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Wilhelm 1 Allie Wilhelm Scott Erdiakoff English 124 30 October 2017 : Could hae a bit roe Gegie ae Seeley. ce a re Men and women are capable of and do jobs every day that are equal in difficulty and in ranking to each other throughout the United States and the rest of the world. Despite ‘having the same amount of education, skill and intelligence a man and a woman may have, Cite where ‘men are continuously paid, on average, more than women. Since the year 1980—when the — "Sf ou. re wage gap was sixty four percent — the wage gap has decreased tremendously but even last" Vg ANTS \ year, in 2016, the average full-time working man would be paid twenty percent more than This isa ( | QKoeTly HA the full-time working woman throughout the United States. Notice how I said, “men were | _ wy Seow paid more than women” instead of “men earned more than women” because both men >0-\4 / hee | ,) -\2 fa artes 1 : Mi being shown little respect— they come straight home and continue working, we noe de Deteteee Sentences Seems a Lite distra , lak wk so, women have had to take jobs that were once meant struction— and since then, have proved to be Wilhelm 3 able to complete them to the same or even better standards. Even with this and the Progress we have made, men have been thought of as to be more qualified and in the year 2016, women held only 5.2% of CEO positions in S&P 500 companies (“Women Workforce”). Women are seen to be unfit for many jobs with power and authority and are often ridiculed or tooked down upon when they are presented to show any form of authority. People throughout the United States and the rest of the world believe that we live in 2 “man’s world” meaning that everything we do is ultimately for a man’s profit and for their especially, we see men playing the stereotypical roles of the high management positions; .) the hero in movies, or the smart one that figures everything out in the end. When a woman Se. 0U lays these roles, the movies do not become as popular, they are looked at as being boring 2: } a and unrealistic and almost never have all positive reviews. This leads to having even the ~~ celebrities suffer a significant pay wage within the box office; based on the top-eaming v films from 2006-2015, men earn $126.1 million while women only earn $80.6 million MA ec (“Hollywood”). We must take a stand to change this or we will never see a change. In order to take a stand and actually make a difference or be heard, we must unite. If we all continue to silently agree that we want to see a change, we have to get up and make that change ourselves or it will never get done and we will continue to stand silently in the this? Ace ‘women are constantly being judged by Preconceived notions that men there ‘NS Sore bait Meee wht a women don't belong with leadership or /)/\ in control. These points are ery noticeable when you look at the salaries of people with once the same job but different genders, In conclusion, men’s salaries are always higher and often with ahuge ts Oct'Ce-

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