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Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

HSES 410 - Program Design in Physical Education

Shawnee Heights Middle School (USD 450)

I. Context

Shawnee Heights Middle School is located in Tecumseh, Kansas; Tecumseh is an

unincorporated community in Shawnee County, Kansas. Shawnee Heights Middle School is
apart of the USD 450 school district. There are 4 Elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1
high school that make up this district. This middle school has 576 students from 7th-8th grade.
The Mascot for the school in a thunderbird. The school colors are light blue and red. The school
has a 52/48 boy to girl percentage that attended the middle school. The demographics based on
race sees a lot more students that are white rather than any other race. A small amount of kids
attending Shawnee Heights Middle School are eligible for free lunch, about 29% and 10% are
eligible for reduced lunch. School starts at 7:45 and ends at 2:50.
Shawnee Heights Middle School students have a 7 class schedule, 4 classes are the core
classes (Math, History, English, and Science), then they have 2 electives (P.E., Weights, Band,
Orchestra, French, Spanish, German, and Technology). Then at the end of the day they have a
home room which is time used for study hall. Their classes are split into quarters; there are 2
quarters in a semester and 4 quarters in a year. Students are required to take either band/orchestra
or P.E., students not in band/orchestra have to take P.E. at least 1 semester in 7th and 8th grade.
Having the schedule they do, students will be in P.E. everyday for at least 45 minutes. Which
puts them very close to their targeted goal of being physically active for 60 minutes a day.
Mr. Parkss has been teaching Physical Education for about 13 years. He started off at a
middle school in Topeka that was in a pretty dangerous part of town and later moved after about
3 years of teaching there to come teach at shawnee heights middle school. He went to Labette
Community College where he studied Psychology, Fort Hays State where he studied
Instructional Technology, and also Missouri Valley College where he studied Sociology. Mr.
Parks was an outstanding wrestler and is now the head coach of the Shawnee Heights Wrestling
team. He has been wrestling all his life and has been coaching wrestling for 20 years.
Mr. Parkss curriculum is a multi-model curriculum, but is mainly centered on the
teaching games for understanding curriculum model. His curriculum also blends with sport
education and concepts based fitness education. For the most part Mr. Parks wants the kids to
understand how to the play the game and how it benefits them so that they can play it outside of
his class. There are some sport games that he plays and has a tournament set up on the
whiteboard which is slightly sport education based. Mr. Parks first hour is his weights/training
class, this class focuses mainly on concept based fitness education. Every friday they have a
dodgeball game to take a break from whatever activity they were doing that week. The students
love looking forward to fridays and this helps them work harder during the other games. Mr.
Parks does a great job of keeping the students interested and active the whole class, even the
students that forget to bring their clothes to dress out want to play too. He also makes sure the
students are on the right level with their basic skills before going to a high level of
complexibility. His class rooms vary in size, some are 20 students and some classes have up to
35. Except for his first hour class, he will have about 1-3 students with special needs. Mr. Parks
makes sure that they are involved as well, even if it's just small tasks to be apart of the larger
picture. Mr. Parks has the ability to monitor all of his students do to the great help his assistant
P.E. teacher and Para educators do in his gym. His P.E. closet is also pretty diverse with
equipment (not a lot of it but has different equipment), he recently just got a grant for TRX bands
so that helps with fitness days and/or his first hour weights/training class.

School Breakdown:
Shawnee Heights Middle School
Grades 7-8
Enrollment: 576

White: 65%
African American: 11%
Hispanic: 15%
Other: 9%
II. Mission Statement

Our physical education program provides and promotes useful knowledge that can be
carried along after graduation. We want to empower our students with creative, healthy, and
active lifestyles that can lead to a promising future. Our goal is to install strong educational skills
in our students while developing respect and appreciation for physical activity.

III. Benchmarks: Grade Level Outcomes

SHAPE Standards Benchmark: The students Assessment


Standard 1: The physically ...use a variety of skills to Log of number of laps

literate individual participate in physical completed around the
demonstrates competency in a activities. gym
variety of motor skills and Reflection journal
movement patterns. discussing what was
learned during the

Standard 2: The physically ...apply concepts related to Teacher evaluation of

literate individual applies movement whenever they are skill (assessment
knowledge of concepts, physically active. sheet)
principles, strategies and Explain to a classmate
tactics related to movement a skill performed
and performance.

