luxury of considering aesthetics, Have a class discussion about cultural ideas of beauty, and provide specific examples (c.g, dog breeding). 1H omple shows that nature can provide services such as water that is safe for huivan consumption, ates expense th ng technology to provide the name nervee Somme scientists think atural way should be the iat chlce fr providing these serves, Research indicates tht whet heal evosstems are preserved the services the ceonyters provide will ntinue tobe ess expensive than perocaing te samme services with tehaology Aesthetic and scientific values “wo ston sonsderations intining bndivest and healthy ecomptemy are the sett and {cenifievlue tha thy provide Iti dificult attack voc vein thats beaia uch athe enapstom shove in Figure Creomething thats intresting stay, However skis oe finding ‘raf to show the valu in protecting end studying the environment Understand Main Ideas are oes boss ‘pales en essen ody hs scthtesn eie in inc ane rect economic Isingrtantonatvantcdveniy ts thereof gues ight esied ints coppers can pie sone fs tales operse tan these atweneacairens ‘Think Critically CHE sictoxy 4. CSIKGR Explain vkybiodertysinparan othe bieshee 2. summarize treet ofbodves. 2. Generalize why tang Heeb a det caren 1» 4, bifterentite betwen he det end nbc nani cof ey 5. kvaluat and aiscus te trot ct mann baie fr 52 of action fe Severn: fabuldng zoe A ‘ud asap nal noxsn deveopnet bak, {rth tt re fe otra beryl 1. Wie sho ext earn edsabiy at martaerg genetic ‘Srey domes tia sh 35 (bien datas daa nop Figure & cnet nLite weiss yates o Assessment =X ins ae and Section 1 1 direct and indirect benefits to humans. 2. genetic diversity —variations in the gene pool of a species: spe- Cies diversity diferent species in a community; ecosystem Aiversty—varety of ecosystems in the biosphere 3. Humans depend on various species for food, medicines, corhing and shelter 4, rect economic value—apparent and often recognized immediately, indirect economic benefit—not obvious andor relized after time B ca ome: 5. Scientists have analyzed only a fraction of species for the medi- cines they cen rovide tis important to maintain biacversty to preserve species that might prove valuable 6. Students should address measures that will conserve biodiversity, such 2s replanting species of plants, and keeping water sources dean, 7. disadvantage—maintaining undesirable traits; advantage— Increases chances of survival during times of environmental change [0 writing support Summary Writing Have students write a two- paragraph summary ofthis sec tion, instruct them to include all new vocabulary terms defined on this page in their summary. Heve students write a ‘one-paragraph summary. Have students orally use new: vocabulary terms in sentences, Formative Assessment \ Evaluation Ask students to list and describe three types of biodi- ‘versity. genetic divesity-variety of alleles of genes presenti the gene ool ofa species; species biodiversity— number and abundance of speces in 2 smell area: ecosystem biodiversity overall numberof speci in an ecosystem Remediation Write the fllow- ing five phrases on the board: dogs in a neighborhood, tropical rain {forest, microorganisms in a pond, vegetable garden, and students in school. ASK STUDENTS: Which type of biodiversity does each of these represent? cocs-cenetc; tropical rain forest-ecosystem: pond-spacies; ‘vegetable garden-species; students genetic Assessment X versity maintains a healthy biosphere and provides both Section | Bosiversty 12 rico Threats to Biodiversity ASK STUDENTS: What hap- pens when a new building project starts in an area that was previ- ously undeveloped? Responses will vaty but some students wl likely tlk about new houses or office buildings, tail others might tak about changes in the biotic community that was pres ent, Point out that human activity always causes the existing biolo cal community and ecosystem to change. The same changes that are positive for some species may be negative for others. Also, there are often unintended consequences associated with human activity Dy reading strateay TIURIUGT assessment Preview Before students read Section 2. hhave ther read the section assess- ‘ment questions on page 128, SAY TO STUDENTS: Read this section with the section assess- ‘ment questions in mind to help you identify the most important informatio Tl writing support FIG narrative writing Have students select one of the ‘mass extinctions from Table 1. Tell them to research