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Pathogenesis and etiology of recurrent varicose

Maresa Brake, MBBS, BSc, Chung S. Lim, MRCS, PhD, Amanda C. Shepherd, MRCS, MD,
Joseph Shalhoub, MRCS, PhD, and Alun H. Davies, DM, FRCS, London, United Kingdom

Background: Recurrent varicose veins (RVV) occur in 13% to 65% of patients following treatment, and remain a debili-
tating and costly problem. RVV were initially thought largely to be due to inadequate intervention, however, more
recently neovascularization and other factors have been implicated. This review aims to provide an overview of the current
understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of RVV.
Methods: A systematic search of the PubMed database was performed using the search terms including recurrent,
varicose veins, and neovascularization.
Results: Three types of RVV have been reported, namely residual veins, true RVV, and new varicose veins, although the
denitions varied between studies. RVV are attributable to causes including inadequate treatment, disease progression,
and neovascularization. Using duplex ultrasonography, neovascularization has been observed in 25% to 94% of RVV.
These new vessels appear in various size, number, and tortuosity, and they reconnect previously treated diseased veins to
the lower limb venous circulation. Histologically, these vessels appear primitive with incomplete vein wall formation,
decreased elastic component, and lack of valves and accompanying nerves. Although the rate of RVV following open
surgery and endovenous treatment appears similar, neovascularization seems less common following endothermal abla-
tion. Other causes of RVV following endovenous treatment include recanalization and opening of collaterals.
Conclusions: Recurrence remains poorly understood following treatment of varicose veins. Neovascularization is an
established and common cause of RVV, although other factors may contribute. (J Vasc Surg 2013;57:860-8.)

Open surgery remains the most common varicose vein saphenous vein (GSV) or tributaries that enlarged with
intervention at present in the United Kingdom; approxi- time, or the development of varicosities in collateral
mately 24,000 operations are carried out annually.1,2 Mini- veins.12 More recently, other factors including neovascula-
mally invasive treatments including endovenous thermal rization have been shown to contribute to RVV following
ablation and ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (UGFS) surgery.13,14 Furthermore, the factors leading to the devel-
are becoming increasingly popular.3 Despite advances in, opment of RVV following endovenous ablation and sclero-
and increased availability of, pre- and perioperative investiga- therapy may be different from those after open surgery.
tion such as duplex ultrasonography, recurrence rates The aim of this review was to provide an overview of the
following varicose veins treatment remain relatively high.4 current understanding and ongoing debate regarding the
Recurrent varicose veins (RVV) have been reported to occur etiology and pathogenesis of RVV.
in 7% to 65% of patients following treatment5-8 and remain
a common, debilitating, complex, and costly problem.9,10 METHODS
Treatment for RVV is technically more difcult to perform6 A systematic literature search of the PubMed database
and patient satisfaction is poorer than after primary was performed for articles about the etiology and patho-
interventions.11 genesis of RVV (Fig 1). Appropriate search terms were
Despite their frequent occurrence, the etiology and employed, including recurrent, varicose veins, and
pathogenesis of RVV remain incompletely understood. neovascularization. Only articles written in English
RVV were initially thought to be largely due to inadequate were included. Results from animal studies were excluded.
surgery especially when procedures were often performed The search was expanded by scrutinizing the references of
by junior surgeons, leaving remnants of diseased great articles identied for further relevant papers.


From the Academic Section of Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery
and Cancer, Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College London. The denitions of RVV may vary. Three types of RVV
Author conict of interest: none. have been described.10 First, residual varicose veins are
Reprint requests: Alun H. Davies, DM, FRCS, Academic Section of Vascular
those which were already present in operated sites at
Surgery, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Charing Cross Hospital,
Imperial College London, 4 East, Fulham Palace Road, London W6 1-month follow-up, left as a result of tactical or technical
8RF, UK (e-mail: error. Second are true RVV, which are absent at 1-month
The editors and reviewers of this article have no relevant nancial relationships follow-up but subsequently appear either as a result of neo-
to disclose per the JVS policy that requires reviewers to decline review of any vascularization or as a result of tactical or technical error.
manuscript for which they may have a conict of interest.
Third are new varicose veins, which were not present at
Copyright 2013 by the Society for Vascular Surgery. 1-month follow-up but develop later in untreated areas due to disease progression.

