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Hannah Johns

Comp 105-007

Monday Reflection #8

November 20, 2017

Final Analysis

Over the weekend, I received my comments back from when I made corrections on my

WA #3. I noticed that you still asked me to use signal phrases to indicate the authors as another

technique to cite my information. I must have been un-clear about those comments because I

thought the revision included such components. When I read and write, I try to revise my paper

and edit paragraphs in chunks over a period of time for a more efficient process, so I didnt miss

miniature errors throughout the entirety of my essay. While writing my WA #5, I tried to keep

the past comments from my original entry of WA #3 to guide my writing. I believe I

incorporated a variety of styles throughout WA #5. I didnt want to lose points based on past

errors I made that were corrected and brought up to my attention.

When writing our assignment that lasted throughout the weekend, I tried to incorporate

different styles of placing commas (list, FANBOYS, ender, etc.). I noticed that I seem to always

either use the introducer one or the list one when I write anything ranging from a discussion

entry to a formal essay. I tried to do that to gain the skill, as a writer, to give my paper more of a

variety and show the skills I have gained throughout this course.

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