what scientists " Threats to Biodiversity Essential Questions 1 Ue ete body EDINA some tomar setts roduc biaversy in scxytons, and caret codecs sggerts hat reseed evry ‘nigh have serious ong term effects onthe biosphere 1 Homan te dein os ale Real-World Reading Link Hoveyou ae blk 2 stucure wth bods and pec ct none engin? ‘han id to rama nal lcs without can the nt uc a F ‘alpen ifyouremeve ana paces om 2 Toe whe fede Review Vocabulary eancolapse cou wee: 3 mse warns ne tey tanec todas a — Yalu niicieewoimt: Extinction Rates STELIOS fos ad ‘Many species have become extinct, and paleontologists stady fossils of | New Vocabulary the extinct species. The gradual proces of species becoming extn beige ction iskkaowa ss background extinction, Stable cvaysten canbe charged eas bythe activi after eganinay climate changes or nara dns. ratwat sere ‘This natural process of extinction a nat what concern scents welt Intend, many worry about «reset nercan inthe rae of extinction bat rgneratin Seane sins pect tha! betwces one hird and e-thieds fall fet unt and abn! species wil become ett daring the second half of nga mierteston this ontury Most ef thes exinetewilloceur nea the coun estophiaion ‘Seen clit cata that he carvent al often abou Invoked specs 100) ines the enna bocgroand extinction rte. These sexs think thatwe or wining peo of mavewincton Mane extinction sn eveatin which alge prscestge ofall liringopeis become extinct inarelvdy shor porind otis, Thelas wars extinction ooared shoul 6 malo years, aise in Table , when ths af the ‘ursving dincstrs bce extinct sve Mat cn se a sx: Ce oer 4 min about ates 251 ion ako 2COnien abet 6 ile = yeasaye yasae yasa veasame think was the cause of the extine- ree ere 5 5 ; a ae Cor should be availabe. Interactive Table Extinction Rates Use photos from Below Level Students performing ‘magazines showing various extinct below grade level may be easily dis- organisms, Show students which organ- | tracted. When using the reading strat {sms were part of a mass extinction egy described on this page, seat these (such as dinosaurs) and compare ther students in an area that i free from to those that were part of a background distractions so that they can focus extinction (such as Fohippus or other fon the material similar species). Est time: LO min For more tps, se pages 147-15 Trtnated manbe of Sghatsec ina tom CLERERMREED iene re fies 2 2 ° us sca 8 epee 1 20 ° ” exo 03 Ampsbins” 2 ° ° 2 co 05 1.000001 250000 “hn deningdecene ol snpibin pars es ae see 10975 on nonyapecrs nag bon He vege oT oN “The acl lon fap gun sveal centuries ago Table 2 this the timated uber of ntti hat have ecamed by group cinco 16M Many oth specie extinction in {hp hae ccbtved on dards For ectnpla 6 perint hema ‘nae that have bocore extinct art S00 yeas von nds IME81 percent ford xtinctons eared on dando Speci o ands se prtclsy valent erica becie co everal actors. any fhe specie ead wut ty prvence of Stra predators Ar srerat whew speeder cack asadog cat, MOCABULARY Gren is introdeced tthe populate aie anima do nat WORD ORG ave ne ait ool to seeape, When anonnatie spacers Na iced toa popelston, tora bemcrverafderetowhch the ont Lah rats save poulstamhacroroustance These poplstncten dee "esning worm sitar ret natn, ance yp hve rately mal pops inti snes aedndiidl ance rely Sed betwen lac bth of which increas the wnerabiity of wlan species to extincc, @ reading check explain ly agaiss founten slack xe noe ietade to ere fam oa onus. Factors That Threaten Biodiversity sinus pins out ha toa’ high rte of extiaction des eorn Dash mass extinctions. The current high rae ofexincion saesul of {he activites of singe wpecie Homo sapiens. Air aman extinction inthe past nw species cvaved and buon secovered aie severe nllign yeu Ths ine, the recovery might be difeses Menus ar ‘hanging conditions on Barth faxter han new traits can evolve in some pcre te cope with the new comtons Erolring speci nigh nat five the nara sources they neod. Natural resourees ac all mar slsand organisms fund in the biosphere, ineuding mineral os ucts aler fly lass aims sei lean wate, dea ai and solar energy (© vestang cheek organisns urd on islands generally havea narrower range and 2 lower total population than species found ‘on the mainland. Ary inticduced predators might be more efficent at hunting organisms that have not previously developed defenses against ther while living on islands. Interactive Table EA suin practice a ‘Analyze the Table Have st- dents work