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AUTHORS : PRISON’S SMI RIX 1D Tt SECC AM mets ren ’ \ ay v 3 ISBN 0-87947-424-6 © wr s DESERT, PUBLICATIONS BOON TST TISMARRELL ST. ELDORADO, AR TITSLA7S1 ‘Sovaet 2077 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . Knife History... Commonly Taught Nonsense... Jenks On The Finer Points Blade To Blade Stance & Style Moves With The Ice Pick Grip. ‘Unarmed Defenses... ‘Three-On-One Knife Fight Kaife Throwing Choices Bages . Creeping & Sticking Physical Conditioning... INTRODUCTION T'm not aware of any schools of Inife fighting in this country, but'T graduated from the best, unoccredited, inti futon of survival operating at that time. Tt was the National Training School in Washington, DC; the federal reform School T walked in the door when T was 14 years old and before I walked out again 19 months, 21 days, 9 hours and Bi minutes later Thad firet dscovered and then developed basic moves and techniques with the blade that are stl fecond nature {0 me, Over the yeas T've leamed slot more, Feburally, but t's where I was educated in the basis. ‘Security at the teining rchool was such that we never had any stoot knives, nor eharpened serewdivers or anything ihe that. Even if we had, we wouldn't have used them because our fighting wasn'ta matter of life or deat, twas f aport, Our “blade” was about 1% inches long and % inch wide. Square people would have thought it was only the Tingeral file atached tothe back of «fingernal lipper, but it'was our “blade” and we learned to use it well ison Hall held about 60 Kids. We were frequently locked up in a day room 60 feet by 20 feet for 8,10 or even {2 hours a day. ‘The only things in there were two long fables, one pingipong table and our lockers. Sixty naturally ‘belious kids are not about to st still 10 hour a day in a oom with nothing to do. We either fought with our hands, body punching for hours at a time, or we fought with our Blades! We weren't a bunch of murderous, blood thinty, savage children, We were just normal, healthy, bored, com etatios Kid ‘Because we dida’t want to hurt éach other, and because the fingemail fe would bend if you held it by the clipper fend, we fought with only the sharpened point held tightly between the thumb and fist finger of the knifo hand. ‘Vietory wain’t determined by death or unconciousess but {ater by who had the lest numberof sraich wounds when ‘you quit, Our only rule was that you couldn't go forthe face ‘and this was strictly adhered to. ‘We had some good fights, make no mistake about that, 1 don’t think anybody fights hardor that «kid who is “on {sial” before a group of his poors. Bvery new Kid that came in hha to fight if he ever hoped to be accaptod. We leamed two ‘things early Uhat help to make a life fighter good: (1) tis tizioly an offensive operation. You've never hoard of any- body refered to as the best dofendve knife man around, because he ian't around. He's elther dead or in the hospital. (@) We leamed to take a small scratch wound in order to be ble to inflict a much greater one. Pan isnot natural to the body and it takes alot of conditioning before you can stile the instinctive reaction to withdraw from anything. that Inurts, This ib one of the fist things you must ears if you're to aurvve a serous knife fight. It sounds #0 obvious, but if {had to list the single most lmportant ingredient in a good knife fighter it would be coumge. It doem’t take courmge for a mugger of pune matcher to pull knife on an unarmed civilian. Tt does take a fpecial kind of courage for one man to face another, bot ‘trmed only witha knife "To detarmine the victor beforohand in a knife fight with two people who have about the same amount of courage you'd have to know who bad the most experience and/or Practice, Knife fighting ie difficult to lear because there are fo fow that do it well, and they really don't want to share their experts. "The Wal & error method to obtain experience can be ‘both dangerous and painful. To someone genuinely interested in becoming proficient witha knife 'd suggest that they find a partner and have at it If they don’t want the painful cuts find seatches Uhat a fingemall file would ental then I'd urge them to practice with a rubber Knife dipped in watercolor, or felt tip markers, I's only with practice and more practice fist you can leam the moves thatll mean the difference between you getting stabbed or just cut. I can'twrite words ‘on paper that will enable you to distinguish between a feint tnd s lunge. Only practice wil do thet, and if you practice ‘nough you wil find your body reacting automatically. Harold James Jenks KNIFE HISTORY ‘As a famous man once ssid, those who will not leam trom history are doomed to relive it. This should be obvious to those determined to become proficient in the use of the ‘hort bladed weapon; the knife. Tis historical background fexplaine much of what it can be used for — and for the things ‘ean't, ‘The primary purpose of the fighting knife has always been that of a "back up” to a larger or longerrange weapon for as an instrument of treachery, allowing the asullant to tpproach his victim with no weapon vile. Knives wore used {2 often for sending kings and powerful men into immediate, foreed, and fatal