Volume 57, Number 3 Brake et al 861

Number of articles identified by

search strategy
n = 1439 Articles excluded
Non-English n = 496
Animal studies n = 43
Duplicates n = 18
Potentially relevant articles identified
for title screening
n = 882
Articles excluded based
on title screen
n = 793
Potentially relevant articles identified
for abstract screening
n = 89
Articles excluded based
on abstract screen
n = 43
Potentially relevant articles retrieved
for more detailed evaluation Articles added from reference lists
n = 46 of articles reviewed

Articles excluded
Articles identified for inclusion in No discussion of aetiology or
review pathogenesis of recurrent varicose
n = 26 veins n = 25

Fig 1. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) diagram.

RVV can also be classied into radiologic and clinical; Table. Four major sources of recurrence following
importantly, radiologic recurrence does not necessarily varicose vein surgery (adapted from Kostas et al, 2004)
translate into clinical recurrence. For example, in a prospec-
tive study of UGFS in the treatment of GSV reux in 203 Causes Explanation
legs (146 patients), the 5-year clinical recurrence was re-
Tactical error The persistence of venous reux in
ported to be 4%, whereas duplex ultrasound recurrence a saphenous trunk resulting from
was 64%.15 Certain positive ultrasound ndings suggest erroneous or inadequate preoperative
an increased risk of development of clinical RVV and reop- evaluation and inappropriate surgery
eration in future. In one study, patients with audible reux Technical error The persistence of venous reux
due to inadequate or incomplete
in the groin on a hand-held Doppler 1 year after open
surgical technique
surgery were found to have an increased risk of clinical Disease progression As a result of the natural history and
recurrence after 2 years.8 evolution of the disease
An international consensus meeting held on recurrent Neovascularization The presence of reux in previously
varices after surgery (REVAS) in Paris in 1998 agreed to ligated saphenofemoral junctions
cause by development of thin
adopt a clinical denition: the existence of varicose veins in incompetent serpentine veins linked
a lower limb previously operated on for varicosities, with or with a thigh varicosity
without adjuvant therapies, which includes true recurrences,
residual veins and new varices, as a result of disease progres-
sion.16-18 The four major causes of RVV following treat-
ment are shown in the Table.10 Using the REVAS presentation was found in 17%. In 35% of cases, the cause of
criteria, following open surgery RVV have been reported reux was uncertain.18 When recurrence occurred at
at rates ranging from 6.6% to 37% after 2 years and up to a different site, development of reux in new sites was found
51% after 5 years.14 Most patients with RVV were symp- in 32% of legs.18
tomatic, with various clinical presentations. Most had
uncomplicated varicose veins and swelling (70.9%), but ETIOLOGY OF RVV
the remainder had skin changes (29.1%).18 There were
multiple sources of reux feeding the recurrence, though Tactical and technical error
incompetence at the saphenofemoral junction (SFJ) was RVV caused by tactical and technical error are attribut-
present in almost half of the patients. Ten percent had no able to inappropriate or inadequate treatment, respectively.
apparent source of reux; in 17%, it was of pelvic or abdom- Tactical and technical errors were historically reported
inal origin. About 75% of legs had incompetent perforator to be the major cause of RVV, contributing up to 80%
veins.18 Neovascularization (20%) was as frequent as tech- of recurrences although this is likely to be untrue and
nical failure (19%) and tactical error (10%), and a combined outdated.6,19-24
862 Brake et al March 2013