ptt to. cess the importance the data presented thle 2 Once sents have de cussed the data, usc the table to begin a discussion ef the apparent increase in extinctions above the Fee ereentelieeeea reat rea might mean forthe fare ading Strategy Vocabulary Chart Have students create a three-column chart. Fave them write the terms extinction, eutrophication, habitat loss, pollution, and general threats to biodiversity in the first column. Have them write the definition in the second column, and a pictorial clue to help remember the mean- Ing in the third column, Treading strategy FM reece Directed Reading SAY TO STUDENTS: Createa ‘hart on your paper that contains at least three broad categories of ‘Jactors that threaten biodiversity Preview the text belovr the head- ing Factors that Threaten Biowtiver- sity on the next several pages. (Organize students into groups and have them brainstorm these fac- tors and put them under broad headings such as Overexploitation, Habitat, Pollution, or Others. Have each group present one oftheir headings to the rest ofthe class and explain way they chose to include the specific factors under the broad heading, Point out that the categories actually overlap cone another. Section 2 Theat: tFiosiverity 128 TH writing support mioim Technical Writing Have cach student prepare a brochure about a species that is threatened or endangered asa result of overex- ploitation or habitat destruction, Inform them that any species ‘mentioned in the text cannot be tased. The brochure should be ‘made from a sheet of paper that hhas been folded into thirds verti- cally so that it has six panels— three on the front and three on the back. Tell students that one pane! should be the ttle of the beociure and should include the author's name, One panel should have a photo or sketch of the species Other panels should detail the geography of the species, history ofthe species, why it has become threatened or endangered, and ‘what might be done to reverse the situation. Develop Conce} mm remarenn Biodiversity Alphabet Have students work in groups of three tocreate an alphabet ofbiodiver- sity. For each letter of the alpha bet, have students list one organism and describe how itis used, for food, shelier, or clothing, or its role in the environment. Tell students to also list the country or continent where the organism is found, Have them place an aster- isk next to the name of any organ- jm that is being overexploited or whose habitat is being destroyed For example, for the letter L stu- dents might list lama—pack animal—South America. Allow students to illustrate the list if they wish. ‘gure sme sevindatcic age otbcrting ec re npen Figure 10 vet ante ewe ature oso gairgint Cleared tropical ain forest zation Onc cfths factor that isincteaing the current tate tinction the dyacenplolltien or excentive wa of perce, that have economic valu, For ecample, the reat herd of bison tht ‘nce roomed the central plains of North Ameria wore ued othe ak of etietion because their neat and bider ould be eld cone ‘aly sind Because they were hunted for sport. Aton time i es ‘ate that tone were 50 malian isn. By 1885 there were les than 100 bso lt Passenger pigions ate another example of a spcis that hae been overesploted At ane time thee were age Hlochoel thes ins that ‘would darken the skies af Nowth Amevica during dei migrate. Unirtunatey they were overhanted and forced im tht haba Ay the ery 190 they had become extinct The ocelat shan Figur sound fom Tacs to Argentinas seindangeratberomigextnet The increasing ose ait the commercial wah oftheir fr are rename fo thet acing rates The Whe rhnocaos, also showmin Figure ane ove specks of shins alla which are in danger of becoming extinct. They ar hunt fs hile for het hoers. which are Then oid or mesial poses. Hiscorally.verexpetation was the primary cause of spacits extn Wr ewever, the numer ene cats of species extinction da is the his or Gestation of haba © resting creck explain et oerepotaten strates te Speces tncon Habitat loss Tccare cyt wars ha opcicn can ont hai tals Ifa habita fe destoyed er dapted, the ative specesenght have {oreloate othe wil de Foreranpl, humans ae {fopkelran meson ec teplacng the ate pets tural crops or grain ard Destruction of habitat Ts clearing tiphcal ain fret ie shuts shown in Fogure 40, asa direct impac on global bode ‘digtadercotcin ech the ods thant populations. Tn nc ctinaer how tat smovethaa hal aspects en Earth ive in thetic an frets Therenoval ofaorach