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Stepwise regression is a asystem where you cant control the process.

First step is the entry of best independt variable

Next step is seconda best cvaraible

If thre is a system where w cancontrol the order of entry of the variable


Let us assume, that MPC is the dependent variable. MPC- Meeting Project Constraints

Four main Project constraints are cost, time, scope and quality

Trying to meet project constraints based on four independent variables

1. CM - Conflict Management

2. CT - Communication & Transparency

3. EX- Years of Exp

4. JA - Job Alignment

5. PL Project Leadership

Pupose How MPC is influenced by CM, CT,

Let assume that JA and PL are control variables -

CM and CT and EX are independent variables -

Control variables are those variables that are influenced by that data you collect

Hierarchal varaiables -


Analyse > regression > linear

Regression analysis has two purposes,

1. Form an equation to predict

2. Just to understand which variables influence and which variables do not

Even though R2 value is low, still regression analysis will be helpful in determining the level of
influence of the variable
R2 is very poor, it doesnt matter when we are trying to find the level of significance.

R square is needed to be high for predicting model

JA I very significant

But PL is less significant

Level of significance of PL reduces when rest three independent variables are included in the
analysis. Now it is useless when more independent variables are used in analysis.

Many a times, the control variables, one or more could act as moderators,

If PL is moderator for CM, CT and EX. The presence of the moderator is checked in form of
interaction of moderator variable with independent variables

TO find the interaction we find our CMxPL, CTxPL and EXxPL interaction effect

Moderation effect is capture through interaction effect.

Analyse > regression > linear


MPC, MCG and MOG aare dependent variables

CM, CT, EX, JA and PL are independent variables. All independent variables are multinomial and

Analyze> General Linear Model > Univariate

Analyze> General Linear Model > Multivariate

Post hoc is conducted only on the Main Effects

CM, CT, and Ex are all significant (refer 1st row)

In row 2nd, PL has totally disrupted the system.

In the 1st row

How variability in the independent variable explains the variability in the dependent variable

We conside Wilks Lamda. The value less than 0.005 is good. Here we could not infer any good in this

The null hypothesis is than each independent varaiable doesnt affect the

Pillais Test

Wilks Lamba

Hotellings test

Roys Largest root

Type III sum of squares

Mean Difference

Homogeneous Subsets


M1 M2 M3
4 8 12
6 8 10
5 9 9
6 7 11
7 9 12
5 10 10
8 8 9

If within variability is too high , it shadows across.

What are the outcome in detail

Analyse > GLM > univariate

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