Attachment and Attachment Based Therapy

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Attachment Theory and Attachment-Based Therapy

Chris Purnell
Published In
Attachment and Human Survival
Edited by M.Green and S.Scholes
Karnac Books 2004

June was becoming increasingly desperate to get through the checkout and
get home. Her two year old son, Adam, sitting in the front of her supermarket
trolley, was tired and irritable. He screamed in frustration as he struggled to
free himself from the trolley seat, and held out his arms towards his mother
demanding to be picked up.
There was little that she felt able to do to pacify him as struggled to pack her
shopping into bags. She turned and smiled apologetically to the woman
behind her in the queue in response to the disapproving gaze that was
focused upon Adam. A man standing behind the woman visibly winced, his
nerves jangling, as Adam let out another piercing shriek. June thrust payment
for her shopping in the direction of the cashier with one hand as reached
towards her son with the other in a further attempt to calm him. The cashier
smiled sympathetically as she gave June the change for her shopping.
Thankfully, June put the money into her purse and wheeled the trolley out of
the shop. Immediately she stopped and picked Adam, still screaming, out of
his seat and held him. For a few moments he continued to scream as she
spoke gently into his ear and held him to her, then he began to calm as the
physical closeness and her words reached him through his protest. His crying
reduced to a whimper as he snuggled against her, feeling reassured and
comforted by the physical contact.
Within a further few moments Adam had stopped crying altogether, and only
the occasional shudder of his body gave any evidence of his previous
distress. June felt herself begin to calm as Adam settled. She sat down on a
seat outside the shop and continued to simply hold him as he drifted off into
sleep, and then gently carried him in one arm, whilst using the other to push
the trolley toward her car in preparation for their journey home.

Every reader of the above story about June and Adam will be able to relate to
and locate oneself in it in some way. It is a story about Attachment, and this is
something that is important to us all. The need for human beings to be
attached to someone who can provide them with safety and reassurance
when they are frightened, anxious or tired was first talked about by John
Bowlby, the originator of Attachment Theory.
Bowlby and others have contributed much to our understanding of the ways in
which we form Attachments, and the consequences of Attachment
experiences for our emotional development. Importantly, we seek safety and
security throughout our lives, and the way in which we are able to obtain
these conditions shapes our self-understanding and our relationships with
others. In this chapter, we will review the variety of Attachment patterns that

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early Attachment experiences generate, and consider how an understanding
of these patterns helps both client and practitioner in a psychotherapeutic

Early Attachment Experiences and Attachment Patterns

June and Adam had what Bowlby would have described as a Secure
Attachment relationship, because as soon as she was able to do so she
responded to the distress that was caused by Adams fatigue by taking the
time to comfort him. This enabled him to settle and go to sleep. It is the ability
of a caregiver to respond in this way that forms the basis of a Secure
Attachment. It would not have been sufficient for Adam if somebody else in
that supermarket had tried to comfort him. He needed his mother because of
the specific attachment bond that he had with her she was the one that he
depended upon as a caregiver.
Junes response to Adam provided him with what Bowlby called a Secure
Base. That is a sense of safety and security which would give him the
confidence to explore and interact with the world in the knowledge that June
was there to give him physical comfort and reassurance when he needed it.
This basic attachment need for a Secure Base is so strong that a child will
always attempt to develop a bond with its caregivers (usually in the first
instance its parents) regardless of how its caregivers respond to it. Where a
caregiver fails to provide a secure base by responding sensitively to a childs
attachment needs, then the child will adapt its behaviour and develop what
Bowlby called an Anxious Attachment.
Let us imagine for a moment what might have happened had Adams mother
been one of the other women in the supermarket queue the one who gazed
with disapproval at Adam. It is probable that Adam would have learned from
the earliest age that to cry when he was distressed would not gain him the
comfort that he was seeking, but would more likely result in an experience of
rejection. In order to maintain any contact with this woman as a caregiver, he
would have had to learn to keep his distress under control. He would have
learned that he could maintain contact with his mother, and avoid rejection, if
he covered up his need to be comforted, reassured and to feel secure.
The Attachment relationship that he developed would be known as Avoidant;
in the supermarket scenario he would appear as a well mannered child who in
spite of being tired, sat quietly in the trolley. Instead of looking towards his
mother for comfort, he might distract himself by playing with a package out of
the shopping trolley or by simply focusing upon the surrounding activity in the
supermarket. His mother might proudly tell people what a well behaved and
undemanding child he was. And, this approval of him would encourage him to
further develop his insular and self contained behaviour because this would
help him maintain an Attachment relationship with his mother.
Another kind of Attachment relationship might have developed if Adams
caregiver had been the man in the supermarket queue who visibly winced
when Adam screamed. If that had been the case, Adam might have
developed another form of anxious attachment that is known as Resistant.
Picture Adam in the queue with this caregiver: the child gets tired and irritable