Tactical error may arise from failure to identify the of recurrence (11%). A retrospective clinical follow-up
source of reux or all the incompetent veins requiring treat- study from Sweden34 examined 100 legs from 89
ment.25 Expansion of collateral veins may also contribute to patients who had primary SFJ ligation and stripping of the
recurrent junctional incompetence.19-21,26 The increasing GSV, and re-examined them after 6 to 10 years with duplex
use of duplex ultrasonography pre- and perioperatively imaging and varicography in some cases. There was no
during open surgery, endothermal ablation, and UGFS is signicant difference in the recurrence rates related to the
likely to reduce the rate of tactical errors.25 surgeons experience: surgical resident (52%), general
The risk of RVV may increase if the GSV is not stripped surgeon (54%), and vascular surgeon (65%).
at all, or inadequately, although this remains controversial.5 Recanalization and collateralization. Endovenous
In a randomized trial of 100 patients (133 legs) who ablation treatment and sclerotherapy cause obliteration of
underwent SFJ ligation with or without GSV stripping, the reuxing axial veins through thermal (laser or radiofre-
Jones et al demonstrated a clinical recurrence rate at 2 years quency) energy or chemical irritation. A major cause of
of 43% after surgical ligation alone and 25% after ligation RVV following endovenous ablation and sclerotherapy is
and stripping, although 89% of the patients remained satis- recanalization of the diseased veins. Although recanaliza-
ed.5 Reoperation was required for 20 of 69 legs that tion is often reported as an outcome following endovenous
underwent ligation only, compared with 7 of 64 legs that treatment, studies have suggested that it does not
had additional GSV stripping (P .012).5 In endovenous necessarily result in clinical recurrence or symptomatic
treatment, ablation of the GSV to the ankle opposed to reux.28,35 The degree of damage to the vein wall required
above-the-knee, appears to produce more favorable clinical for long-term occlusion is also unknown. Recanalization
results, with greater improvement in quality of life, and can be reduced by improving the technical aspects of treat-
reduced recurrence.27 However, treating below-knee ment. For example, delivering at least 70 joules per cm of
GSV may also increase the rate of complications including laser energy to the vein wall reduces recanalization rates
paresthesia.28 Therefore, further studies are needed to following thermal ablation with short wavelength laser
determine which patients will benet from full length treat- (810 and 980 nm).36 Similarly, in endovenous radio-
ment of the GSV. frequency ablation, adequate pullback speed to ensure
In contrast to the above, there is recently some proper thermal dose delivery during the procedure has been
evidence to support that selective treatment of key points shown to reduce the rates of recanalization of saphenous
of venous reux, and preservation of the saphenous vein veins.28 Recanalization is related to a number of factors,
may have a role to improve the efcacy of therapy and including the vein diameter in addition to the energy
reduce risk of RVV. Examples of such treatment include delivered. Similarly, in sclerotherapy, several technical
the CHIVA (cure conservatrice et hmodynamique de lin- factors including the use of foam rather than liquid scle-
sufsance veineuse en ambulatiore or ambulatory conserva- rotherapy, and injecting a higher volume of foam in larger
tive hemodynamic management) and ASVAL (ablation veins may reduce the rate of RVV.
slective des varices sous anesthsie locale or ambulatory selec-
tive varicose vein ablation under local anesthesia of varicose Disease progression
veins) techniques.14 In the CHIVA technique, following This type of recurrence is attributable to the evolution
careful duplex mapping, the clinicians perform ush liga- or persistence of varicosities derived from incompetence in
tions at key points of venous reux to decrease the hydro- a remote or second saphenous system; usually the small
static pressure and preserve the supercial venous drainage saphenous vein (SSV) is affected following previous surgery
in the saphenous veins and tributaries. There is some to the GSV.37 The affected veins are clinically not varicose
evidence from prospective studies including randomized at the time of treatment but later become reuxing as
trials that the CHIVA technique is efcacious with compa- a result of the natural history of the disease. It is well
rable, if not lower, rate of RVV.29-32 Meanwhile, the known that primary varicose veins progress both in severity
ASVAL technique involves the treatment of the reuxing and distribution over time.38,39 Disease progression is re-
epifascial veins while preserving the saphenous vein in ported to account for 20% to 25% of recurrences.37-39
patients whom the clinicians judge that the reux would
progress in the anterograde fashion.33 A retrospective study Neovascularization
by Pittaluga and colleagues has reported good outcomes in Neovascularization refers to new blood vessel forma-
patients with relatively less severe primary varicose veins.33 tion, which can occur in an abnormal tissue or position.18
At present, both techniques should only be carried out on These new vessels arise in the granulation tissue along the
selective patients by trained specialists.14 Further larger track of previously stripped or ligated veins.18,26 They
randomized controlled trials are needed to conrm the ef- form between the common femoral vein, the residual GSV
cacy and safety of these techniques. stump, or its tributaries, and reconnect the incompetent
Inexperienced surgeons. Although there is no doubt veins to the supercial venous circulation of the leg.26 These
inexperienced surgeons are more prone to tactical or tech- new blood vessels are found relatively frequently, even after
nical errors, and therefore increased risk of RVV, the claim correct functional ligation. Neovascularization has been re-
that this is the main cause of RVV has been disputed. Kos- ported to account for 8% to 60% of RVV10,18,40-43 and is the
tas10 cited inadequate surgery as the least common etiology most common cause of recurrence, together with the
Volume 57, Number 3 Brake et al 863