fthe ata ot wil ease ny apeces A] cn Barth Decor extinct tnt of habit ss. GO rasding cheer oxeregitstionines taking more individuals from a species’ pop- reali tees ert Pee eaa maine eal Sesto nse els cee Pe oeet eee ae ee fishing, or poaching. im Content Background Real-World Connection Humans affect all habitats on Earth. Humans hhave reduced the Earths forests by approximately 50 percent. Human activity has destroyed the Gulf Coast ‘wetlands so much that they have lost the ability to mitigate damage from natural disasters like hurricanes. Per) 1 Figure 19 & dens ppt of ne of Senatapaistn seineieatsataearee neon scance Whore 8 © easing check Mame the tte spacesin the xamoein Foxe. Fragmentation of habitat Ths separation fam ccoiyitem int ‘mal pacer of and iclld habitat fragmentation, Popslsions often ‘ay wlth the coef of the snl patel because they are able "This couse several prob lems fr the surrval ef vache species, inthe aaller the puree fond the Lover specie teas enppor ‘Second, agmentation rece the opportuni: fr indvicals ans tres toreprnduce ith inaividaals om anothers, Kr this rasan geretie diversity often decreases ce time ia habit Fragment. reported and ese genetically divereepopaltions at ls able disease a expand fo changing environmental cations Content Background [eek Real-World Connection Habitat dis Scaffol 19. Educational research ruption is especially dangerous for migratory birds. Scientists have helped propose and develop wildlife refuges at Critical places along flyways. The estab- lishment of wildlife refuges must be an {international effort. In the western hemisphere, the Shorebird Reserve [Network operates in both Central and South America indicates that scaffolding isa valuable strategy for helping students deepen. their understanding of text. By guid {ng them through the reading with a series of questions that build on cach other, scaffolding requires that stadents become engaged in the reading and. their own learning, (Jorgensen, 1988) Research bibligrap on page 327-4 EA skin practice FIGM visual Literacy lave students examine Figure 11. SAY TO STUDENTS: Ifone member of the food web was removed ata time, how would its removal affect theres ofthe organisms? Consider this question {for each organism pictured in the ‘figure. Develop Concepts TIM scaffolding ASK STUDENTS: What is spe- cies diversity? the number of species and their abundance in a commurity Predict what will happen to the economy as biodiversity continues to decrease. Te economy wil be dis- rupted. Classify the type of bio- diversity vatue that would be laced on the beauty of a flower in its habitat. aesthetic vale Explain the difference between background extinetion and mass extinction. Background extinction isthe normal rate of extinction, and mass extinction an extinction event where a large percentage of al living species becomes extinct in a reiatively short period of ime. a natural resource is overexploited, what ‘might happen to its price on the market? is price would increase. Which threat to biodiversity do ‘you think is most detrimental? ‘Why? Student responses wil vary. Grading check fish Section 2 Thats tfiociverity 125 Critical Thinking AN infer ASK STUDENTS: Why do you think some predators thrive along the boundaries of an ecosystem? Answers will vary, but could include greater ease of movement and better conditions for seeing at a distance, ERR rersonattutor Listen to «teacher explain edge offects. Develop Conce} ren a Clarify a Misconception Students often think that all members of a species in a par- ticular habitat die when their habitat is disturbed by an envi ronmental factor such as acid precipitation, ASK STUDENTS: When a fish Kill occurs in a river, do all the fish die? No; some usually survive t0 reproduce. Point out that in most cases, populations are reduced but do not become extinct. Also, as some species decline in numbers, others may increase because they can withstand or even thrive under the new conditions. |ASK STUDENTS: Why don't all fish die? What is the effect on future generations? They dont al die because some fish might have variations that allow them to sur \ive in the new conditions. Future gen erations might be beter adapted to live in the new conditions. tigate pene athe tt be wedge GED reowratw Py 7 ah bis rah tne int ia irk carving thre cnn it small pees De aunoeofsdgs cap aa an Pare ages seditentcotonnenl ann hater slong cenafan copter Frey eeofse ars trae diten sh ucers neste wind nd Rina