Standard 3: The physically ...know and practice the skills Equip and monitor
literate individual that help them maintain a students with heart
demonstrates the knowledge healthy lifestyle. rate monitors
and skills to achieve and Write goals for next
maintain a health-enhancing class in their weekly
level of physical activity and journal

Standard 4: The physically ...act fairly, responsibly, and Role play on what is
literate individual exhibits respectfully when they correct/incorrect
responsible personal and participate in activities. behavior
social behavior that respects Group project making
self and others. a physical activity
workout for the class

Standard 5: The physically ...recognize the value of Create a brochure

literate individual recognizes physical activity to their explaining the benefits
the value of physical activity overall health. of physical activity
for health, enjoyment, Parent report for
challenge, self-expression activity completed
and/or social interaction. outside of classroom

National Standards for K-12 Physical Education Copyright 2013, SHAPE America Society of
Health and Physical Educators, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191, All rights reserved.

IV. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

A. Physical Education Curriculum (Instructional Content)

a. Scope and Sequence

[7th Grade]
Week Number Units

1 2 Introduction/Orientation: Learn rules, procedures, beginning/end of

class expectations, get to know students

2/3 4-5 Non-locomotor/Locomotor Skills: Experience activity in space,

different body parts, simple/complex movements (walk, run, jump,
gallop, shuffle)

4/5 4-5 Personal Fitness Performance: Introduce correct form on how to do

sit-ups, burpees, push-ups, jumping jack, cardiovascular exercises,

6 2 Initial Fitness Testing: Evaluate students on their first attempts at

completing fitness tasks and whether they have appropriate form.
Teamwork games also included for evaluation of social skills.

7/8 4-6 Striking (feet): Focus on striking ball with lower half of body and feet,
accuracy, power, shooting and passing

9/10 3 Soccer: Rules and regulations, formations, strategies,

offensive/defensive skills, game play, assess actions of students

11/12 5-6 Striking (hands): Hitting while moving/stationary, strike with hands
and with an object, aim towards target or certain area

13/14 3 Baseball: Rules and regulations, strategy, catching and throwing

skills, use a tee to allow students opportunity, assessment

15/16 3 Volleyball: Striking without an instrument, rules/regulations, different

formations and rotations, serving, assessment

17/18 4-5 Ball control: Dribbling, passing, maintaining possession of ball.

Beach balls, tennis balls, basketball, soccer ball.

19/20 5-6 Coordination: Keep focus/balance when other objects interfere with
play, obstacle course, keep-away drills, one-legged race, team relay

21/22 3 Basketball: Rules and regulations, dribbling, passing, shooting,

offense/defense formation, teamwork and communication, scoring

23/24 6-8 Cooperative/Teamwork Games: Importance of teammates and

working together to achieve the ultimate goal, team-building and
bonding. Blindfolds, role play, trust fall, scavenger hunt

25/26 4-5 Outdoor Activities: Explore and understand importance of nature and
how exercise can be completed outdoors. Walk on trail, hike up
hills/mountains, adventure courses, field trip

27/28 3-4 Dancing: Solo, partner, group dances. Square, line, folk, ballroom,
hip-hop, freestyle. Host a performance night and invite all
parents/families to watch

29/30 3-4 Yoga Instruction: Introduce basic poses/techniques. Show video of

professionals explaining basic level knowledge. Have students teach
each other their own poses in groups

31/32 5-7 Fitness/Body Concepts: Lifelong knowledge for students to take along
with them after graduation. Health, fitness, nutrition, anatomy

33 2 Fitness Testing: Test and assess students on basic fitness skills after
being initially assessed earlier in the year

34/35 2 Class Field Day! Class will vote on number of activities, form into
teams, and compete in the first annual SHMS Olympic Games!

Rationale: These activities should be appropriate for these 7th grade students based on their skill
development leading up to middle school. During elementary school, the physical education
teacher should have installed solid foundations, such as throwing, catching, kicking, etc. into the
students and practiced them enough to where they are capable of completing these skills without
assistance. These students will then apply these basic skills into activities and games where they
will use their abilities to achieve a goal with other classmates. These selected activities are meant
to challenge the students and push them to become the most physically literate people possible.
We focus on all aspects of P.E. and not just sports and who wins. Allowing students to learn and
engage with each other while obtaining all of this knowledge will allow them the opportunity to
embrace and encourage physical education.

[8th Grade]
Week Number Units

1 2 Expectations/Orientation (Rules, squad assignments, transitions, start

and stop signals, disciplinary actions, and routines.)

2 3 Locomotor/Nonlocomotor (Warm up activities, finding self space,

stretching;ballistic stretching,dynamic stretching, active stretching.)

