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Brooke Williams

ENGL 134


Learning Objective 1

Crafting effective introductions that engage readers and state the essays purpose

Throughout my Sequence II essay, I exercised the learning objective of crafting effecting

introductions that engages readers and state the essays purpose. A good introduction to an

essay consists of; providing context and background, displays an argument, and gets the

reader interested.

In my profile essay I started off the introductory paragraph with a scene of a chatty

backyard family barbeque which halts to a silence and becomes dramatic as the main focus

of the profile Dorothy Ludz hears the news of the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan; where her

fianc Dan Franklin Ludz is stationed as a marine. Through this introductory paragraph I

established a good amount of background knowledge so that the reader would get a better

understanding of how the bombing of a Japan could become so personal to a woman living

on the home front in America.

Throughout the introductory paragraph I provide the argument that I am going to fulfill

and make points on throughout the essay. For example, Living at home during World War II

was more difficult than expected. A civilian who was living on the home front endured all of

the hardships that the war brought. All aspects of their lives were affected: finances,

education, and relationships with loved ones. This established argument reappears

throughout my essay and the first paragraph does a great job at introducing it.

Sequence IIs introduction holds a great deal of imagery and cliff-hangers that really
engage the reader and draws them into the storyline of Dorothy Claire Ludz life. The

imagery also paints very detailed pictures of the settings involved throughout the essay and

keeps the reader in the loop and able to see and make sense of the descriptions written.

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