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Karly Knox Erdiakoff English 134-42 Idea Animal Testing, in cosmetics specifically, is a cruel method and inhumane method to test for quality and safety of products in the industry. At a young age, many people wallow in ignorance believing that animal testing means simply giving a bunny a make-over. Instead the animals and subjected to grueling torture like when they text how much of a product can be in their eye before going blind. The UK has already phased out animal testing for products sold Lely 21 Coe AA there, so whi not the US? I believe that consumers need to be educated - in a not so in your face, Good pouring blood on people method, that some extreme animal rights groups use- in the hopes tm neh you a their efapathy)would sway them to make ethical choices in what products and companies they 9 Ju.¢ Consumers, ithe buy from. Can. cd te Two arguments to going cruelty-free that I’ve found are; one, the “better them than us” effect cj. oe to be ethical. Research has and is currently being done mentality and two, that itis expe with human cells for cosmetic testing, It has been proven to give a more accurate representation of how a product will affect the epidermis. The cells are collected with consent from the waste product of plastic surgery in the UK. Live human testing can be conducted, too,butgit is consensual with a monetary compensation is given. Animals can’t give consent to be tested on. ood : an altemude jected. To be chemically burned. There are many up and coming methods that are alternatives to animal testing, that just aren’t utilized because it requires more work than picking up homeless animals on the side of the road or at the pound. Another argument to going cruelty- ee eee ee is that i Meeisthatitcan ge Pricey. On one hand, you buy from small businesses or individual seller online, you know &xactly who is getting your money and it goes right back into their local Sconomy, where ever they are. In local drugstores ike CVS and Walgreens, their brands from Varying price ranges to choose from that are cruelty-free. Wet n Wild, Milani and Physicians Formula are 3 brands that aren’t owned by a giant overhead that could test on animals and are approved by the Leaping Bunny organization, the standard seal of approval. By cross-referencing with other sources and reading reviews you can find products that you want to invest in that are ethical and won’t break the bank. Ths 15 Looking cee, Kocly! ] Look forward +o cea ding (What se come up with |

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