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and his father takes a biscuit out of the shopping trolley and gives it to him to
pacify him. Adam, however, doesnt want a biscuit. He wants his father. And
so, after a couple of nibbles he throws the biscuit on the floor and continues to
protest. His father pats him on the head and tells him to hush. Adam, finding
that he now has his fathers attention cries even louder, demanding to be
picked up.
In this scenario, the woman in the queue who gave the disapproving look
makes a quiet comment to the person behind her about spoilt, ill-disciplined
children. In the meantime Adams father gets increasingly frantic, being
intensely aware of the attention that the protest is creating, but feeling
completely unable to appease his son. Finally, Adams father reaches a point
where the screams make him feel so desperate that he smacks his sons leg
and tells him to stop screaming.
Having paid for the shopping, Adams father leaves the supermarket and
wheels the trolley holding his still screaming son, to the car. As he lifts him out
of the trolley, Adam throws himself backwards away from his father who
desperately bundles him, struggling and wailing, into his car seat. By the time
they reach home Adam has screamed himself into an exhausted sleep.
The Resistant Attachment pattern portrayed in this scenario illustrates a
caregiver that is inconsistent in his response to his child. He has no clear
strategy for comforting his child. Because of this inconsistency or
unpredictability the child becomes difficult to pacify when upset, because it
never knows just how much attention it is likely to get, or how long it will last.
There is a third type of anxious attachment which might not be so readily
identifiable in our supermarket scenario, but which along with the Attachment
patterns described, has been clearly identified by developmental
psychologists through a process known as the Infant Strange Situation
(Ainsworth 1978).
This third type of anxious attachment develops out of a childs experiences of
a caregiver who in one way or another frightens it. The source of the fear
might be abusive behaviour or it might be simply that the caregiver acts in a
frightening way because of, say, psychotic behaviour or substance abuse or
alcoholism. In some instances the caregivers frightening behaviour is bourn
out of their own fearfulness in their relationship to the child. Whatever the
cause, the child now experiences a dilemma - how to maintain closeness and
contact when the caregiver that it needs to be close to at times of fear or
anxiety is also the source of its fear. The observed behaviour of infants
suggests that such a dilemma results in a collapse of any strategy to maintain
proximity to a caregiver (Main & Hesse 1990), and a Disorganised Attachment
relationship develops.
These various types of Attachment that grow out of our early experiences are
not features of just childhood. They matter for the kinds of people we
become. This is because Attachment experiences with caregivers lead a
child to develop mental representations of how to deal with Attachment
relationships. Bowlby called these Internal Working Models of Attachment
(Bowlby 1989). Essentially an Internal Working Model is the childs mental
blue print of how to handle present and future attachment relationships. For

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example, Adams internal working model of Attachment with June, his mother,
was based upon the knowledge that when he cried she would respond by
comforting and soothing him. His internal working model developed out of the
many and repeated interactions with his mother over time. As Adam develops
and this is true for all children - his experiences of other Attachments either
reinforce or modify the original working model. As we move through infancy
and childhood, and into adulthood, our Internal Working Models become
increasingly more complex and sophisticated.

