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Luis Umana



My group and I discussed and we have all done posters on different aspects of the

Cambodian Genocide. My poster was specifically about what Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge has

done during the Genocide. When I first started on this project, I wanted to decide what kind of

tone I wanted to give to the poster. On one hand, I kept thinking how it should be kept formal

and school appropriate, However on the other hand, my poster was about what kind of things Pol

Pot and his group have done, which I really wanted to emphasize how serious that was. So I

ended up deciding on taking a serious tone to the poster, which can clearly be seen.

I didnt want to give my poster any color, or random amounts of pictures, because I

knew, if done the wrong way then it would give not give a serious feel to it that I wanted. That

left me essentially left me with colors such a black and white. I knew a black background would

kill my print, and a white background would be too boring, so I edited my background to being a

black and white photo of a Cambodian citizen being abused by the Khmer rouge. I also made my

information readable by making the photo transparent as opposed to the normal photo. This

allowed my poster to grab anybody's attention with the shock factor, exposing people to

horrific images, which catches their attention and lets the audience know that my poster is about

a very serious topic without even needing to read the title, while still providing information on

what else Pol pot and his group have done during the genocide.

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