retirement that the seating arrangement in today’s lange corporations are an instinctual carry-over from ‘hoa days. Observe the fellow sitting to the right ofthe “big cheese” in any corporate meeting: e's usually minor ‘Munky. The fellow on his left is usually his successor. Th reason for this has always been that for a right-handed man ZZ to sab a fellow to bis left from a seated postion in a crowd: fed room is relatively eary but to stab a man seated to Fight involves all sorts of half turns of the body, getting the ‘weapon in position, and not enough leverage to achieve a fatal wound before the alarmed victim scrambles out of the wa. “One of the fit instances of ruccensful recorded treechory oes something like this: “Absalom, a 20n of the David who slew Goliath, got fairy bent out of shape by the rape of his cousin Tamar by a half ‘brother by the name of Arnon. Absalom, being well-versed in palace intrigues and the cutting weapons of his day, set the station up to got the job done and didn’t bother with the “high noon’ herbie. ‘And it came 10 past after two fill years, that ‘Absalom had sheepsheorers in Baalhazor whieh Is beside Ephreim: and Abselom inoted all the king's sons, M1 Sam, 15:23, Notice that this fellow docen’t go off half-cock waits until the ine to move is right and his intended quarry 1s of his guard "The king didn't want to burden his son with dozons of fests and finally settled for sending all bis son, including ‘Amnon. At no fime doos Absalom mention Amnon specif ‘aly to his father. However, he doas to his svorant: ‘Now Absolom had commanded his servants, say: ing, "Watch till you see Amnon’s heart merry with wine, and when T ay to you ‘Stab Amnon, ond kill ‘him. be bold and stronghearted.” Ul Sam. 19:28 Abetlom knew tro things, having been txined in the tus ‘of the edged weapon; Tirw, one man ammed with Tenife may. not get the job done on ¢he fist stroke or two as the victim is subject to bolt oF got help from unarmed fiends and second, alcohol slows down the reaction time ‘of the imbiber for two or three seconds ~ enough for half 4 dozen men armed with cutting instruments. to inflict ‘another dozen wounds, incuring the victim will bleed to ‘death ina few minutes even i they miss al the vital organs oF mes & otierwise bots the Job, ‘And the seroants of Absalom did unto Amnon os ‘Absalom hod commanded. Thon all the ng’ sone arose, and every man got him upon hie mule, and Med. Mam. 13:29) "The rest of the king’s sons all jumped on thelr donkeys and rode off, proving, as It always does, that if the move ls Strong enough, potential interference from third parties is ‘Giminated, Most realy successful stabbings in our nation's prisons fake place in this fashion even today; the victim dies ‘nd all the witnesos flee the scene. [Next in our Iie of historical examples are the Vikings. ‘They carried « bladed weapon called the Seramasax. No one teems to know what it’ was, other than a main Viking ‘weapon, Some call it e short eword and other, including feveral dictionaries, refar to it as long hunting knife, The Vilkings, probably because of their tremendous physical size ‘and strength, were not much on weapons technology and thence ran into a couple of disasters thet beter weaponry might have saved them from. Most of these problems of theirs took place in the Kastor Moditerancan, where they were not known as “Norsemen” as in Burope but rather "ius from whos descendants interbreeding with Khazars, ‘Mongols Bulgar, and the like we now have “Russian.” Forget the irolated Viking ships you soe raiding on the late movie on the glass tllet. Viking raiding partes of 600 ships manned by 100 men each ware quite common, ‘One of their first major disasters tok place between 864 ‘and B84 A.D, in s se battle in which the other side, being ‘armed ‘with “Greek fire” or napalm, gave them a’round frouncing. In 910 AD. the Vikings rotumed and got their even” and in the process aggravated the local citizens even "in 913 A.D. the Vikings and thelr short edged weapons 4 with another disaster. An averagesized raiding party, 150,000 men in their ships, saled into an inland wea and can lamuck on its shore, Lots of folks led the veacoast but when the Vikings, or Rus, sacked city tree days joumey inland, ‘the locals had had enough. ‘The Vikings, acconting to their ‘unial “modus operandi,” had withdrawn. from te coast to teveral islands, “The enraged populace then tried to diodge them with mall boet and merchant vowels somewhal unsuccessfully, ‘hough the Rus eventually sufered for their depredations ‘What follows is 8 Tenth Century account by an Arab by the name of Masud ‘ut the Ras fumed on thm and thousnds ofthe Mus. tm woe hiled oy drowned The Rus continued many months [Sica When they ha callectedencugh booty std Stee ied of what they were about, hey started for the {Roush ofthe Khazar ver, informing the king ofthe Khaz, in eoameying to hn ch booty, according tothe conditions (thich he had ized with em. The Aria (the Moti ‘Revenues he Kan army) ad ober Muss who ved [i Khana leaed ofthe tation ofthe Resa ato te King of te Kizrs lave unto del with these people. Tey hae ide the Lande of the Mois, our brothers and he {ied blood and endaved women and chudren. And be could uk pany them So he sont for fe