Adult Attachments and the Process of Remembering

Much has been learned about adult Attachment through the work of Mary
Main, who developed the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). What Mains
research tells us is that for adults, Attachment experiences remain with us,
and persist at the level of mental representations. (By this we mean the way in
which attachment experiences have become registered in the mind).
Furthermore, behaviours that relate to internal working models of attachment
in children as described by Bowlby and Ainsworth, become increasingly
complex and representational in the progression towards adulthood. (Main
The AAI is a method of evaluating attachment patterns through scoring the
unconscious responses of adults to interview questions about their childhood.
What the method demonstrates very clearly is that it is not traumatic or
difficult relationships or events in themselves during childhood that dictate
anxious Attachment patterns in adults, but rather the manner in which those
experiences have been internalised as memories and states of mind.
Adults who are judged to be Secure are those who are able to give a
structured and coherent account of their childhood, and who are able to speak
about traumatic events in such a way as to demonstrate an ability to reflect
upon them and put them into perspective. It is as though the ways in which
these adults were responded to when they themselves were children,
provided emotional protection from the worst of their childhood traumas and
this contributed to their capacity to develop secure attachment relationships.
Adults with anxious Attachment patterns, on the other hand, are less able to
narrate their childhood story in a coherent fashion. Using the AAI
classifications, distinctive patterns emerge.
1. Dismissing. In this instance, in giving accounts of their childhood,
adults minimise the relevance or importance of childhood experience;
sometimes they claim to remember very little about the events of their
childhood, or recount those events as normal. In some instances, the
accounts that are given by Dismissing adults will be excessively brief, or they
might contain idealisations, contradictions or unsupported statements. In the
case of our supermarket scenario, it is very likely that the woman with the
disapproving attitude toward Adam would prove to be Dismissing if she
participated in the AAI.
2 Pre-occupied. Here, their accounts become very entangled and
incoherent grammatically. Such adults are unable to bring their accounts of

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childhood events to a coherent and concise conclusion. Sometimes
Preoccupied adults appear to become angry or fearful when relating their
experiences. Again, thinking about the supermarket scene, the man who
winced when Adam screamed could quite likely be classed as Preoccupied if
he were to take part in an AAI.
3 Unresolved / disorganised. In these cases, accounts particularly of
traumatic events become subtly incoherent, through changes in discourse or
lapses in reasoning. It is likely that what the AAI identifies is the dissociative
mechanisms relating to trauma.
The AAI highlights relevance, consistency and coherence of an adults
account of childhood events, and also the capacity to reflect (Fonagy et al.,
1997) upon the affective internal state that is generated by memories of these
experiences. This reflective function is of immense importance in helping to
explain why for example, a adult caregiver might be unable to adequately
respond to the attachment needs of a child. It represents a capacity to know
what it is that the child is communicating through an ability to reflect upon the
internal affective state that the childs signals generate within the caregiver;
the capacity to think about what one is thinking. The childs experience of
being understood by its caregiver is key to the development of a secure base.
Thus the child that develops an anxious attachment style is likely to have
experienced a caregiver who is unable to tolerate the affect that its expressed
attachment need generates inside them. The affect is therefore blocked or
reacted to, rather than reflected upon and used to understand and respond to
the childs own internal state. Picture the response of the Preoccupied father
of the Resistantly attached Alex in the supermarket example, and how this
man found it difficult to respond appropriately to his childs distress.
Similarly the Dismissing mothers inability to reflect upon Avoidant Adams
Attachment needs meant that he had to adapt by suppressing any outward
sign of distress, and it easy to imagine how he in turn might learn not reflect
upon his internal need for Attachment. .
The capacity of a person to think about what they are thinking will have
bearing upon how they are able to engage in the process of psychotherapy.
However, even where this reflective capacity is limited, psychotherapy can still
be effective provided that the therapist has the ability to attune to the feelings
that the person is expressing and in doing so provide them with the
experience of a secure base.
Most readers are likely to be able to identify elements of themselves
somewhere within the attachment patterns that have been described, and the
research provides a rich framework of evidence-based theory that is of
immense value in informing us of what can be effective in the clinical practice
of psychotherapy.

Attachment-based Therapy
The impact of Attachment experiences persist from childhood into adult life.
However, whilst the Internal Working Models that are formed as a result of
these experiences become more ingrained over time, they are open to
revision and change in the light of later experiences. This was something that

