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Brooke Williams

ENGL 134


Ten Weeks of Learning

Over the past ten weeks of taking English 134 I have grown as both a reader and writer.

Surprisingly, as a person who usually finds English courses extremely painful, this course was

very tolerable and even dare I say it, likeable. My eyes have been opened to see that joy can be

found in writing, it gives you a sense of freedom and expressiveness. Throughout these ten

weeks, I have figured out what my strengths and weaknesses are from rough draft to final draft,

peer review workshops, and final comments from a professor. I am grateful to be able to know

that I took the most that I could out of this course and have grown substantially from it.

On this website you will encounter a small portion of my journey of writing from throughout

this fall quarter. I chose to revise my Sequence II profile essay written on Dorothy Claire Ludz

perspective on living on the home front during the wartime of World War II.

My specific goals throughout these documents are for the reader to get a greater

understanding of a different perspective on the World War II wartimes. Normally, in textbooks

we read and learn about what the soldiers had done, advances that were made, and the multitudes

of war tactics; but never recognized people living on the home front. Never were civilians

mentioned further than a couple sentences were stories and information about the civilians who

faced detriment due to the war and how those people dealt with the difficult times.

The layout that you will see throughout this website shows the development of my essay.

First, you will see the learning objectives which showcase and describe the revision process and
development of essay. Next, you will see the beginning drafts of my profile and then move on to

the final draft that has been graded and commented on. After that, the next portion of the process

that you see is the revised final draft of my Sequence II profile essay. I put these documents in

this order so that the visitor of this website will see the essay form and develop progressively

from start to finish.

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