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Lauren Wallingford

Code of Ethics and The Principles of Professional Conduct of

The Education Profession in Florida

1. What do you see as the purpose of the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional

Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida?

The purpose of the code of ethics is to supply educators with the principles and

expectations that they should strive to achieve inside and outside the classroom. It

supports teachers to have a respectful and safe atmosphere in their classroom for all


2. What is a specific detailed example from this semester when you demonstrated being an

ethical educator?

During this semester, I have written many documents using students work and clips of

students. In these documents I have blurred faces in photos and I have used pseudo names

for students in documents. I have also blurred names on students work when using it in

assessments. This way I keep their identity secured in all documents.

3. How is each specific example connected to the Code of Ethics?

Section 3 (e) says Shall not intentionally violate or deny a students legal rights. I

Practice this by keeping my students identity secure in documents and photos. This is

important to me because in order for my students to achieve higher levels I need to be

able to evaluate their work. In order to evaluate their work I must keep their identity

secured in order to protect their rights as my students.

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