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Bowlby himself claimed, and it is a key principle of an Attachment-based
approach to psychotherapy
The attachment classifications provide a helpful frame of reference for helping
a psychotherapist to know how best to respond to people in a
psychotherapeutic setting, and it is not necessary to go through a formal
interview process and classify people in order to make use of the theory.
Usually it is possible for an experienced therapist to get a feel for an
attachment pattern, partly from the persons use of narrative and also through
the way in which they relate to their therapist and how they deal with their
relationships generally.
John Bowlby (1988) identified five therapeutic tasks that need to be
addressed when he talked about the clinical applications of Attachment
If you were starting attachment-based psychotherapy, then the first of thing
you would need is a secure base from which you could begin the self
exploration that is an integral part of psychotherapy. This involves your
therapist not only paying attention to making their consulting room a safe
environment, but also being attuned and responsive to your internal need for
a sense of safety and security. In order to respond to the latter need, it would
be necessary for your therapist to have some insight into or understanding of
your internal working model of attachment.
For example, in a similar way to an AAI account, a person with a Dismissing
attachment pattern is likely to avoid going into too much detail about their
childhood, claiming that it is irrelevant or unimportant, or saying that they do
not remember much about it. They may also normalise their accounts of
childhood events ie. I cant say that my childhood was particularly happy,
but then at the end of the day, what is happiness and how many people can
truly say that they were happy? In a similar way they are likely minimise the
importance of the therapy relationship and their need for it to provide them
with a secure base. They would be inviting their therapist to collude with the
notion that Attachments are unimportant, by accepting this view and not
responding to their underlying Attachment need, and this simply reinforces
their Internal Working Model which has been built upon the experience of their
attachment needs being dismissed or ignored.
The therapists skill in offering a secure base involves being able to recognise
and respect their clients self-contained strategy for dealing with Attachment
related situations, whilst also providing the possibility of a different and more
secure attachment experience through therapy.
A clinical illustration of this was a Dismissing person who was dealing with
trauma relating to a serious illness. He was handling this trauma in a very self
contained and insular manner. Working with him in therapy involved sessions
where there were prolonged periods of silence, where the therapist began to
experience uncomfortable counter-transference feelings of ineffectiveness
and helplessness in her apparent inability to form any meaningful contact with
him. - Counter-transference refers to the process by which a therapist exports
thoughts or feelings onto the client or into the relationship that exists between

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them. Sometimes the therapist also imports, or picks up feelings or sensations
that the client might be unconsciously communicating. (Southgate 1990)
The therapists temptation was to give in to the apparent lack of progress and
abandon further attempts to engage the client in therapy. However, what she
actually did was to bring some of these feelings into the therapy by talking
about how difficult the sessions sometimes felt, and wondering what these
difficulties might be about.
This enabled the client to consider that the therapist might be capable of
understanding and subsequently responding to his internal state of anxiety.
This allowed him to open up and talk a little about his own feelings of
helplessness in relation to his illness, and his fears around death and dying.
What the therapist had managed to do was respond to rather than dismiss the
clients need for a secure base and provide him with a sufficient sense of
safety and reassurance for him to begin to talk about his fears.
In similar way a Preoccupied person will use their internal working model of
attachment as a means of perceiving that attachments are inconsistent or
unreliable. In therapy such a client might be anxious about their therapists
reliability or availability and continually test it through expressions of clinging
anxiety, sometimes mixed with angry rejection. The therapists attempts to
provide the client with a sense of safety and reassurance is likely to be
continually tested with further expressions of anxiety, and when the anxiety
becomes too great it turns into criticism and rejection of the therapist.
For the therapist such behaviour can produce counter-transference feelings of
exasperation and an impulse to reject the client, and of course to do so would
simply serve to confirm the clients internal working model of attachments as
inconsistent or unreliable. Again, the Preoccupied persons need is for a
consistently containing response which will help him to experience something
that more closely resembles a secure base.
People with Disorganised attachment patterns can often appear to have many
of the features of the other anxious patterns, or they may on the surface
appear to be Secure in attachment terms. The thing that they are likely to
have in common is an experience of childhood trauma that was potentially
overwhelming, and usually where significant attachment figures were the
source of the trauma. As already described, this presents a child with the
dilemma of how to maintain proximity to caregivers who are either frightening
or frightened.
Longitudinal studies (Cassidy & Main 1988) have suggested that infants who
display Disorganised behaviour in the Strange Situation procedure at one
year old tend to develop controlling or compliant strategies for dealing with
those that they are attached to by the time that they reach the age of six. This
I would suggest, provides the basic template that many people with
Unresolved / disorganised Attachments will use in a psychotherapy
Main (1994) refers to research which suggests that the lapses of reasoning
and discourse, which are evident in Unresolved / disorganised adults through
the AAI, are related to dissociation. This is a process of passive coping (van
der Kolk, van der Hart & Marmar 1996) where an individual will