3 2 (Beginning of the year) Fitness Assessment (Crunches, push-ups, pull

ups, sit ups, mile, leg workouts, pacer test)

4 3 Nutrition (3-day nutrition journal, finding calories per day,

writing reflection)

5 4 Cardiovascular (Tag games, capture the flag, Pirate tag and prison

6 4 Teamwork Activities (puzzle/problem solving games/strategy games)

7 4 Ultimate Frisbee (rules and regulations; Types of throws,

offensive and defensive skills)

8 4 Baseball/Softball (Rules and regulations, equipment safety,

Throwing, catching, hitting)

9 4 Targeting (bowling, big darts, and duck hunting with dodge balls)

10 3 Flexibility (kid yoga)

11 3 Striking (badminton tournament)

12 3 Striking (pickleball)

13 3 Striking (tennis)

14 4 Ball Handling (Basketball games; Dribbling and passing. Soccer

games; dribbling and passing)

15 3 Volleyball (volleying, set, bump, spike, and under/overhand serving,


16 5 Outdoor (outdoor activities, hiking safety, nature walks, trail riding

with bikes, fishing, paddle boating)

17 3 Spike Ball (learning the rules and game play, tournament)

18 2 (Final test) Fitness Assessment (Crunches, push-ups, pull ups, sit ups,
mile, leg workouts, pacer test)

19 2 Field Day (Let classes pick and decide on what they want to do on
field day, spend one day planning and the other the actual field day.

These games and skills were chosen for these 8th graders based on their developmental age level
of understanding and level of basic skill required to play these games. These activities were
chosen in order to show the students progress. From their pre fitness test, through all the games
and activities we worked on their skills, making sure they stay active everyday, with a purpose,
to show improvement on their final fitness test. And ending the class with a fun field day full of
memories to last them a lifetime. This activities were made to challenge the student, so that they
push themselves, so that they aren't just physically stronger but also mentally stronger as well. At
Shawnee Heights Middle School we want all our kids to be successful, each lesson caters to each
students levels to succeed. We take great pride in our uplifting environment in the gym, which
builds leaders and champions, because everyone of our students are gifted in their own way. This
model will lead to a healthier generation.

At Shawnee Heights Middle School safety is a high priority. The gym is a place where
most accidents happen whether it's before school, during school, or after school. During school
there will always be at least one teacher or para in the gym that is certified in C.P.R and First
Aid. For every activity we do in P.E. there will always be safety precautions. We make sure there
isnt any extra equipment or object that will create a hazard. Floors are swepped once a day and
trash is picked up off the gym floor. There are instances in education where cases are put into
action because safety measures were not met beforehand or put into effect. This is why it is
important to think of any safety measures to ensure the safety of the students who enter into the
Because we have more than one teacher in our gym at once it is easier to monitor what all
is going on. We have a set of male eyes in the locker rooms before and after class to make sure
nothing wrong happens in there, and we have a female teacher in the girls locker room before
and after class to make sure things go as they should in there. Having extra adult sets of eyes is
always good for different points of views. Also if there was ever a major problem, one teacher
can address the major problem and the other teacher can get the rest of the students in the class
At this middle school we go over rules and expectations at least twice a week so that we
are sure our students know what is expected of their behaviors. We have posters in the gym and
hall area near the gym that list proper behavior. Every lesson plan that I design will have its own
areas of caution. I will go over all the safety concerns with my students related to that specific
activity before we start, so that they are aware of their safety. There are also other safety
precautions that our out of the students or the teacher's hands that we plan for as well. Tornados,
fires, and anonymous people in the building; these are all things that we plan for by doing drills
throughout the year. So that if it ever happens in the time that they are in the gym while a
tornado, fire, or blue code happens they know how to react. The P.E. Teacher will make sure
to keep their CPR and AED certification up to date. Because is an accident were to happen, I
would want to make sure I would know what I'm doing for that students sake.
All of the equipment that we use will be tested by the P.E teacher or another adult before
the kids even think about touching the item. All incidents that do accidental occur will be written
done in great detail right after it happens and will be scanned and filed in the P.E. office. The
students will be told over and over again to not touch equipment when an adult is not present and
when the adult is present they will be using the right technique to use that piece of equipment.
Student must also dress for the occasion, which means closed toe shoes, pant or shorts, and
a t-shirt, nothing too saggy or flowy because then it because a safety hazard.

