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Joint KSS and London Staff Development Group meeting

Friday 20 October 2017 - Webbex/Telephone conference


Emma Aldrich (EA), Helen Alper (HA) (joint chair), Rachel Cooke (RC) (joint chair), Amanda
Lackey (AL) (minutes), Heather Mills (HM), Emma Ramstead (EM), Tom Roper (TR), Jenny
Turner (JT), Samantha Unamboowe (SU)


Apologies: David Archer, Louise Goswami, Michael Harney, Debbie Heatlie, YiWen Hon, Sarah
Lawson, Barbara Norrey, Julie Stoppani (secretary), Carla Wearing

RC welcomed TR who is replacing Lindsey Snell as KSS Searching & Teaching Forum Chair,
and ER as CLIST representative.
Richard Osborn and Sue Martyres have retired, Lindsay Snell has left KSS and Michelle Wake
has stepped down from CPD25, to be replaced by David Archer. Suzy Thompson is also
stepping down for the time being due to other commitments. RC thanked all for their


A level 3 (HND diploma equivalent) Apprenticeship standard is currently being finalised for
submission in December 2017. If it is accepted the standard should be available mid to late
2018. This level Apprenticeship would be suitable for Library Assistant (band 3 or 4).

Once the principles have been set, other levels could be developed more quickly but there is no
timeline yet. The Library, information and archive services Trailblazer group, chaired by
Jacqueline Chelin (University of the West of England) is exploring the need for levels 4, 6
(undergraduate) and 7 (postgraduate)

CILIP are facilitating the work of the Trailblazer group, and regularly update HEE LKS WDG
There have been 2 surveys sent out by CILIP to assess the interest in Library and Archive
Apprenticeships and exploring which level of Apprenticeships are required. There has to be a
firm commitment to numbers starting an Apprenticeship in the first year. A further survey has
been sent to identify organisations who would deliver the Apprenticeships.
The health sector responded well to the survey, so our sector is well represented.
The trailblazer group has met twice, and held a teleconference. Jenny Turner, Helen Alper and
Linda Ferguson are members of the Trailblazer group - next meeting 2 Nov.

Current library NVQ qualifications are still valid and internationally recognised, and will continue.
Not all library staff are eligible for Apprenticeships.

Higher education organisations interested in providing training have been invited to the next
stage. The group discussed if there is potential for NHS libs to be involved in delivering training
for the library assistant level apprentices. JT reported the NVQ centre could offer but there is
currently no capacity. This could be explored further by the new lead in LGs team.


HM gave update: there have been seven visits this year which have been well received.
Since last meeting: London Library (23 August, 7 attendees); MacMillan Library (9 Oct, 15
attendees; 10 London, 4 KSS and 1 East of England). Francis Crick Library is scheduled in
November and six of 12 places already taken. Other visits have been suggested but more ideas
are welcome.
ACTION: HA to give brief overview of scheme at KSS/London Conference
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Joint KSS and London Staff Development Group meeting

Friday 20 October 2017 - Webbex/Telephone conference


RC and LG drafted as limited time to organise a Working Group; all agreed it looks a varied and
interactive programme. Call for posters has gone out and the prizes should increase response.
RC to follow up response to posters with Fatima.
RC to change Social Media title to Knowledge Caf.


ACTION: RC to investigate if follow up feedback is taking place.

a) Library Assistants study day May 2017

Well attended with KSS/London split though noise issues noted as it was a shared room. There
was a request for training in KnowledgeShare.
ACTION: RC & HA to explore KSS/London training need on KS.

Feedback asked for more information on outreach roles. The group felt this tied in with the
leaflet produced by KSS SDG for the CILIP conference two years back and could be expanded
into a national roadshow/event to promote specialist roles.
RC to discuss Specialist roles further with TR, ER and Al and flag to David Stewart.
JT to take to her team for considering at next Library assistants forum.

b) Patient & Public Information Workshop July 2017

Well attended with request for follow up and training in dealing with distressed patients.
ACTION: RC to schedule follow-up session in July 2018; SU to explore distressed patient
training with her trust.

c) Mobilising Evidence and Organisational Knowledge Workshop

Noted there had been catering issues. Feedback asked if material is available for those not
attending and suggested a follow-up exploring if the training had been put into practice.
ACTION: RC to discuss session materials and follow-up with LG.

d) Healthcare databases Advance Search: Intermediate level

London session: Holly, Rachel and Tricia had stepped in and were using Lindsays materials,
hence some of the comments. No feedback yet from Haywards Heath session. Request for
advanced training, which is in hand.