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psychologically disengage from an extreme threat or trauma from which there
is no physical means of escape, and can take the form of simply spacing out,
or in cases of severe trauma, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) which is
sometimes also referred to as multiple personality.
The same attachment needs apply for people who have a history of severe
trauma. Judith Herman (1992) proposes that people who have experienced
prolonged and extreme trauma often suffer from what she describes as
complex traumatic stress. She identifies the creation of safety as the first
requirement for people who are to be treated for such traumatic disorders. In
other words they need a secure base, and of course in some instances where
there has been severe trauma this might on occasions involve making
available the sanctuary of a specialist psychiatric unit. Unfortunately the
experience of many survivors of such trauma is of periods of hospitalisation
where misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment of their condition has left
them with a deep mistrust of the mental health system.
In Attachment-based psychotherapy, experiencing a secure base also
involves having a therapist who is what psychoanalyst and author Alice Miller
(1989) described as an enlightened witness. This is someone who will listen
to and validate the persons story of their childhood. This is particularly
important where there has been abuse and trauma, and where as Bowlby
said, a childs thoughts and feelings have been disconfirmed by caregivers
who are unable to acknowledge the pain and hurt that their actions may have
caused or their unresponsiveness may have exacerbated.
As one person put it:
I found that my therapy was so important because it was the one place where
I could talk about how I felt about my past and know that my feelings would be
completely understood. If spoke to close friends, for example, and told them
how angry I felt with my father and the way in which I had been treated all my
life they wouldnt understand why I was still so angry. They would say that I
should put it all behind me and make efforts to mend the rift with my father,
but I wasnt ready to do that. In fact I didnt, and still dont see that the onus is
upon me to do this. My therapist was the one person that I could speak to who
didnt make me feel that I was making a fuss about nothing and who allowed
me to express how hurt I felt without being judgmental about it. Therapy was
the only space that I had and without it I dont think that I could have managed
to break free of my past.
Another important element of Attachment based psychotherapy is the
facilitation of the process of mourning as the person works through the
memories of experiences of loss during their life. Loss is represented not only
by actual physical loss of Attachment figures but also the loss of the sort of
childhood that might have been experienced had a secure attachment
relationship been available.
Mourning is what Bowlby saw as natures cure for loss. This involves a
process of grieving whereby a whole range of feelings and emotions such as
disbelief, anger, guilt, sadness are worked through as the loss is talked about
and remembered. The whole purpose of mourning is to allow us to let go and
move on. It is a natural process, and this it is why it is such an important part

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of psychotherapy. This is an important point to emphasise because very often
people who start therapy have never had the opportunity, or have never been
given permission to grieve, and so they have minimised its importance.
Apart from providing the client with a secure base, Bowlby (1988) identified
additional tasks to be addressed in therapy, which involve assisting a person
to explore the way in which they engage in relationships with significant
figures in their current life. Clients should also be encouraged to consider how
their current feelings and expectations, perceptions and actions are influenced
by events or situations that took place during childhood. These tasks very
much involve helping a person to recognise and understand their own internal
working models of Attachment, and to gain sufficient insight in order to be
able to modify them.
A further crucial task is to explore the particular relationship between the
therapist and the client. This is a key element within various modalities of
psychotherapy, but from an Attachment perspective it involves making use of
the therapy relationship as means of providing a person with a modified and
more secure Attachment experience. It is about enabling them to use the
therapy relationship to gain a glimpse of what is possible in terms of altered
Attachment experiences, which open up the possibility of change in their
wider relationships.
A clinical example of this was provided by a person with a Preoccupied
Attachment pattern who was particularly anxious about an approaching 3
week break in therapy due to the therapists holiday plans. The client
expressed a great deal of concern and anxiety about how he was going to
cope without his weekly psychotherapy sessions and in the weeks leading up
to the break the client used the sessions to talk about his fear of being
abandoned by the therapist.
No amount of reassurance by the therapist about his intention to return and
not abandon the client could alleviate the fear. All that he could do was
simply allow the client to express his anxiety and help him to understand it in
terms of his internal working model and past attachment experiences.
As the break in therapy came closer, the client expressed reluctance to leave
at the end of sessions and the therapist, understanding the protest that this
represented, consistently interpreted the clients expression of anger and
reassured him that he would see him as usual the following week. The
therapists holiday came and went, and therapy resumed.
The client told the therapist that even though the break had been difficult at
times, it had been possible for him to alleviate some of his anxiety by
reminding himself of the therapists reassurances that he would return. He told
the therapist that this was a new experience for him, and that through it he
had gained a clearer understanding of what a secure Attachment might be
For the client to be able to hold the therapist in mind is important, but it is
equally important to able to let go in order to explore new situations and to
develop and grow. Another persons description of his therapy provided a very
clear illustration of how he experienced it as a secure base when he made the
following observation:

