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Limestone is a sedimentary rock consisting of more than 50% calcium carbonate

(calcite - CaCO3). There are many different types of limestone formed through a variety
of processes. Limestone can be precipitated from water (non-clastic, chemical or
inorganic limestone), secreted by marine organisms such as algae and coral (biochemical
limestone), or can form from the shells of dead sea creatures (bioclastic limestone).
2. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock formed from cemented sand-sized clasts. The cement
that binds the clasts can vary from clay minerals to calcite, silica or iron oxides.
3. Hydrology is the science that encompasses the occurrence, distribution, movement and
properties of the waters of the earth and their relationship with the environment within
each phase of the hydrologic cycle.
4. Porosity is the quality of being porous, or full of tiny holes. Liquids go right through
things that have porosity.
5. Limestone is an organic sedimentary rock that forms from shell. Because limestone most
carbonate rocks were deposited from seawater. Marine limestone forms because seawater
has high concentrations of two key dissolved chemicals-calcium (Ca++) and bicarbonate
(HCO3-) ions. In the near-surface layer of most oceans, corals, clams, and other sea-
dwelling creatures use these two chemicals to make protective shells by combining them
to form calcite.
6. Perkolasi adalah proses mengalirnya air ke bawah secara gravitasi dari suatu lapisan
tanah ke lapisan di bawahnya, sehingga mencapai permukaan air tanah pada lapisan
jenuh air. Tes perkolasi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan besarnya luas medan peresapan
yang diperlukan untuk suatu jenis tanah dari tempat percobaan. Semakin besar daya resap
tanah, maka semakin kecil luas daerah peresapan yang diperlukan untuk sejumlah air
tertentu. Air Perkolasi pada umumnya banyak mengandung CaCO3, karena Air Perkolasi
meresap dan merembes secara perlahan kedalam gua sehingga mineral pada batu
gamping yang didominasi oleh Calsite (CaCO3) lebih banyak terbawa.

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