Fig 2. The factors involved in the pathogenesis of true recurrence of varicose veins. The postulated factors contributing
to true varicose vein recurrence may broadly be divided into two groups: intraoperative factors (A) and postoperative
factors (B). CFV, Common femoral vein; GSV, great saphenous vein; SFJ, saphenofemoral junction.

development of varicose veins attributable to disease used to ligate the GSV stump, exposure to free stump
progression in many studies.5,9,10,24,44,45 endothelium,51 hemodynamic effects,52 operative trauma,
RVV secondary to neovascularization seem to be more and thrombosis53 (Fig 2). Several hypotheses have been
common after open surgery than endovenous treatment or postulated to explain the development of neovascularization
sclerotherapy. It contributed to 18% of the recurrences following varicose vein surgery. First, neovascularization
following open surgery compared with only 1% to 1.5% may be a physiological response to venous disconnection.
following endovenous treatment; yet, the overall rate of Second, it may be a manifestation of the effect of altered
RVV was similar after both treatments after 2-year venous hemodynamics in a system of susceptible veins.24
follow-up.13,46 In a prospective 5-year study of radiofre- Third, neovascularization may be part of the normal
quency ablation for GSV reux, neovascularization was sequence of wound healing, originating from hypoxia-
not detected in the follow-up. Endothermal ablation tech- induced activation of endothelial cells distal to the stump
niques seldom result in hematoma or spillage of endothelial ligature leading to the release of angiogenic factors.54
cells as part of the procedure, which may be the origin of Fourth, the track of the previously stripped vein may recan-
neovascularization.47 alize and endothelialize. Neovascularization may be associ-
Physiological and pathologic neovascularization. ated with hematoma formation following the initial
Neovascularization is thought to be pathologic angiogen- surgery, but this has not yet been assessed.55
esis.48 Angiogenesis is the sprouting and expansion of Imaging neovascularization. On venography and
new blood vessels from existing vessels. Various mediators duplex ultrasonography, neovascularization appears as
are involved, including growth factors, matrix metal- a complex network of tortuous vessels (Fig 3) reconnecting
loproteinases and their tissue inhibitors, hypoxia-inducible the proximal or distal cut ends of the GSV or one of its
factors, and angiopoietin.49 Important growth factors tributaries to the femoral vein.24 The appearance is different
that have been implicated in neovascularization include from residual varicose veins (or non-varicose),8 and neo-
vascular endothelial growth factor, basic broblast growth vascular veins are observed after 25% to 94% of
factors, and platelet-derived growth factor.49 Several RVV.5,9,10,12,13,39,45,56 Duplex ultrasonography and venog-
factors including hypoxia, mechanical stress, and inam- raphy are limited by their inability to differentiate
mation are known to stimulate angiogenesis,49 which may true neovascularization from the dilatation of existing
be both physiological and pathologic. collateral veins as they appear similar.8,40,42,57 New veins
The mechanisms responsible for neovascularization in seen on clinical imaging may represent adaptive dilation of
RVV remain unclear. It is thought that neovascularization pre-existing venous channels in response to abnormal
rst develops months or even years after the initial opera- hemodynamic forces, rather than true neovascularization.57
tion.50 It may be induced by diffusible angiogenic factors18 Histology and resin casting. The morphology of
released from the surrounding tissues. Physical factors that neovascularization has been studied using resin casts and
have been implicated include the type of suture material histologic analysis including immunohistochemistry. In
864 Brake et al March 2013