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I notice how I am able to leave you here in this room between our therapy
sessions. In my previous therapy I found myself to be constantly thinking
about my therapist at times when I was faced with situations that were difficult
or worrying; it felt almost like an obsession in that I felt completely unable to
let go of her. Now, even though I still have worries, I dont feel the same need
to hang on to you when I am not here.
Given that Attachment behaviour is triggered by external and environmental
factors and that the response to this is to seek safety and re-assurance, there
are times when people who could be considered to be securely attached can
still find the secure base that attachment-based psychotherapy offers helpful.
Such times might be when a person is dealing with a serious illness either in
herself or in a close relationship, or when a close relationship is under threat
through some other form of conflict or separation.
Attachment theory not only provides a means of understanding and working
with individuals in therapy, it also offers a framework for helping with
difficulties within family and couple relationships.
John Byng-Hall (1991), a leading figure in the world of family therapy
described how in stable adult attachment relationships there is what he
referred to as a "complementary system" where, when there is a conflict of
interests in a relationship, it is handled by one person (usually the stronger)
giving way to the more vulnerable other's need for proximity or distance in a
de-escalating cycle, even though the demands which the more vulnerable
partner is making are unwelcome at the time.
Byng-Hall described a process of distance regulation in an unstable
relationship between two people (a dyad) where there is what he calls an
"approach / avoidance conflict". He referred to such relationships as `too
close / too far` systems. These systems represent anxious attachments and
the nature of the care giving care seeking relationships of the individuals
(In the relationship) "each sees the other as being as powerful, as
or more powerful than, the self. Each then feels compelled to take very
active measures to prevent the other from either approaching too close,
or deserting altogether. If this does not seem to work then even greater
efforts, on each participant's part, are felt to be needed to prevent the
other from forcing an intolerable situation on an unwilling victim. There
is then the possibility of a symmetrically escalating conflict, in which
each move away or toward is resisted with increasing force."
(Byng-Hall 1991:209)
What Byng-Hall gives us is a snap shot of the process that takes place in the
various dyad relationships that are part of a close family system where
anxious attachments exist, particularly relationships between couples, and
parents and their children.
It is possible for couples who have anxious internal working models of
Attachment to experience a relatively stable relationship because their
attachment needs are complementary. For example a preoccupied partner
may feel that their dependency needs are being adequately met by a
dismissing partner, whose ability to accommodate such needs comes through

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their own strategy of distancing from any potential personal anxiety. In other
words, the dismissing partner finds it easier to focus upon the other persons
preoccupied anxieties, because it enables them to avoid their own. Such a
relationship can seem to work fine until something happens to disturb this
equilibrium, often in the form of illness or loss. This intensifies a cycle of
approach and avoidance, and leads to an escalation of conflict as the partners
struggle to maintain a too close / too far relationship.
The diagram in Figure 1 demonstrates this process. It also illustrates what is
sometimes seen happening to a clients closest Attachment relationship as
they work through issues in therapy and experience increased dependency
needs through activation of the mourning process. I think that it is sometimes
important to point out to people who are planning to engage in therapy that
the process which they are proposing to embark upon can seriously alter their
anxious attachment relationships.
Partner A Partner B
Preoccupied Dismissing

Baseline feelings of dependency equilibrium Focus upon partners dependency

are contained by partners accommodates the need for distancing
supportive response within the from any potential personal anxiety
relationship Trauma

