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Now a days, there is a need of Networking in every field of computing. There are various
aspects in which we use networking. The interconnection of every computer is done with the
help of different methods of networking. We are using internet, which is also an example of
WAN (World Area Network). How we connect our PC to the internet. What are the steps
followed. IP address, Ethernet, Sockets etc. Every computer or a device connected to a network
are provided with their own personal identification id, which is IP. We can know our IP via the
command line too using ipconfig, but in this software there are various aspects via which the
user can deal with different circumstances without the knowledge of the commands or steps
carried to know information about your device and networking related information to the web
and how the device is connected.

This project is made on NetBeans IDE, this project gives the user different ways in which the
user can discover networking without any hard work or knowledge of the concepts of
networking. It gives the user information about the Host IP Address, the user can easily get
connected to a web server, and user can get the information of the URL to which he/she is
connected, user can check the memory size of any file on the URL without downloading that
from the URL to the Local host, user will be able to download the whole webpage and view its
source code or inspect it without the knowledge of different settings and services of the
browser, user can find out the hostname of any computer on the network with the help of only
its IP Address, user can also find the proxy setting of his/her PC directly on the console, he/she
can easily create sockets at the specified port, and with the help of Java APIs the user can
check the Network Interface/Adaptor of its system directly.

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