Fig 3. Neovascularization (blue and red) around a previously

ligated saphenofemoral junction of a patient with recurrent vari-
cosities on color duplex ultrasonography.

the 1980s, Glass conducted an early histologic study that

found continuity of a ligated vein was restored by growth
Fig 4. Resin casts of recurrent reuxing saphenofemoral junction
of new vessels in the surrounding tissue and vein wall.18 specimens. Following injection of resin from the saphenofemoral
Resin casts clearly illustrate the tortuosity and extent of junction, a tortuous network of vessels is visualized. There is a vari-
the neovascularization as well as the variation in size of the ation in size and abundance of vessels when comparing both spec-
veins (Fig 4).41 The direction of the neovascularization imens (A and B). The direction of the neovascularization channels
channels from the stump is always outwards toward the was noted to be outward from the stump toward the subcutaneous
subcutaneous tissue.54 Some of these new vessels reconnect tissue. A, Several larger channels are accompanied by many much
with the main venous tributaries and establish channels of smaller channels running in a proximal to distal direction. B, This
sufcient caliber to become clinical recurrences.54 cast is dominated by three large-diameter tortuous channels, with
a number of small channels present in continuity. Scale bars:
Histologically, neovascular vessels appear primitive and
(A) 5 mm; (B) 10 mm. (This image has been reproduced with
immature, with incomplete vein wall formation, no valves,
permission from the Journal of Vascular Surgery.)41
and a lack of clearly dene tunica intima, media, and adven-
titia. The vessel wall appears asymmetrical and thinner than
normal vein. Most of these vessels are either composed of associated with RVV and concluded that the venous chan-
squamous endothelium only or lined by few layers of nels that develop at the previously ligated SFJ may represent
vascular smooth muscle cells. No intimal thickening is an adaptive dilatation of pre-existing venous channels and
observed and the vein wall lacks elastic bers. In 80% no vascular remodelling, in response to abnormal hemody-
capillaries or vasa vasorum are detected in the vascular namic forces.45
wall. Scar tissue is often seen around the vessel.58
Blood vessels generally contain nerve brils, which
express S100 protein, particularly S100A1 and S100B. COMPARISON OF RVV BETWEEN TREATMENT
Neovascularization in RVV is characterized by an incom- MODALITIES
plete vessel wall lacking intramural nerves on S100 staining, A meta-analysis of endovenous treatments for varicose
a feature similar to the immature neovessels seen in granu- veins found that endovenous laser ablation demonstrated
lation tissue and tumor.42 One study identied histologic signicantly better occlusion rate, although this may not
evidence of neovascularization in 94% of RVV, all of which necessarily translate into clinical recurrences, than stripping,
stained negative for S100.59 Other markers that have been UGFS, and radiofrequency ablation.60 The 5-year vein
used to identify neovascularization include Mib1, a mono- occlusion rate for endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) was
clonal antibody that recognizes proliferating cells by 95.4% compared with 79.9% with the original radiofre-
binding to Ki-67.57 quency ablation (RFA) catheters, however, the latest radio-
Although many of the features observed in histologic frequency devices deliver a higher energy and medium- and
studies support neovascularization as an important cause long-term outcome data for these new devices is awaited.61
of RVV, other studies have disputed this. Using immunohis- Stripping and UGFS have reported 5-year success rates of
tochemistry, El Wajeh et al found S100 positive nerve brils 75.7% and 73.5%, respectively.60 The long-term results
in the majority of dilated vascular channels from both their of all forms of treatment may depend on the rates of
patients having redo varicose vein surgery and control neovascularization.13,60 However, despite apparent reduc-
groups.57 They found little evidence of neovascularization tions in neovascularization and excellent occlusion rates,
Volume 57, Number 3 Brake et al 865