Was, informing then UrtAE determination ofthe Muss to Ag them. "The Moss (of Khaeata)asembled and wert fot to ‘nd the Rs, proceeding downstream (on an, fom Tt the ‘Va etoar)) When the two emi came within ght ofeach Vise the Res daembeked and ew up in order of bate aint tho Muslin, with worm were «mumber of hiss ‘gin, ao that hey were about 15,000 men, with hows tant equipment, The figng continued fr thre days. God Feed” te Milins agit the. The Rus were put co the Sword, Some wer klled aad others wee drowned. OF the {Tin by the fing on the banks of te Khazar ver hee ‘rem countd abot 30,00. Five Ghousand Vikings escaped temporarily but were eventually hunted down and destroyed to « man by the PBurtas ad the Bulgar. ‘The bladed weapon proved no match for horses and equipment,” whatever chat was. Contrast this with the ftccount in’ Bancroft’ “HISTORY OF MEXICO. 1816 1619" of Hemando Cortez and his equabbles withthe Aztec Empire. Corter, with his stl helmets and breastplates, home cavalry, musket, crombowmen, and disciplined tr00p8 ‘co-ordinated with his edged weapons and their wilders al Towed him to run roughshod over millions with only eight Imundeed men. ‘Not too long after these misfortuncs« largo part of the Viking leadenip was lured into a bathhouse somewhere tn Groat Britain under the auspices of “piece and friendship” to: be cut to pieces by their hosts, who were not dumb fnough to love their weapons elsewhere ar the Vikings di. By 1066 A.D. Willam the Conqueror had proven at the [Bate of Hastings that the Viking tactic of muscling people fat ife point was no longer feasible; « maniac with « ‘machete (or its equivalont) was no match for armored, del fd, end disciplined foot soldicrs backed up by horsemen, bbowmen,spearmen, and various siog engines, "This chain of events shouldn't neve surprised anyone, Ae cealy as 732 ADD., at the Battle of Tours, ¢ famous Frankish Jenight who was rin through with an ercow remarked, “Cure. fed is the coward who invented weapons that Iull ata ‘istance,” se he lay dying. Things have boon going downhill forhand-toband combat afficiandos ever since. Probably the most effective uso of the knife asa primary weapon wat by 4 Persian religious sect now known as the Assassins. Basically, their “bag” was politics. The fist Grand Master of the Ascuisins was a man named Hasan-iSabbah, who joined a religious soct in 1071 A.D. controlled by Persian family in Palestine who devoted themasives to the ‘undermining and gradual destruction of every kind of faith by a system of initiation subtly graded for all stages of ‘sperstion and belie unt the intate looked upon the lead ferihip as thei iret link to dhe Great Beyond Hasan went the Persian family one better. He brought the Idea of murder into the political science ot his day, not as an insider jockeying for position which, up unt thet time, had accounted for most political kilns, but much as a prisoner ‘might uso a hunger strike oF a coal miner might use e picket line. ‘The secret garden where be drugged and attached 10 himself hie followers became known through the Crusaders’ chronicles in Burope, giving us our word of assassin, oF Hashishin, ‘the ev that Hasan spawned lived after him and within & tow years he Assasins controlled some fifty mountain ‘Gaallos throughout Persia and Syria. Their leader was referred Gian te “Old Man of the Mountains” and itwas somewhat ‘ticle to say unkind things about him even in the Lowland. fs one profesor who did, remarked, aftznarrowly escaping a atal stabbing by one of his students (an Assasin, oF mem- Def ofthe elt), Thole arguments are too pointed.” ‘The cult survived the Crisides but the Mongols proved to ‘be too much for the. The last fortress ofthe Assasins fell {due to poor planning as they. were not defeated in battle nor {dd they ran out of food or water ~ they were there s0 Long they wees out all der clothes, Unfortunaely, the Mongols fnew not much on scholarship and bumed up dhe Assasin Timary along with everything else combustible. Assasin Teligious watings probably weren't worth much to anyone asides members of the cu themselves bu if they ever had BSy books on how to execute folks in public places and got ay ith ie it would be worth a fortune to the right peonle Tauny "At one time the Aasasins were so well-versed in thelr fix they did Dit of freelancing and some of them even re- tired from the profession wealthy men "The next extensive use of te koife asa fighting weapon ‘s found in Medieval Burope, known as the Prie & Deus in the French (which, trandates into comething like a can ener) or the Migericorde in Middle English. Bascal, it was Sreesrup weapon used to polish off a fallen adversary since 4 Gmuyer Or knife had no effect excopt ona fallen enemy, the Jolnts of whowe armor might be found and penetrated, It was ‘iwbladed snd the Misencorde was socalled because it was lined to give the death or "mercy" stoke to a fallen adver: By Machaps because he was expectad to ask fOr mercy, OF Boxiiy: because it war Lancelot's (or whoevers’) iden of 2 joke “The Misericorde went through geveral technological im= provemenis and by the Sixteenth Century some of them even bad holes in the blade for poison to nin out when it was

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