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Observation: Suspension and pulling students out of the classroom for behavioral issues is

happening often.

Question: What other disciplinary actions can be taken in the classroom to replace
suspension and removing students from class? Would these alternatives better students
academically and emotionally?

In my field placement, I have one specific student that I have in mind (but plenty more
students that this applies to) that does not want to be at school. In return, he acts out
angrily and does something that gets him suspended or removed from the classroom. I
understand that he does get out of hand sometimes, along with other students, but when
his goal is to get suspended, that is not the correct disciplinary action to take. When we
remove students from the classroom by pulling out, suspending, or expelling, they are
getting more and more behind academically and socially in some cases. I hope to find
another disciplinary action that can be taken for students like the one described above that
can lead to more time in the classroom and less time being suspended.

Hypothesis: I predict that with other disciplinary solutions besides pulling out, suspension,
and expulsion, we can keep students in the classroom more often and work on the issues
they may be having that are causing them to act out and therefore, get suspended.

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