6. Course calendar Update (RC)

a) Library Assistants Study Day

Scheduled in Hastings on 17 May 2018 and planning is under way. HA suggested running one
in Winter 2018 in London, planned by the North East London libraries. All agreed to aim for two
annual conferences, one in KSS and one in London to allow library assistants greater CPD and
networking opportunities.
ACTION: HA to consider venue; RC & JT to ask their library assistants to offer help in planning.

b) Public speaking and speaking at meetings

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Joint KSS and London Staff Development Group meeting

Friday 20 October 2017 - Webbex/Telephone conference

This has been pushed back due to the full calendar.

c) Healthcare databases Advance Search: Intermediate level
Two days with Carol Lefebvre: 7 and 8 March 2018 in London at Royal Free Hospital.
ACTION: TR & ER to send dates to CLIST and Searching and Training Forum.

d) Group facilitation
RC has discusses with David Stewart concerning national work, he will take to national group in
January meeting for discussion as a national programme, but advised that LaSE should
proceed with developing locally; RC to aim for April workshop with autumn follow-up.

e) Critical appraisal of qualitative research

TR will run course at Stewart House in London and suggested 19/20 February 2018.
Action: RC to liaise with Fatima and TR.

f) Train the Trainers

Silicon Beach now run the two-day course in London. RC received little takeup in KSS but there
have been recent staff changes which may change skill levels.
ACTION: HA to email lists for interest.

g) Design training
Agreed this is not a high priority.
ACTION: RC to retain on the long list.


a) Effective leadership of and participation in virtual meetings

ACTION: AL to contact Manfred Gschwandtner to rerun in 2018.

b) Making Library Services Business Critical

ACTION: RC to schedule for June 2018.

c) Summarising and Synthesising

No feedback yet but participants in the group noted excellent introductory session but attrition
rate following this, possibly due to volume of homework required. Agreed to schedule repeat for
September 2018 but format and content will be reviewed following feedback.
ACTION: RC, EA and TR to discuss with Mike Roddham.

d) Library Makers (Kate Lomax)

ACTION: RC to schedule for May 2018.

e) KSS Shadowing
Agreed ad-hoc shadowing can be arranged using own contacts but group will recommend as a
future development for the new person in LGs team to lead on.
ACTION: RC to feedback to LG.


a) CLIST ER reported Jon Brassy presented on TRIP PRO. Next meeting will not take
place due to problems with Chair (Louise Levitt is Chairing on a temporary basis).
b) Searching & Teaching forum no further updates from TR.
c) CPD25 No update from David Archer.
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Joint KSS and London Staff Development Group meeting

Friday 20 October 2017 - Webbex/Telephone conference


This is second meeting of the joint KSS/London group. LG is building her team which will
include a Staff Development Lead who will take over as chair for this group. The group will
continue to operate but TOR will be reviewed by the new person. Full distribution list set up.

The new lead will manage the Mentoring programme. AL reported there are eight mentors on
the scheme, including one from London. A librarian based in London requested a mentor in July
but has not sent responded to ALs emails for further information. AL presented at the October
KSS Searching & Teaching Forum to generate more interest within this group. Unfortunately,
the website is out of date and contains broken links but LG is aware.
ACTION: RC and HA to produce paper for the new lead summarising groups workstreams
and recommendations for future developments, to include ALs mentoring recommendations.


All dates of forthcoming visits are now in the training programme.

ACTION: HA to speak to CHILL to about them having representation on SDG

HA to clarify the situation with the CPD25 voucher money

11. AOB

STEPS eleaning info skills modules - SL had asked for clarification but was not present.

Links with CILIP group members are involved with various CILIP working groups (eg AL sits
on South East Member Network).

HA advised she holds a qualification for Executive Coach.


ACTION: RC will send out a Doodle Poll for next meeting in London (December or January).

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Joint KSS and London Staff Development Group meeting

Friday 20 October 2017 - Webbex/Telephone conference

Actions from the KSS LKS SDG Meeting on 20 October 2017

Actions Progress


HA to give brief overview of scheme at KSS/London Conference.


RC to follow up response to posters with Fatima.

RC to change Social Media title to Knowledge Caf.


RC to investigate if follow up feedback is taking place.

a) Library Assistants study day May 2017
RC & HA to explore KSS/London training need on KS.
RC to discuss Specialist roles with TR, ER and Al and David Stewart.
JT to take to her team for considering at next Library assistants forum.
b) Patient & Public Information Workshop July 2017
RC to schedule follow-up session in July 2018; SU to explore distressed
patient training with her trust.
c) Mobilising Evidence and Organisational Knowledge Workshop
RC to discuss session materials and follow-up with LG.


a) Library Assistants Study Day

HA to consider venue; RC & JT to ask their library assistants to offer
help in planning.
b) Healthcare databases Advance Search: Intermediate level
TR & ER to send dates to CLIST and Searching and Training Forum.
c) Group facilitation
David Stewart is taking to January meeting; RC to aim for April
workshop with autumn follow-up.
d) Critical appraisal of qualitative research
RC to liaise with Fatima and TR.
e) Train the Trainers
HA to email lists for interest.
f) Design training
RC to retain on the long list.


a) Effective leadership of and participation in virtual meetings

AL to contact Manfred Gschwandtner to rerun in 2018.
b) Making Library Services Business Critical
RC to schedule for June 2018.
c) Summarising and Synthesising
RC, EA and TR to discuss with Mike Roddham.
d) Library Makers (Kate Lomax)
RC to schedule for May 2018.
e) KSS Shadowing
RC to feedback to LG.

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Joint KSS and London Staff Development Group meeting

Friday 20 October 2017 - Webbex/Telephone conference


RC and HA to produce paper for the new lead summarising groups

workstreams and recommendations for future developments, to include ALs
mentoring recommendations.


HA to speak to CHILL to about them having representation on SDG (??)

HA to clarify the situation with the CPD25 voucher money (??).


RC will send out a Doodle Poll for next meeting in London (December or

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