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Praise to Allah SWT blessing and grace, i can complete a paper entitled, Production
Process of Jelly Candy in order for Paper Test of Food Technology . On this occasion i
would like to thank all parties who contributed to the making of this paper, namely:

1. Mr. SAMUEL LOUVAN ST., M.SC as lecturers

2. Beloved parents who always support and prayers

3. Our friend Andros that motivate and give moral and material support and others we can
not mention one by one here. May God receive and repay his father / mother / brother.

Various efforts have been made to present the application design document this well, but
we realize there are shortcomings and expect constructive criticism and suggestions for
improvement in the future. Finally, the document may perancangaan this application can
understand and benefit us all. Amien.

Depok, July 29, 2011


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