Shawnee Heights Middle School Physical Activity Plan

Number of students: 576
Facilities: Gymnasium, outdoor soccer field, local trail, parking lot
Personnel: Physical education teacher, classroom teachers, parent volunteers, other school staff
if necessary (paraprofessionals)
Funding: Fundraisers and issued grants
B. Before School Program:
Running Club - Students are invited to join the Running Club that meets on Tuesdays and
Thursdays before school. Over the course of each semester, students will set a personal goal in
which they will work towards by running/jogging a certain distance. Parent volunteers and the
physical education teacher will be lined up along the trail to ensure student safety and efficiency.

Fun Fridays - On each Friday, students that have attended all of their classes for the week will be
allowed to participate in a variety of competitions. They will assemble their own teams and
compete for weekly prizes (fitness t-shirts, water bottles, wristbands, etc.). At the end of the
semester, teams will all be rewarded based on their attendance and performance on Fun Fridays.
After School Program:
Geocache - Throughout the whole year, there will be an app students can download on their
phone to look for certain things, like a scavenger hunt. These certain places will be all around the
district and city to encourage the students to be active even outside school hours. There will be
little rewards at each stop if you find them, feel free to keep the prize, but make sure you leave
something else for the next student to find.
Intramurals - For the kids that dont want to participate in really competitive sports, intramural
sport is a great way to make new friends and be physically active. There will be kickball, dodge
ball, baseball/softball, badminton, soccer, and ultimate frisbee.

C. Physical Activity During School:
Stop, Drop, and Stroll - Teachers will be encouraged to let their students take a break from the
classroom and incorporate several minutes of physical activity. Halfway through class, students
are allowed to pause their work and walk around the class and talk with their classmates.
Teachers can select a certain subject or question and have the students discuss that while walking
Body Breaks - Teachers will be given a list of resources they can access to allow students to
exercise their bodies in class. These videos will contain dances, yoga, stretching techniques,
music, and other material that will allow students a quick break that will get their bodies moving.
Relating the media content to the subject being taught in class will allow students the opportunity
to continue learning while moving and having fun.

D. Community Involvement:
Halloween Hunt: All family members are invited out to the soccer field to join in the annual
Halloween scavenger hunt. Families aim to complete all tasks and collect all items to complete
the scavenger hunt and claim the prize!
Family Flag Football: Students and families will enjoy a friendly game of flag football while
working on fundamental skills. Games will be non-competitive as the goal is for students, as well
as parents, to practice throwing, catching, and running skills.
Body Venture: All families are invited to the gym to come and learn about how the body works.
The material presented allows young students to process and understand the human body.
Parents/older siblings are especially encouraged since they may have not been given this
opportunity when they were in school.
Healthy Eating Cook-Off: Families will gather and compete to become the cooking champions
of the school. With the limited supplies provided, each family will be tasked to create a healthy
meal suitable for a student to eat shortly after a workout. All other teacher volunteers and the
physical education teacher will judge and ultimately decide the winner of the competition.
Christmas Cup Stacking Tournament: Every Christmas, a cup stacking competition will take
place in the gym. Families are encouraged to purchase their own set and practice before the
competition. The winner will receive a set of cup stacking equipment that was funded by a grant.
5k Run/Walk Race: Every semester, students and their families are eligible to compete in the 5k
run/walk race. This course will surround the neighboring community and allow the participants
to explore the areas around the school. Different themes will be assigned to each race and the
group that is the best dressed will win a prize.
Family Olympic Games: At the end of every school year, families can sign up and compete
against one another in the SHMS Olympic Games. Each category will relate to a subject taught
in the physical education curriculum and will test the skills of all who participate. The winning
group will take home the yearly fitness trophy and be awarded with other prizes.
E. Staff Involvement:
Staff Fitness Challenge - Staff throughout the whole school can sign up to win prizes by setting
personal goals and meeting the personal goals they set. Everyone that signs up for this challenge
has to try to be physically active for 60 minutes or more everyday. They log each day they do so,
and tell what they did for the activity. The goal is to have 5 days a week of 60 minutes of
physical fitness. Each week they get a prize for meeting their goals or reaching the 5 days of 60
minutes or more. They will also log their meals throughout each day. As they progress they will
win larger prizes, at the end of the year the staff will have an award ceremony in front of the
kids, staff will be rewarded for longest activity streak, most weight lost, most muscle gained,
hardest worker, and healthiest eater.

Staff vs. Student - There will be games throughout the year played in the gym or outside with
staff vs. students for direct involvement with the students physical activity. Some games would
consist of relay races, dodgeball tournaments, basketball, kickball, soccer, tug of war, and

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