randomized clinical trials comparing EVLA and stripping therefore, no rm conclusion can be drawn regarding differ-
have failed to show a signicant advantage of laser at 2 years ences in RVV and neovascularization.
in terms of recurrence and quality of life outcomes.25,62 Meanwhile, the treatment of the competent GSV in
Clinical trials comparing stripping and RFA have shown patients with an isolated reuxing anterior accessory great
advantages in quality of life for RFA at 2 years.46 saphenous vein (AAGSV), which may occur in 10% of
Clinical studies comparing UGFS with surgery and patients with SFJ reux, is also unclear. Theivacumar and
thermal ablation suggest that foam sclerotherapy is less colleagues studied 30 patients who underwent AAGSV
effective than surgery60,63 and EVLA,60 although long- laser ablation alone and 33 age/sex-matched controls
term evidence from randomized controlled trials is scarce. undergoing GSV laser ablation. The authors concluded
The VEDICO trial (Foam-Sclerotherapy, Surgery, Sclero- that GSV-sparing laser ablation of the AAGSV abolishes
therapy, and Combined Treatment for Varicose Veins: A SFJ reux associated with isolated SFJ/AAGSV reux
10-Year, Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Trial) and improves symptom scores and patient satisfaction to
showed that low dose sclerotherapy was less effective than a similar extent as GSV laser ablation, with no evidence
high dose; results were worse with highly diluted or undi- of new GSV reux or recurrent varicosities at 1-year
luted 3% sclerosant compared with a 1.5% concentration.63 follow-up.67 Because of lack of long-term data, the optimal
Rates of RVV after 5 years were 44% for UGFS, rising to treatment of AAGSV remains unclear. Some clinicians
56% after 10 years. advocate for primary ablation of the AAGSV even if it is
Whereas short-term data after new endothermal tech- competent at the initial treatment because of potentially
niques are plentiful,56 long-term outcome data concerning relatively high incidence of late reux in this vein.25
recurrence and quality of life are currently awaited. A However, some clinicians have suggested avoiding ablation
number of appropriately powered studies will report results of this vein at the initial operation66,68 because it can be
in the next few years.25,64,65 treated at a later stage should it become incompetent,
resulting in the development of RVV.25
DISCUSSION Neovascularization is accepted by most vascular
There have been a number of recent advances in the surgeons as an established cause of RVV, especially following
treatment of varicose veins, including the increasing use open surgery. Despite this, several problems remain
of duplex ultrasonography, treatment by specialists, and including the lack of a unifying denition which makes
new endovenous therapies. Yet, the recurrence rates after assessment and reporting difcult. It is difcult to be con-
treatment remain a challenge, at least partly because of dent that all the neovascularization described in the litera-
a lack of understanding of the pathogenesis and etiology ture was true neovascularization, which may explain some
of RVV. The denition of RVV often varies in studies. In of the conicting results reported by various studies. For
some, residual veins are included as RVV whereas others example, one study considered all veins joining the GSV
consider them not strictly RVV. Understanding the mech- stump or junctional area as missed tributaries,40 whereas
anisms of recurrence is essential for the development of other studies considered stump tributaries as substantial as
preventative and therapeutic strategies. 3 mm in diameter to be consistent with neovascularization.
SFJ reux is caused by incompetence of one or more of Another problem is that few studies have correlated imaging
the axial veins or tributaries arising from it. Therefore, ndings to histologic evidence, thereby making the inter-
during treatment of varicose veins, regardless of technique, pretation of neovascularization more variable and less
all tributaries of the SFJ or proximal GSV with demon- convincing. There is a lack of knowledge pertaining to the
strated reux require obliteration to prevent recurrence. molecular biology of neovascularization despite the advance-
Most patients (85%) with SFJ incompetence only have ment in this area in other clinical contexts.
GSV reux.66 Traditional teaching suggests all tributaries Increasingly, research is being undertaken to develop
or axial veins arising from the SFJ should be ligated at effective strategies to prevent and treat RVV; neovasculari-
open surgery, despite the lack of evidence that this reduces zation, therefore, is an important target. Various surgical
recurrence and neovascularization. Endovenous thermal techniques have been compared with elucidate which
ablation techniques obliterate axial vein reux but do not have more favorable outcomes, including lower rates of
specically interrupt the proximal SFJ tributaries. Theivacu- recurrence and neovascularization.69 One important study
mar and colleagues assessed 81 legs (70 patients) 12 months compared the long-term clinical advantages of ligation of
after EVLA of the GSV and found that none of the legs SFJ with and without GSV stripping during routine
showed SFJ reux, although one or more patent tributaries primary varicose vein surgery.70 Although neovasculariz-
were visible in 48 (59%) patients. The authors concluded ation was present in both groups, stripping reduced the
that persistent nonreuxing GSV tributaries at the SFJ did need for reoperation by two-thirds at 5 years.70 Another
not appear to have an adverse effect on clinical outcome 1 study compared traditional surgical treatment for varicose
year after successful EVLA of the GSV.66 However, in vein recurrence, which involved removing all sources of
another study, several cases of new reux in the anterior reux from the deep venous network with the supercial
accessory vein were found 2 years after EVLA.25 The obser- venous network, with a less aggressive surgical approach
vation time in randomized trials comparing RVV after focusing on treatment of the varicose reservoir and avoid-
endovenous treatment vs surgery is still relatively short, ing redo surgery at the groin. Postoperative complications
866 Brake et al March 2013