an dette af fost Ayal he temperature tnt wilttige adhe huey oranges nap lige Spec esp be eve es mapa on Seedpselbecconsten Fredscrsandprsts dirs onthe Deut fenton nhs le enti rm er Calm atack Eg td tetanic ada isk Some ope ind ve conan fowaeand thy oe © testing cers txpaa tv alae pocvoge oft ace Steg te cr sages Pollution Pollution and atmospheric changes threaten biodiversity 21 lobal sail. Pllton changes Ue composition oft, 0 ard twucr. Thre are mary types of polation. Substancesincading many human-made chemicals at sre not fuel a rature—arereleaned Jingo tbe evitonnen', Pesticides, sh a¢ DDT (ichkore-diphen ‘wahloroethan) and Indust chemicals, such as PCBs (pollo sinated biphenyl) are eaamples subsabees that are found i cod els, These substances are ingested by ong ons when ther dein ‘wae or eat her orgnlsas that conti the tuk substances Some substances are metablized by an organism and exerted with other Taste ploducis However, her substances, suc as DDTand PCBS, ‘ccumulate in the tsues of organism Camivrcs tte hgher top vel see tobe mos alecte by the accumulation of fut substeres boca a roeescale bok ‘al again. Blologleal magalfeaton she inceosng concert ‘ion oftoic ubuancesiergarisns s topic incene a food lai fod edn ss igure 13. The cocci fee ‘xbstance is eative'ylow when iteters hed web. Theconcetation ‘fst substance in individ oraniams incenes 1 prado Higher opera (Caren research implies that these substances might disrupt, normal process in vrne organisms, Fer exams, DDT might bare plyed ale in the acer extinction of dhe Armenian ald cele andthe peregrine falcon. DDT i potcide that was wed rom the 140s to the {97h to conkrel crop-eating and daensecaeying inserts DDT proved tobe a highly efloctive pesticide, bat evidence suggested tat caused the oggshlle of fidh eating birds obs Fragile nd thin which ed tothe death ofthe developing birds Once thes tons elfeta were isovered, the ws of DDT warned sone pats of io world @ Reauting check Compared to a larger paral, 2 small pice tind @ILEIRIESETIEEY has @ lager proportion ofits habi- tats subjected to edge effects. Boren scion Eutrophication You can demonstrate eutrophication by setting up two small aquari- tums (2-5 gallons each) a couple of weeks before teaching this chapter. Label one oligotrophic and fill t with clean pond or stream water. Label the other eutrophic and fil it with the same water, but add half a teaspoon of 10-10-10 fertilizer. Place both aquaria in the light and add a small amount of algae, a few duckweed plants, and a couple of small fish, such as guppies. The aquarium labeled eutrophic should develop a bloom of algae and duckweed to a much greater extent than the cligotrophic aquar- ium. Est. time: 30 min ‘Acid precipitation Another polit that tits biodiversity act precptation. When esi fel re toured, sulfur dine ie released into the stingers In addition, th burning of fossil felsin automate engines reas ingen aides nto the atmosphere These compounds reac wih water and ober substances Inthe ar 6 frm stare aid ant ni ach. These cis evenly fal tothe surface of Earth nai, let ‘sow or fg. Ack precivaton removes caletum, pot ‘sm, and other netrens (rom the vol. depriving plats lf these nue. I damages plank tise an sous {hele growth 2 shown in Figure 36. Sometime the acid coacertraion iss high in lakes, res, and streams ‘hat fish and cher organisms ie, asoas shoven In Figure 18, Eutrophication Another frm of wter pollu aed cutrphication, estos underwater habitats fa aed Othe species Butrophication (700 so fib KAY san) Secursen Fries, ama waste sewage, rater Substances rich in alteea and pospborus flow into rater, cating extensive algae growth, The alae we {op the nye sup daring their pid grow and afer their deaths during the decaying process. Other organ ‘ama the water slate, Ta oma ese, ge lo give fffconiny that pon Che mater supply forather rgan | Figure 44 Zdpepston droge gt ses nan fama Catophication isa nturl process, but heen lash be seca bah ‘ivi ler eeclrate the rate at whi Inert as a ts ett GED vw BH GED ww ‘Survey How do you calculate biodiversity? scents calla the biod vest in asamp tenor une hat data to eftimate te biodiversity nino ae Procedure TEC KE 4 Rea ane complet the lab safes form, 2. inthe lef iter same that you teacher hes rovided, count and record the pecesin a section that svisble tothe eye Look Up any Unknow species no fied guide 23. Record your ctsenotion in dat table 4

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