Increased level of anxiety pursue Withdraws and becomes more distant

leads to increased feelings of as a means of avoiding feelings of increased
dependency towards partner withdraw personal anxiety

Reacts to partners withdrawal attack Threatens abandonment of the relationship

by becoming increasingly angry but appears unable to carry out the threat
and anxious defend

Reacts by trying to control own Re-establishes the distances needed for the
anxious, clinging behaviour in order placate dismiss relationship to feel less threatening and
in order to save the relationship anxiety provoking

withdraw blame

Feeling of being abandoned by Reduces / avoids anxiety provoking

partner leads to increased stress in the relationship by focusing upon
anxiety seeks outside help partners illness and need for therapy /
for anxiety and depression psychiatric help

Figure 1

If it is possible to engage both partners in therapy, then an attachment focus

can make it possible to work through the difficulties and alter the relationship
to make it more secure.
Johnsons (1996) Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) emphasises the
importance of focusing upon attachment needs in couple therapy, and
describes how attending to the emotional content of a couples relationship
can be effective creating a secure connection between them. She points to
the difference between primary and secondary emotion in couples
relationships, where the primary emotion represents the reactive response
that partners perceive when they seek comfort, reassurance or a sense of
safety in each other.

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Such emotional responses might involve anger or rejection or distancing,
which can produce similar counter responses in the other partner. The
secondary emotion would be the unexpressed, underlying one and often
represents the fear, vulnerability or feeling of helplessness that is experienced
when faced with anothers attachment needs, or when ones own needs
remain unmet. Secondary emotions are usually the very ones that generate a
need for secure attachment.
Sometimes couples relationships deteriorate through critical moments when
there has been a failure of one partner to respond adequately to the
attachment needs of the other, and although these moments are important,
the emphasis in EFT is to move from the content of those moments to an
understanding of the process that takes place when attachment needs are
expressed within the couples relationship.
Once the process and the secondary emotions are understood it is possible
for a couple use this new understanding to reshape the way in which they
relate to one another. Thus for example, once a partners dismissing, anxious
or angry behaviour can be understood by both parties to represent an
expression of an underlying sense of helplessness or fearfulness, it becomes
more possible to find new ways of expressing and responding to the couples
attachment needs.
Johnson suggests that trauma survivors who have a close relationship with a
partner can greatly benefit from couple work to improve their secure base.
She points out that very often, where a close relationship exists, it is the arena
within which repetitions of the trauma are played out, and it is also a primary
focus for any potential change in terms of attachment experience:
a partner who understands the nature of the terror that takes
over his or her spouse is often capable of more empathy than we
or the survivor ever imagined possible. Not only that but a spouse
or lover is there in the middle of the night when the dragon (the
lasting effects of past trauma) comes, whereas the therapist, no
matter how expert or empathic, is miles away. The fact that if
partners are not part of the solution, they are, almost inevitably,
part of the problem, is a cogent argument for couple
(Johnson 2002:9)
EFT has proven to be effective therapy where there is a desire by both
partners to repair the relationship. Research (Johnson & Lebow: 2000) has
indicated that in most cases, a successful outcome to therapy can be
achieved in a relatively small number of EFT sessions, and there is little doubt
that the success of this therapy owes at least as much to the evidence-base
of Attachment research that informs it, as it does to the skills of the therapist.

Therapy across the life cycle

There is little doubt that John Bowlby would have been gratified to see the
extent to which his original contribution to our knowledge and understanding
of the fundamental human need to be attached is continuing to have such an

Attachment Theory and Attachment-Based Therapy 12

Chris Purnell 2004
increasingly important influence upon the way in which people can be helped
by psychotherapy.
Attachment theory is something that most people can readily identify with and
understand because it has relevance to everybodys life story - from the way
which in we form relationships in our early years, through to how we choose
and handle our close relationships in adulthood.
When we ourselves become parents, our previous attachment experiences
have a great influence upon how we are able to relate to and nurture our
children. Even in later years, attachment needs are important as we adjust to
the changes and losses that are an integral part of the process of aging.
The stories that people bring to therapy are often about attachments that have
failed or gone wrong. This is why, in the world of psychotherapy, attachment
theory and research is continuing to gain increasing importance. It is a theory
that helps our understanding of a fundamental human need that persists right
across the life cycle literally from cradle to grave.


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