were 6.7% and 0.5%, respectively. After 3-year follow-up, also vary with the type of varicose vein treatment. Addi-
traditional surgery had a recurrence rate of 9.2%, whereas tional molecular and clinical studies are required to under-
recurrence in the second group was 7.1%.33 stand the pathophysiology of RVV further in the
The conservative approach to surgical varicose vein development of more effective preventative and treatment
treatment, the CHIVA and ASVAL methods, show that strategies.
selective surgical treatment may be a viable option.29,33,69,71
Studies have shown that RVV occur more frequently
following saphenous stripping than after CHIVA treat- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
ment.29,71 One study showed that recurrence rates are
halved at 10 years following CHIVA, with 35% recurrence Conception and design: MB, CL, JS, AS, AD
after stripping and 18% recurrence after CHIVA.29 Equally, Analysis and interpretation: MB, CL, JS, AS, AD
ASVAL showed good results with regard to neovasculariza- Data collection: MB, CL, JS, AS, AD
tion, which was only seen in 0.9% of cases, and recurrence, Writing the article: MB, CL, JS, AS, AD
which was present in 6.3%.69 Critical revision of the article: MB, CL, JS, AS, AD
Other strategies to prevent neovascularization that Final approval of the article: MB, CL, JS, AS, AD
have been described include the use of a synthetic physical Statistical analysis: Not applicable
barrier. These barriers include polytetrauoroethylene and Obtained funding: Not applicable
silicone patch saphenoplasty, which involves suturing a pol- Overall responsibility: MB, CL, JS, AS, AD
ytetrauoroethylene and silicone patch, respectively, over
the saphenous opening after ush saphenofemoral liga- REFERENCES
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