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Age of Empires 3 DXR32-X44M7-CYTCX-P6H6P-97CPG

The War Chiefs WPXD8-7XYFR-4828Q-FV88X-7DGDJ
The Asian Dynasties KDJMG-PF9JB-BYQ3V-H697Q-CWGHC


0) make sure you have a mountable cd/dvd drive like daemon tools or magiciso

go to 'discs' folder

1) mount and install Age of Empires 3 (three discs)

2) mount and install Expansion 1: The War Chiefs
3) mount and install Expansion 2: The Asian Dynasties

go to 'patches' folder

4) run aoe3-114-english.exe to update the main game to v1.12 (unnecessary but

included for completeness)
5) run aoe3x-106-english.exe to update The War Chiefs to v1.04
6) run aoe3y-103-english.exe to update The Asian Dynasties to v1.01a

7) play the games!

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